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[电源产品] 谁比较熟悉UL1012标准,输出电路接地怎么理解?

发表于 2017-10-19 09:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
20 Output Circuit Grounding1 f/ U/ ^) T! I% x; V7 F+ v# {2 [
20.1 The requirements for circuit grounding specified in 20.2 – 20.12 apply to the output circuit of fixed9 Z! \6 S: R/ T! T9 g: l
units and of units having standard configuration grounding type receptacles for the output ac power
6 s4 r3 E% D3 U  N5 n# h  J. `connections.
9 G+ E' u9 u7 g* i20.2 An output ac power circuit shall be grounded when:
' Y# o5 Z) b' J. }a) The circuit has no electrical connection, including a solidly connected grounded circuit
) e; n$ m0 e; N3 M2 k' [conductor, to supply conductors originating in another wiring system;, ]# I- d8 j  j
b) The circuit is rated 50 – 600 volts; and' i: p' T3 v# r( N' l3 P& \' c
c) The circuit is as described in (1) – (3). See requirements for Alternating-Current Circuits and
0 \3 F# |- `! C1 uSystems to Be Grounded in the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, for other circuits:5 R, E4 e3 }+ D& R! h7 d& [
1) A circuit that is grounded so that the maximum voltage to ground on the. ]" T& Z8 P& R5 G
ungrounded conductors does not exceed 150 volts. This requires that one conductor of2 n7 i! c4 W  P3 B
each of the following circuits be grounded:$ f3 e. Z/ ~7 g6 U( P- O9 V
i) 120 volts, 2-wire;
( g$ J( }& G( Q; p' n9 f9 }ii) 240/120 volts, single-phase, 3-wire;
) [$ M2 o% J+ O4 ~iii) 208/120 volts, two-phase, 3-wire;; N5 S* c1 P/ q8 ~+ P
iv) 208/120 volts, three-phase, 4-wire.2 w4 }& D  V; u. i2 F7 y# i
2) A circuit nominally rated 480 wye/277 volts, 3-phase, 4-wire in which the neutral is" C) ^! E) o: x- q3 J
used as a circuit conductor.) |+ g5 y5 K7 M+ C" S% k0 F. `
3) A circuit-nominally rated 240/120 volts, 3-phase, 4-wire in which the midpoint of one+ P3 f, E5 n0 s& N0 x4 S
phase is used as a circuit conductor.( c/ p3 ^% X& R% w  y. ]
For other units, an output ac power circuit complying with (a) is able to be grounded when the construction
# q) P+ r2 T+ V* ^  P7 d/ [* jcomplies with the requirements described in 20.3 and 20.11., u; @7 b  c' d: d# M# z# P! D8 z/ X
20.3 With reference to 20.2, the conductor to be grounded shall be as follows:
8 |. t2 Y/ U8 b3 _: }  W- Z9 C( Sa) Single-phase ac system, 2-wire – one conductor.2 g5 Q* B) C1 m" x5 n9 R6 E2 v
b) Single-phase ac system, 3-wire – the neutral conductor.- V% V. A- \6 u
c) Multiphase ac system having one wire common to all phases – the common conductor.
& M  N4 Q+ U1 N! T' wd) Multiphase ac system where one phase is used as in (b) above – the neutral conductor.% Q$ k3 p: q, V2 L# R, r8 o
发表于 2017-10-19 11:11 | 显示全部楼层


这个AC输出的一跟线接地应该怎么接,有谁做过这类产品,是怎么处理的? 如果外壳是金属接地的,如果AC接地,岂不是把AC与外壳直接相连了,怎么满足危险电压到金属外壳的基本绝缘的要求了; 如果不接地,则配电系统  详情 回复 发表于 2017-10-19 11:30
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-19 11:30 | 显示全部楼层
fasten 发表于 2017-10-19 11:11* V, g3 r% z- N) Z; ?

3 n* K3 p& k, h9 u这个AC输出的一跟线接地应该怎么接,有谁做过这类产品,是怎么处理的?) k( p# @8 L7 ?5 n1 Y. Z
如果外壳是金属接地的,如果AC接地,岂不是把AC与外壳直接相连了,怎么满足危险电压到金属外壳的基本绝缘的要求了;/ x7 i2 V, \$ \
- d5 Z, }9 S- u, @如果是便携式设备,塑胶外壳的,在因为是便携,产品用于无电区域,是无法接地的,怎么去满足或者规避此条款要求,类似产品有工地使用的柴油发电机,其输出的相线是否需要接地?
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发表于 2017-10-19 13:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-10-20 09:21 | 显示全部楼层
lanfeiyuner 发表于 2017-10-19 11:30
6 v( {" i" j/ I9 f5 e3 E) i1 g4 G这个AC输出的一跟线接地应该怎么接,有谁做过这类产品,是怎么处理的?
9 ?/ x' b  o2 q& j7 Q如果外壳是金属接地的,如果AC接 ...

" ^. q( m/ J# l! r$ c+ n! B说了一大堆,还是云里雾里。根本不知你要说什么?输入是什么情况也没有


好吧,考虑欠周,产品是逆变器,输入为DC,对于有AC输入的UPS来说,直接把电网的N线直接连接到输出端口上,确实就没有我说的问题了。 现在是纯逆变器,无电网接入的,怎么解决此问题?  详情 回复 发表于 2017-10-20 13:24
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-20 13:24 | 显示全部楼层
ralf 发表于 2017-10-20 09:21
5 \; `6 e: i! ?( }7 [, s说了一大堆,还是云里雾里。根本不知你要说什么?输入是什么情况也没有

2 O5 A5 N6 R# }, _- i# `好吧,考虑欠周,产品是逆变器,输入为DC,对于有AC输入的UPS来说,直接把电网的N线直接连接到输出端口上,确实就没有我说的问题了。
# k6 s; n% s# o) \+ Z" s6 i0 u现在是纯逆变器,无电网接入的,怎么解决此问题?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-10-20 13:44 | 显示全部楼层
lanfeiyuner 发表于 2017-10-20 13:24
/ i- Q4 R& W) t( z) x" o好吧,考虑欠周,产品是逆变器,输入为DC,对于有AC输入的UPS来说,直接把电网的N线直接连接到输出端口上 ...

2 U6 _% ~5 w( d0 c( L( C我印象中,你这标准选择就不对,用UL1012


那应该选择哪个标准更合适? 即使使用的不是UL1012标准,只要是AC输出都需要考虑同样的问题。 有竞争对手的产品,也是用的UL1012标准,其输出未考虑接地问题,至于其怎么过的认证,就说不清了!  详情 回复 发表于 2017-10-20 14:13
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-20 14:13 | 显示全部楼层
ralf 发表于 2017-10-20 13:44( \& q; d* p4 L: ~" N* k
( t# B# z: T# E$ a( \
2 |( j2 }% _# Y2 K1 F( k0 x即使使用的不是UL1012标准,只要是AC输出都需要考虑同样的问题。3 _# i! u( Z; \4 T5 Y. K  c
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-10-20 15:18 | 显示全部楼层
lanfeiyuner 发表于 2017-10-20 14:13% [6 O, v, E" p1 n2 x
' t  [& K/ Z: {/ i即使使用的不是UL1012标准,只要是AC输出都需要考虑同样的问题。% I- \/ e" c0 f, C
有竞争对 ...

2 f$ l9 F. F$ H4 P0 F3 [  nUL 458, 像你这小功率;大功率的话UL 1741


UL1741是分布式能源的,一般是储能变流器,光伏逆变器使用此标准,这个便携式应该不是很合适吧! UL458是车载逆变器的标准,我们这个虽然不是车载的,但是是其因为是便携式的,所以看起来好像使用UL458是更合适点,  详情 回复 发表于 2017-10-23 13:58
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-23 13:58 | 显示全部楼层
ralf 发表于 2017-10-20 15:18
) ^. S8 q3 u  l1 b2 `) f, c* \UL 458, 像你这小功率;大功率的话UL 1741

& {) m- {- X2 j1 \5 l, i  sUL1741是分布式能源的,一般是储能变流器,光伏逆变器使用此标准,这个便携式应该不是很合适吧!" c5 y$ u3 w* M% V6 ]
UL458是车载逆变器的标准,我们这个虽然不是车载的,但是是其因为是便携式的,所以看起来好像使用UL458是更合适点,特意对接地这个问题找了第24章,这章没理解,是需要接地和GFCI吗,没有理解车载的设备怎么提供接地,GFCI怎么工作(产品是带标准outlet的。); R# r: \: U9 p7 [" B
24 Inverter Output Circuits
% ^) w  h( F) K4 Q/ v8 m7 v& }* A24.1 A unit having output circuits for supplying 120 V, 60 Hz, 2-wire with ground or 120/240 V, 60 Hz,8 k) B. @/ k& ?3 I% w
3-wire with ground to vehicles and recreational vehicle wiring systems shall have the output circuits
1 ]/ N* i4 X0 f5 w( M8 Vprotected by integral ground-fault circuit-interrupters intended for the current involved.
4 o% C) M3 Y- T- K! Q6 o$ ZException No. 1: A unit that does not have an integral output receptacle, and that has a wiring# j8 V( R; X( P4 Z8 }6 X* U" d9 s
compartment with pigtail leads, wiring terminals, or other equivalent means for output field-wiring
5 T7 E* e5 O& w, Y  V6 O% Tconnections need not be provided with integral output circuit ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection if:
0 Q0 x7 y/ k6 la) The unit is marked in accordance with 58.21, and
, m* O! t! g& w2 e4 m; F4 r1 Cb) The installation and operating instructions manual for the unit comply with 59.1.
0 D4 V6 r6 t$ G1 G& p/ CException No. 2: A portable unit need not be provided with integral ground-fault circuit-interrupter
$ `9 d3 ]: z, a  u+ tprotection if the unit:& K' J6 ?( q  D# R3 O
a) Is intended to be connected to the cigarette lighter outlet of a vehicle, and5 r0 m! K) X7 `8 B  Y
b) Has no direct electrical connection between the input and output circuits.
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