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[能效] 美国DOE外部电源VI级能效 Single-Voltage与Multiple-Voltage的问题。

发表于 2015-11-9 09:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 WeiBiao 于 2015-11-9 09:52 编辑
! E5 p7 ~+ e! ^6 }# Y. \
+ W3 k2 e( s. d有个客户与客人对产品的归类有不同的意见,产品情况请看下面图片,问我们公司意见,我给出的答复是:Multiple-Voltage power supply,原因很简单:“EERE-2008-BT-STD-0005”里有对Multiple-Voltage解释,并说明多个输出端口就算电压相同,都归纳为Multiple-Voltage,但是客户的客人就不认同,他就产品的输出端口都是并联在一起,解释输出算一个,所以是Single-voltage。有没有对能效了解的大侠来讨论下??
2 w$ u/ y% k9 c% v% m; ?/ z5 R; T$ b& t- J& d) p- Z0 U, g( W3 f

4 K) X& I/ ?2 |- O+ H# Q( j2 n$ E: m3 w; x& p( P

+ ~5 w  w1 e! r5 u2 d4USB输出电源,4个USB都是输出5V,单个USB最大输出5V/2.4A Max,4个USB总输出电流 total 4.8A Max,但4个USB输出是并联的。
) o: q- t1 a+ N! g$ W
7 q: H# P" k0 i5 |' l/ }5 k% P. c1 [, {


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发表于 2015-11-10 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-10 17:51 | 显示全部楼层
zlj1215 发表于 2015-11-10 10:40
4 J4 x/ ~6 [( @) C1 e1 D这个产品应该是只有一种输出电压吧?如果只有一种输出电压,那就是Single-voltage。某些产品既有5V电压,也 ...
- q8 i# i, y$ c8 u
但在DOE指令里,multiple-voltage 说明到多个同时输出,但只有一个电压的,就作为一个multiple-voltage或者Class A。下文为指令对multiple-voltage的说明。
% ^4 T* h6 R0 b4 i, Q7 y( Y/ U9 E: T0 Y% d4 T- Q
* w/ k0 E+ W& Z% Y3 _+ G) Z3 s8 f, q$ yA multiple-voltage EPS is defined as “an external power supply that is designed to convert line voltage AC input into more than one simultaneous lower-voltage output.” See 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B Appendix Z. Direct operation EPSs that meet this definition are considered multiple-voltage EPSs and will be evaluated using the multiple-voltage EPS test procedure. These products must comply with the new standards being adopted today for multiple-voltage EPSs. An EPS cannot be in more than one product class, so such an EPS need not also comply with the standards being adopted today for product classes B, C, D, E, or H.
( W) }6 c5 t/ bIn response to the NOPR regarding multiple-voltage EPSs, Cobra Electronics commented that an EPS with multiple simultaneous outputs but only one output voltage would be considered both a multiple-voltage EPS and a Class A EPS and, thus, in its view, would have to be tested according to DOE's multiple-voltage and single-voltage EPS test procedures. (Cobra Electronics, No. 130 at p. 3)& p+ w6 i2 L* T% u
Cobra correctly deduced that an EPS with multiple simultaneous outputs, but only one output voltage could be treated either as a multiple-voltage EPS or a Class A EPS. The term “class A external power supply” means a device that, among other things, is able to convert to only one AC or DC output voltage at a time. See 42 U.S.C. 6291(36)(C)(i). As such, an EPS of this type must meet the current standards for Class A EPSs prescribed by Congress in EISA 2007. DOE notes, however, that the new standards being adopted today for multiple-voltage EPSs are more stringent than the current Class A standards. Therefore, any EPS that is tested and shown to comply with the new multiple-voltage EPS standards will be presumed to also comply with the Class A EPS standards prescribed by Congress in EISA 2007.
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