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[美洲灯具] 标称户外使用灯具的户外使用范围

发表于 2016-7-21 17:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请问在档案中suitable for outdoor use的低压LED户外灯具能否用在泳池里?& K4 p+ y+ _: U/ G% R/ w
查到泳池灯具有专门的标准UL676. 这里的outdoor use的范围应该没有包含泳池吧?
5 \  _% h- N' l* a+ Y- I2 y, }3 jsuitable for outdoor used的防水测试是喷淋,UL676的防水测试浸没。4 b. r2 A) L7 o, h
发表于 2016-7-22 00:18 | 显示全部楼层
楼主,我查了些资料,供你参考。% c8 R; r* ]8 {' y2 S
8 `8 ?# z! p2 u7 [; o
A) UL 1838
) O; A& H& S( R$ h$ a3 Z1 Scope* S: ~' h7 k6 C
1.1 The requirements in this standard apply to a low-voltage landscape lighting system and components% `1 F7 p9 B( N' ^" @! S2 D6 p8 q
that consist of an isolating type power unit, low voltage cable or flexible cord, and luminaires. The) p, y# ~0 r) d
equipment is intended to be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.# B( X$ B  r' H- a
/ O9 d/ g% f) A' m6 I

3 `- r. s4 ?0 t: Z. c9 ]" J/ }6 Y4 y
+ J% R" Z/ k, V8 }5 n. |
1.6 This standard covers luminaires and low voltage system components intended for use submersed in' |; z& L* _8 i0 M
or floating on:3 d" s5 f. O& w. h4 V' H! _
a) portable self-contained fountains; and& L$ }1 y& L7 ~
b) ponds and other natural and artificially made body of water within the scope of Article 682
; e. n+ C6 N, v7 L3 f“Natural and Artificially Made Bodies of Water” of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70.
. [0 }1 o  T$ `0 d8 i% t3 g1 R) }2 p! @

' j5 r9 t3 F/ G. n9 N% U
* K! X* z4 U6 w. T+ S- Y6 f" m; @

& ]% V% _. _; J5 R$ z
6 ^3 G7 N' l! K2 Q1 `2 e: E

' E; D. e- Y- U1 DB) NFPA 70) k- U0 W* M3 M( n" e) `: Z7 u6 {
I. General
* d! T, F+ o7 l" }! C/ v682.1 Scope. This article applies to the installation of electrical wiring for, and equipment in and adjacent to, natural
or artificially made bodies of water not covered by other
) S& _* l8 T7 p5 w7 Rarticles in this Code, such as but not limited to aeration
1 P/ y/ a( @% r0 u, i- c7 `( f0 b: tponds, fish farm ponds, storm retention basins, treatment& V; E8 S0 Q! e
ponds, irrigation (channels) facilities.* m4 L( J0 B# _7 D

+ p: k3 [$ z" }; N1 D: V
0 m& a( D2 @2 q: t7 b$ B* b2 F3 p. K
+ U. T( |3 `/ p8 Y6 F0 _$ Y

  `1 _8 g" k- F& _0 j680.1 Scope. The provisions of this article apply to the
/ Z# Z- f9 ^2 a( Iconstruction and installation of electrical wiring for, and
, [8 s! W: o( e7 r% Z$ t9 A% oequipment in or adjacent to, all swimming, wading, therapeutic, and decorative pools; fountains; hot tubs; spas; and
( l5 r# h# C7 b* o# M; ^hydromassage bathtubs, whether permanently installed or
$ `: y% U! |- z3 h% m- Dstorable, and to metallic auxiliary equipment, such as
; W7 I* m( X% b3 [2 L' hpumps, filters, and similar equipment. The term body of9 c' }* y2 f4 M. F
water used throughout Part I applies to all bodies of water
, Z0 N$ |8 O- S$ i; t* _2 qcovered in this scope unless otherwise amended.' R1 I# u" x& X( j9 g0 o9 X
3 p  A0 z; t5 ^: J) b- n+ x5 J
( ^: G- v, e# n- \2 h, T

( u: ]* C3 [! ~5 n! w1 a: I0 \$ O* `- c- j3 Z/ S' u

& J& P7 l8 i3 D% j# D从以上信息所看,符合相关要求的低电压户外灯具只能在无人的水体中使用(参考NFPA 682章节),人会进入的水体中的设备要参考680章节,所以估计要使用UL 676。+ \& i+ w- h9 X; ?- \/ T: f; j

5 H2 S* k+ X! T  e' W0 V另,楼主的灯具是做喷淋测试,喷淋验证的灯具不能浸入水中。
* [0 i$ P( B1 Q

) h' p) X7 r9 _5 e! v5 Q& ^5 P  h$ a5 Y# u

/ `- x5 ]' M$ Z$ P- \4 B! Z/ o" S3 s& ^


谢谢你的回复,很专业  详情 回复 发表于 2016-7-22 11:50


参与人数 1安规威望 +5 收起 理由
fasten + 5 赞就一个字!


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-22 11:50 | 显示全部楼层
passagere 发表于 2016-7-22 00:18
! R* H/ o" j* I  v/ T楼主,我查了些资料,供你参考。# [. E2 ?+ U! R  Q8 a" i, A& X, y( S
1 o+ ~% L+ U1 j9 d
A) UL 1838

% C) |8 b3 R2 U/ g+ q% y9 F谢谢你的回复,很专业
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