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[论坛公告] 澳洲能源标签和最低能效标准 (MEPS)

发表于 2008-7-15 17:46 | 只看该作者
现在又推迟了.  下面是部分信息, 详见: http://www.energyrating.gov.au/eps2.html1 R. z& U& |& r9 t: H: I
  Q: b' U1 t3 w1 G8 ~
MEPS Requirements for External Power Supplies
8 p5 s, ]9 c" W% Z& LIt is expected that from 1st December 2008 in Australia and 1st April 2009 in New Zealand (see update to introduction date and scope - released 24 April 2008) most External Power Supplies with a nameplate output power rating up to 250 Watts, manufactured or imported for sale in Australia or New Zealand will be required to meet minimum energy performance requirements (MEPS). Introduction of MEPS is still subject to a regulatory impact statement and approval by the Ministerial Council on Energy.
- h$ x5 U8 f- |; `/ ?: ]0 }0 l* q( \$ q
The intention of MEPS is to increase energy efficiency by eliminating low efficiency external power supplies from the market and to encourage the use of high efficiency power supplies.
+ q6 B3 N# X1 j- j- g& P7 |% h( T
4 r, l. o9 q) w9 Y6 TProducts covered include external power supply units (often known as 'a.c. adaptors', 'plug packs' or 'power-packs') with a nominal 230 V a.c supply supply input and a single output at extra low voltage (ELV), either a.c. or d.c., and a maximum output of 250 W or 250 VA.  z6 [$ D0 @: N2 n! ^7 Q9 z

- l6 q' \9 N$ S0 j2 F$ A+ CThe units covered are not built into the equipment being powered and hence are 'external' to the device being powered. Designs covered include units with an integral mains plug, 'in-line' units and units with provision for equipment to sit in a cradle whilst being used.
2 P5 [" p! {. ~% U: O9 P
8 B7 w" D; Z, o" E1 |. mA single output external power supply which is covered by MEPS is defined as a unit which:" k. {! B0 r8 K3 ?  U# W
2 ?' a  J5 N- a: d( o& \
has an input from mains supply (usually 110 V, 60 Hz; 230 V, 50 Hz; 240 V, 50 Hz or a range including some or all of these input conditions); and & K# i2 w) Z! R  j: r
has one ELV output (either a.c. or d.c.) that is either at a fixed voltage or user selectable through a selector switch; and
+ W/ f  S! j0 N4 Ais sold with, or intended to be used with, a separate end-use product that constitutes the primary load; and
& D: O* E( s! Z: F- o5 I! \is contained in a separate physical enclosure from the end-use product (i.e. the housings of the power supply and its associated product are different, not their retail packaging); and 4 z' b3 Z- c+ z( K- M
is connected to the end use product via a hard-wired or removable male/female electrical connection, cable, cord or other wiring; and 5 N+ _' P0 M+ v( z* d) R6 Z
does not have batteries or battery packs that physically attach directly to the power supply unit (including those that are removable e.g. a battery pack for a portable electric drill); and ' L- D8 r2 B0 h5 p# ^* Z: a: \
does not have a battery chemistry or type selector switch and an indicator light or state of charge meter.
发表于 2008-7-16 13:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-8-20 11:01 | 只看该作者
, }' R5 }$ K+ N" N- N3 F% {0 F2 m
' N  q* b: {9 Y, N6 i5 ~
, o4 z" D* m" S2)如果燃气产品有电器的东西在里面,需要做整个燃气产品的MEPS证书?还是只要对其电器配件做认证就行了?% p  u$ I& m9 k8 J! `( B, C

. {4 D" ^( P. n- Z! n# qplease... can anybody help????
发表于 2008-8-20 12:45 | 只看该作者
现在定下来是今年10月1日.1 g5 M! l2 F& ?2 x2 a/ i* Z
回答23楼的.MEPS现在要做的是冰箱/冰柜   空调  洗衣机 干衣机  洗碗机 外接式电源 镇流器
发表于 2008-8-21 18:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-8-23 11:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-9-5 16:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-9-5 19:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-12 11:49 | 只看该作者
Yaya,我问个问题,什么公司有资格申请MEPS?镇流器的能效标准里面有写澳洲本土的制造商,或者海外制造商在澳的代理或进口商。也就是说中国的制造商或贸易商不能直接申请能效认证?, i& }, e9 b4 l; }( H( n3 U* b
& v0 l: x  ]- _' ^7 _$ P5 N1 v* X4 I谢谢。
发表于 2009-12-3 08:56 | 只看该作者
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