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[玩具标准] 加拿大玩具标准 SOR/2011-17滥用测试论据标准是哪些?

发表于 2018-9-12 20:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请教各位加拿大玩具标准 SOR/2011-17滥用测试论据标准是哪些?
- i! q+ H4 p! j* K# N' T+ a$ S请问测试方法哪里可以下载?
/ E8 D1 |, i6 S! |7 [- L/ y
发表于 2018-10-12 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
; r" M6 n5 t( |  Q! s0 o" QConsumer Product Safety& A5 E- K9 B. ]" @& ~
The following test methods are available from the Product Safety Laboratory by contacting:
, r% ?" m3 A$ f8 [7 KQuality System Manager* f/ Q1 l  c0 F; m1 L
Product Safety Laboratory
9 L' k0 A. \0 O2 c" c, NHealth Canada4 R+ `6 @8 N7 U* q4 L9 c, D7 }
Postal Locator: 6402A1
3 f4 I8 e) @1 ?, S' c  C( F; w1800 Walkley Road
* n9 R' S, F/ COttawa, Ontario0 z: n! N' ?! a6 r2 t
CANADA/ W/ x2 }! ?* ^9 ^- K+ _
K1A 0L2
: e! I. G- L& g* T) }# z! I" ophone: 613-952-3645; E: u+ Q. e( w$ V9 K
fax: 613-954-8515
3 r* _) F, J+ l8 I) W5 uemail: PSL-LSP@hc-sc.gc.ca
8 f7 y0 E3 a4 w" T7 a- q6 J- rNote: These methods are provided to facilitate laboratory procedures only. It is the trader's
2 E& E* [% K* _& `, ~0 rresponsibility to ensure that the product is tested according to, and meets the requirements of,2 _8 n0 u" C9 A* H6 N" F
the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) and its Regulations.
4 {7 I7 @  q) m/ A Small Components (M00.1) Effective 2011 12-026 H* X+ _. ^" I0 G
 Sharp Edges (M00.2) Effective 2011 12-02
$ v1 m" M( R2 o) R Sharp Points (M00.3) Effective 2011-12-05; O5 C" @+ G. v
 Reasonable Foreseeable Use (M01.1) Effective 2011-12-05
! D8 @+ R  }  j1 M( \1 ~ Reasonable Foreseeable Use of Dolls and Plush Toys (M01.2) Effective 2010-04-30- n. _% m8 \# C' m4 g$ A
 Test method for flexible film bags (M03) Effective 2009-12-01
' ~1 w3 |! e4 `. x9 v Test method to determine the noise level of toys (M04) Effective 2012-08-03
7 Q/ V2 ^% G! U8 @ Test method for rattles (M05) Effective 2010-10-129 C, ]- E$ _1 n% G
 Test method for playpens (M08) Effective 2009-12-02$ x4 Q& {9 {' l+ i3 ]; U
 Test Procedures for Pacifiers and other Similar Consumer Products (M09) Effective 2011-
0 K; A- T4 s( i) p7 R5 z01-07! g6 G% O9 M8 U8 w# I8 v# R# S, s6 k
 Test Method for Cribs (M12.1) Effective 2012-02-27
- {5 Q' {7 p& I3 Y" e8 p Test Method for Cradles (M12.2) Effective 2012-02-226 N* f) C; e* f4 T6 d; k( U! D$ n2 r2 @
 Test Method for Bassinets (M12.3) Effective 2012-08-018 O1 ?0 a/ b- @3 I
 Test Method for Carriages and Strollers (M15) Effective 2009-12-10
; ~9 x9 T$ U* }8 I, X9 j2 Z8 O Test method for expansion gates & expandable enclosures (M17) Effective 2001-05-02; Y# P# \: L/ O, e8 ]1 U
 Test procedures to determine the flux index of magnets in toys (M18) Effective 2008-03-
# |' u- Y8 V  o$ R9 ]0 g% i- q2 V28& R2 z9 r% t: |; e' v/ t" Y
Home > Consumer Product Safety > Product Safety Testing
6 [. Z5 n8 I( g. \7 y- rMechanical Engineering Methods
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发表于 2018-10-13 08:06 | 显示全部楼层
见:【新提醒】加拿大玩具标准 SOR/2011-17滥用测试标准-玩具与婴幼儿产品认证-中国安规电磁兼容产品认证技术交流门户网-安全达标须认证,规范为准依测试 - -安规网-angui.org http://bbs.angui.org/forum.php?m ... p;extra=#pid1480314
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