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[能效] ErP of Computer and sever

发表于 2015-1-15 14:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
   EN No 617/2013  是否2014/7/1已經強制? 已經有做過了嗎?
  k( t* v$ I; c6 t" T/ }平板電腦(大於9inches and Idle state power大於6W)是否可歸類在裡面,USB 端口供電的, 會配適配器。
 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-15 15:44 | 只看该作者
  自己回復自己下:* A8 [( \( p8 W- Q! A

2 C; {9 z- W! Y1. 若viewable diagonal screen size 大於9 inches 且 Idle state power demand 大於 6W,則要符合EU No 617/2013 Computer and sever  (此指令2014 /07/01 強制)
* g( M. q0 k1 o/ I& R
! f  i7 u% g; Y+ |2. 若viewable diagonal screen size 小於 9 inches 或 Idle power demand 小於 6W, 則不在EU No 617/2013 的Scope內, 但要符合 EU No 1275/2008.
/ i6 X+ L% k( |7 Q) G    在EU No 1275/2008 中又有幾種情況:
2 s! L8 S2 q/ y6 `   1. 若Slate computer 不帶電源出售測試無需考慮, 則也可以不用符合 EU No 1275/2008.
& j# I" G1 N) _& ]5 m6 n  |$ E; N4 K   2. 若帶電源出售, 電源Label 上的標示: 輸出電壓小於 6V 且 輸出電流大於 550mA, 則也可以不用符合 EU No 1275/2008.
9 w9 x- M' J! X5 ?3 L7 V
) V( b9 o+ Q( N$ G" G總結下:
* x2 P* t& G! S+ O/ I1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches),and / or  Idle state power demand (開機,系統穩定后時的消耗功率)小於6W。7 S- B2 ]9 Y& j) r% R+ ^# \
2. 不帶適配器出售, 或 適配器輸出電壓小於 6V 且 輸出電流大於 550mA0 K& e: j  m' L6 L6 f5 ]

% x' s) u# M% Q" L同時滿足上面兩個條件就可以不用符合ErP。


1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches),and / or Idle state power demand (開機,系統穩定后時的消耗功率)小於6W。 2. 不帶適配器出售, 或 適  详情 回复 发表于 2015-3-16 12:34


参与人数 1安规金币 +10 收起 理由
热爱学习 + 10 安规好帖很给力!


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-1-15 16:00 | 只看该作者
有见过平板的测试报告,这个应该属于Erp lot3,测试标准参考的是EN62623-2013,跟Energy star5.2的要求基本一样,公式也一样,增加了sleep跟off mode状态下功率单独的限制。另外tablet是划在notebook的范畴里的
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-1-15 16:10 | 只看该作者
平板Erp lot3报告


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謝謝 分享  详情 回复 发表于 2015-1-16 10:16
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-16 10:16 | 只看该作者
热爱学习 发表于 2015-1-15 16:10 ' a: j. b6 _; q8 g$ y3 |. \' `1 u
平板Erp lot3报告
* G% [" Y+ h& H" `4 ~% u5 E
謝謝 分享
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-3-16 12:34 | 只看该作者
kamiyo86 发表于 2015-1-15 15:44 - N0 u$ ^; h% G1 m" M% B
自己回復自己下:2 X' Q/ I; j0 n/ U4 R% g, q
8 W# @7 M8 |$ b0 x# e  V
1. 若viewable diagonal screen size 大於9 inches 且 Idle state power demand 大於 ...
" ^8 B! ~& _+ s  V
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches),and / or  Idle state power demand (開機,系統穩定后時的消耗功率)小於6W。
& @! \/ N  D" x7 P& D1 }, h2. 不帶適配器出售, 或 適配器輸出電壓小於 6V 且 輸出電流大於 550mA

' p3 G9 N0 S8 ^3 O请帮忙告知以上出处为何?感谢


求问适配器供电的5V耳(带电池)需要ERP吗,做什么标准?  详情 回复 发表于 2019-10-14 21:34
1) EU No 617/2013 (7) ‘Notebook computer’ means a computer designed specifically for portability and to be operated for extended periods of time either with or without a direct connection to an A  详情 回复 发表于 2015-3-19 08:41
1) EU No 617/2013 (7) ‘Notebook computer’ means a computer designed specifically for portability and to be operated for extended periods of time either with or without a direct connection to an A  详情 回复 发表于 2015-3-19 08:40
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-19 08:40 | 只看该作者
热爱学习 发表于 2015-3-16 12:34 ; d; @) n1 h. x/ a2 s$ h/ Z% }
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches) ...
0 R  }" Z$ q5 H9 @
1) EU No 617/2013  
2 b1 b- z8 t5 @2 P3 @0 {(7) ‘Notebook computer’ means a computer designed specifically for portability and to be operated for extended periods of time either with or without a direct connection to an AC power source. Notebook computers utilise an integrated display, with a viewable diagonal screen size of at least 22,86 cm (9 inches), and are capable of operation on an integrated battery or other portable power source.+ h$ W  {5 Z4 B& b7 q; ?
Notebook computers also include the following subtypes:
5 C& |9 F, @" N1 F(a) ‘Tablet computer’ means a product which is a type of notebook computer that includes both an attached touch-sensitive display and an attached physical keyboard;
* h* p( l) M8 R6 Q(b) ‘Slate computer’ means a type of notebook computer that includes an integrated touch-sensitive display but does not have a permanently attached physical keyboard;
6 k! f+ B. h$ T! p+ l- o! nProducts that would otherwise meet the definition of notebook computer but have idle state power demand of less than 6 W are not considered to be notebook computers for the purposes of this Regulation.) G( c/ X# Z+ _+ R& x# ^
6 n( O4 \- \2 ~9 e) |5 }) x( ?
2)出自Guidelines accompanying Commission Regulation (EU) No 617_2013 (June 2014)
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-19 08:41 | 只看该作者
热爱学习 发表于 2015-3-16 12:34 9 v1 @9 `5 C' T/ l$ F
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches) ...
8 X' D3 g) D. S) y
1) EU No 617/2013  % z9 ~/ z* a8 e: ?' r
(7) ‘Notebook computer’ means a computer designed specifically for portability and to be operated for extended periods of time either with or without a direct connection to an AC power source. Notebook computers utilise an integrated display, with a viewable diagonal screen size of at least 22,86 cm (9 inches), and are capable of operation on an integrated battery or other portable power source.
. k, \! d) ?+ \6 i1 YNotebook computers also include the following subtypes:& X# S4 w9 F" ^! W- N2 s% w3 b) |0 X
(a) ‘Tablet computer’ means a product which is a type of notebook computer that includes both an attached touch-sensitive display and an attached physical keyboard;# E4 J9 R9 M, V6 r9 g  j/ u0 ?! z& G
(b) ‘Slate computer’ means a type of notebook computer that includes an integrated touch-sensitive display but does not have a permanently attached physical keyboard;0 V( n. B2 K6 O
Products that would otherwise meet the definition of notebook computer but have idle state power demand of less than 6 W are not considered to be notebook computers for the purposes of this Regulation.3 e4 L2 ~; Z0 _  ^( n! T6 Q# a) M  g
$ ?' Z$ W) [; I0 t5 s
2)出自Guidelines accompanying Commission Regulation (EU) No 617_2013 (June 2014)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-9-23 10:57 | 只看该作者
各位大神:EU No 617/2013  lowest power mode 限值是0.5W,且只有当EUT是与mains 相连时EUT必须要有lowest power mode。那像Notebook是通过电源适配器与mains相连,是不是可以不于满足lowest power mode。Notebook很多人会把off mode功率用lowest power mode判,但是off mode功率往往会大于0.5W。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-10-14 21:34 | 只看该作者
热爱学习 发表于 2015-3-16 12:345 [$ S+ X. z# }1 `" R% F: |" Q/ l
1. Slate computer 若viewable diagonal screen size(可視屏幕的對角線尺寸小於) 22.86 cm(9 inches) ...

3 Y- z2 r" |. w; p" H求问适配器供电的5V耳(带电池)需要ERP吗,做什么标准?
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