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[IT类产品] RCM认证产品Level分类

发表于 2017-1-4 14:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最近在申请澳洲RCM认证时,经确认产品不属于安全Level 2/3的范畴,但是却被告知属于EMC Level 2范畴,请教各位有没有EMC Level分类的清单,这特么是不是等于所有用电的除了电池供电的都要注册了
发表于 2017-1-5 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
不知道你是什么产品,但是澳洲基本都是要注册RCM的,不属于安全level2/3的范畴,并不是表示就不需要注册RCM,只是注册的要求不同。& K/ t  q; B* C! n/ D/ H6 H6 k


只有C-tick 也可以注册RCM 吗? 谢谢  详情 回复 发表于 2017-1-6 07:58
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发表于 2017-1-5 15:43 | 显示全部楼层


卧 槽,连企 鹅教主都来安规网了,看来今年要火  详情 回复 发表于 2017-1-9 09:07
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发表于 2017-1-5 16:27 | 显示全部楼层
EMC的主管机构是ACMA,而安全的主管机构是ERAC。它们的分级(含义)是不一样的,部分低压供电的产品,安全属于level 1,EMC属于level 2 or 3,很正常。还是到官网找文件看看咯。
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发表于 2017-1-6 07:58 | 显示全部楼层
861367052 发表于 2017-1-5 11:41 0 @$ H( ~/ z( j% n+ j
不知道你是什么产品,但是澳洲基本都是要注册RCM的,不属于安全level2/3的范畴,并不是表示就不需要注册RCM ...
1 f% A/ B2 T+ G: O7 X& U
只有C-tick 也可以注册RCM 吗?' m8 S2 k: A, @. M5 x2 u3 j
9 `% J3 M7 u1 l, @7 Q' m  e- {
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发表于 2017-1-9 08:45 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-9 09:07 | 显示全部楼层
深圳马化腾 发表于 2017-1-5 15:43 7 O  k( ?! m( S1 U) J
% c8 l2 N% F! F  h
卧 槽,连企 鹅教主都来安规网了,看来今年要火
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发表于 2017-1-9 11:58 | 显示全部楼层
Compliance level 1 / low-risk device
! w7 X% E6 U! A4 N4 i. A% B$ LA low-risk device is a device that is not a medium-risk device or a high-risk device. Low-risk devices may include: battery-powered LED torches, battery-powered pocket calculators, battery-powered clocks, wrist watches and battery-powered toys. A battery-powered device is a device that is not capable of being connected, directly or indirectly, to an external power supply (refer to the Battery-Powered Devices page for further information).
9 F) \' B# i7 c& o1 F+ n" P9 n. K8 X0 u. @4 j; H
Low-risk devices must comply with an applicable technical standard. However, the evidence a supplier may rely on to demonstrate compliance is at the supplier's discretion. A supplier of a low-risk device that is compliant with an applicable technical standard is only required to hold a description of the device. A supplier is not required to label the product or maintain a Declaration of Conformity (DoC). However, a supplier must maintain a DoC if they do choose to label the device.
( m1 F; x; Q1 I' i' u/ h
8 r( @; o0 [0 t9 q0 ^& O; tCompliance level 2 / medium-risk device5 o+ q+ [; P7 l- ]  T
A medium-risk device is a device that is not a high-risk device and contains one or more of the following:
; r$ k" S6 N7 l2 x4 |+ s
* J! R9 T  R  ^' k8 f( J; ?a switch mode power supply! a; b, Y3 f2 q* i& I
a transistor switching circuit) J* d, g. O1 s
a microprocessor* }2 _3 O# }* b
a commutator" ~2 G6 m0 r! n
a slip-ring motor
1 l* x3 S- F: f3 t4 W7 n8 X5 ?an electronic device operating in a switching or non-linear mode.6 V. o7 j* o; }+ ^  b; g, @3 W
Medium-risk devices include: televisions, laptops, computers, video game consoles, stereo equipment, DVD players/recorders, mobile phone chargers, printers, compact fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts. Devices that meet the definition of a battery-powered device are NOT medium-risk devices unless the ACMA has declared the device to be a medium-risk device.- r' {% h, R+ y* P3 }
/ q, S$ p" g0 x1 |7 Z- l" s. e
In addition to compliance with an applicable technical standard, the ACMA requires suppliers of medium-risk devices to label the device and hold the following documentary evidence:2 p0 W3 ^# S9 f0 r2 N) v4 ^  P

0 l1 Q: d9 Y9 q( ~test report or technical construction file (TCF) showing the device complies with an applicable technical standard
$ q' H1 W1 Y! ^declaration of conformity
; E6 d  V6 q( z- J2 S" [description of the device.
6 T2 e8 C7 X: Y/ m5 {/ f+ \& sCompliance level 3 / high-risk device
* |! ~. ?$ \3 V+ ~. A* @. DA high-risk device is a device described as 'Group 2 ISM equipment' in AS/NZS CISPR 11:2004 (2nd Edition). Group 2 contains all ISM equipment in which radiofrequency energy is intentionally generated and/or used in the form of electromagnetic radiation for the treatment of material, and EDM (electro-discharge machining) and arc welding equipment.; ?0 I& n$ [3 C1 q/ ?

* J* s9 X/ G) w! V- fGroup 2 equipment (taken from Annex A of AS/NZS CISPR 11) includes:
" H9 N" `; N, Q) p4 i0 j
& w: T3 G# d' ~6 x" H* Y) LInduction heating equipment
4 u  ?$ w8 P- ~4 dInduction cookers
* Y  W# z& u4 V% rMicrowave ovens
/ P8 Z7 a+ ?9 MArc welding equipment
4 W% g7 \% q, l0 p$ H" ESpot welders
  B! h1 c, w% R+ x, f* iRF Welding equipment.
: j4 n+ J2 D+ H6 A3 ?The documentary evidence requirements for high-risk devices are the same as medium-risk devices except the test report must be produced from an accredited testing body.  


能否提供下网址,谢谢~  详情 回复 发表于 2017-1-10 11:01


参与人数 1安规金币 +20 收起 理由
热爱学习 + 20 安规好帖很给力!


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-10 11:01 | 显示全部楼层
leo2015 发表于 2017-1-9 11:58 9 y" [. r3 t2 x* S! q: v% Y, Q+ \
Compliance level 1 / low-risk device
0 B: N- c* {( t2 \! TA low-risk device is a device that is not a medium-risk device ...
1 [. K5 u4 Y: ^6 d
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发表于 2017-1-10 11:26 | 显示全部楼层
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