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[美洲标准产品] 有哪位高人知道UL标准中的Pin terminal是什么样的吗?

发表于 2015-6-13 14:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
有哪位高人知道UL标准中的Pin terminal是什么样的吗?有没有实际照片例子。( o; L/ z( v- Y. [, ~
11.2 Pin terminals5 z4 w; \" \( Z+ g  k6 b
11.2.1 An appliance intended for use with a detachable power-supply cord shall not be provided with7 f+ E* x7 E& w5 e
terminal pins that will accommodate a standard flatiron or appliance plug.
6 E! @% f, {( K0 U$ D4 I( P11.2.2 If an appliance is provided with pin terminals, the construction of the appliance shall be such that0 j% g* P& p3 }/ J  W/ h5 w* R
live parts will not be exposed to unintentional contact both during and after normal placement of the
7 K. a2 _( B9 k9 y, l6 \intended female fitting on the pins.: \  R$ m( r, B$ b! P. V$ F
11.2.3 A pin guard is required, such that:
$ ]) g, N4 g1 b# H, b+ |a) A straight edge nominally 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) thick placed in any position, across and in
5 l7 u2 |3 ?9 b% rcontact with edges of the pin terminal opening without the fitting cannot be made to contact any6 @4 v4 r0 X% T7 D
current-carrying pin; and! s6 v+ c, R0 e
b) With the fitting aligned with the pins and the face of the fitting in a plane located& ]: X# r! f. I4 j/ V
perpendicular to the end or ends of the farthest projecting current-carrying pins, the probe' z3 o: c0 o7 ^; M$ M2 I
illustrated in Figure 7.1 shall not touch any current-carrying pin while the probe is inserted/ d+ b% X. j" e( e9 g
through any opening which is then present.
0 o! y# Z* `2 t. P9 a2 @& m2 e
6 @) @! V1 D$ Q) \" v
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