
楼主 |
发表于 2017-4-27 11:45
Nezof 发表于 2017-4-26 17:11 
' C6 f1 B( [, i# p+ o2 f( S4 h4 P都有对应的测试设备的,三种方法选一个买设备就是
' W) c7 _6 u2 u有一个测试盒,但是不知道J6,J7 端口的电压是看示波器上的有效值电压还是峰值电压?
7 D8 m4 f8 P0 Z$ X6 h另外,向高工请教一下16.1故障测试中的整流效应,标准说按照图1 的测试电路,可图一的电路好像是测不对称脉冲电压的图。When testing electronic ballasts for the rectifying effect, the circuit shown in Figure 1 is used.5 |5 m& b. \$ I0 I \2 B8 U
The anode of the rectifier is connected to the midpoints of appropriate equivalent resistors;
2 ~5 \% G- B! C9 athe cathode of the rectifier is connected to the short circuited lamp electrode. The direction of* r$ \/ E" Z3 r/ ^# n. R% F& L% F$ |
the rectifying effect is chosen so as to give the most unfavourable conditions. If necessary,
6 T, ~3 p! U% u, W ?$ i6 t1 `7 uthe lamp is started using a suitable device. |