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[线缆测试] 是否可以做防水测试报告?有知情的朋友请帮忙回复,谢谢!

发表于 2017-2-21 08:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Subject: Aquarium- and table fountain pumps with PVC power cord) z7 M" F& b7 x7 B  Y9 g
Reference: ( j) s- s- o1 M
Standard, section 5 n2 \8 N9 [6 u9 ~' l
law, directive    EN 60335-2-41 6 x( M: j8 r% J3 z5 P7 z9 T* f4 H/ K
7 T1 J6 {8 y- m2 O1 K1 Y7 Q" I

& Y" S2 N, d# nQuestion: For those pumps no special cables are required in EN 60335-2-
" Y; N% `6 Q) a% A; [$ _41. Can therefore PVC cables be used as listed in EN 60335-1, " F" J% F* ^  s3 V4 n2 G" W! @
clause 25.7 e.g. H03VV-F (60227 IEC 52) or H05VV-F (60227 ( X9 x$ e: ^. S1 `3 I
IEC 53)? . l/ k7 N) ^8 r$ `; G3 P% s
% N2 s+ }; l% P3 L. p% @  E) E1 X
Proposal of
7 u! k; B; L0 r4 \# P2 F. Xsolution: For aquarium pumps and table fountain pumps PVC cords with 4 D0 r3 x+ B7 u7 _
properties at least equal to H03VV-F (60227 IEC 52) or H05VV F ( v3 b& `8 h3 u  ^
(60227 IEC 53), may be used, for which the proof of permanent
" S: ?3 M# A, L& p8 q5 \1 r; x" Mwater resistance according to DIN EN 50525-2-21 Appendix D
7 D; D% s  e& J( P2 Q- kand E was performed. As requirement of the mechanical 7 T& z" d& y4 O2 z
properties of the values for the tensile strength and elongation at " ~. E/ d- D6 R3 s3 S' }" H
break according to DIN EN 50363-4-1 shall be used. As a 6 Z; z( L' h1 j" P
reference for water immersion, the values are used in Table 2 2 o+ b7 ^/ g# h% z
(compound TM2) "After aging in air oven." " N+ O9 Y/ R5 n
Thus, the decision EK1 561-13 is replaced 6 _; i8 J1 a# c$ \/ z

! s" _, q% a$ B  S3 U! K9 ^" W5 d6 R; @
, w& Y5 K2 ^+ K: eReason: Neither in H03VV-F (60227 IEC 52), nor in H05VV-F (60227 IEC
2 t) r& E3 y, y/ g53) appropriate requirements for permanent water-resistance are " q2 Q. O7 k9 w+ X
currently defined: Despite the many years use of PVC cables in ' j  d% k  |! E8 V9 w& |3 D
such pumps no safety problems have been known. The AK ; C* Q* J' m$ ?+ D3 T# R( R
511.11.6. has determined to apply the test methods described in / _0 X! ^8 r$ H2 p6 V
DIN EN 50525-2-21:2012-01 Appendix D and E, as evidence of , I* T3 ?/ X% H- g6 Y! L
permanent water resistance of the connecting cables of
+ |) K! e( l& X; y- Raquariums and indoor fountain pumps.
9 O0 l4 D# V& b& [) ^: D$ U2 n
( H3 N  J" T( f3 i6 A$ q  vDecision Proposal of solution is accepted 2014-04-15. 4 `/ y/ B! O5 }5 |6 S# b+ t1 B
For implement the category C according to AD 06 is . Q) _, n8 V& o! w
/ N' k/ z; C9 Y& D以上原信息复制,经google翻译未能全部转换中文,有这方面知识的朋友可否提供帮助。( y8 Y' q, q8 A; H
6 q( @% n8 H' s  I. r! x( N* K
 楼主| 发表于 2017-2-21 08:26 | 只看该作者


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