这个条款里,这一句:此插座在插座啮合面后8 mm处,并在这些接触套管所在的平面内有一个水平枢轴。6 E7 j% x- ]3 y! ~1 v8 {
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9 h2 n8 g0 \, k22.3 为直接插入输出插座而提供插脚的器具,不应对插座施加过量的应力。 The means for retaining the pins shall withstand the forces to which the pins are likely to be subjected in normal use. 夹持插脚的装置应能够承受在正常使用中插脚可能受到的力的作用。 Compliance is checked by inserting the pins of the appliance into a socket-outlet without earthing contact. 通过将此器具插脚按正常使用插人到一个不带接地触点的插座来确定其是否合格。 The socket-outlet has a horizontal pivot at a distance of 8 mm behind the engagement face of the socket-outlet and in the plane of the contact tubes. 此插座在插座啮合面后8 mm处,并在这些接触套管所在的平面内有一个水平枢轴。 The torque that has to be applied to maintain the engagement face of the socket-outlet in the vertical plane shall not exceed 0,25 Nm. 必须施加一个力矩使插座的啮合面保持在垂直平面内,该力矩不应超过0.2 5N m。 NOTE The torque to keep the socket-outlet itself in the vertical plane is not included in this value. 注:保持插座本身在垂直平面上的力矩不包括在此值内。 A new sample of the appliance is firmly held so that the retention of the pins is not affected. 将一个器具的新样品固定,以避免其插脚受影响。 The appliance is placed in a heating cabinet for 1 h at a temperature of 70 °C ± 2 °C. 器具放人温度为70℃士2℃的高温箱中1h。 The appliance is then removed from the heating cabinet and a pull force of 50 N is immediately applied for 1 min to each pin along their longitudinal axes. 从高温箱中取出器具后,立即在插脚的纵线方向给每个插脚施加50 N的拉力1 min. When the appliance has cooled down to room temperature, the pins shall not have been displaced by more than 1 mm. 当器具降到室温后,插脚的位移不应超过1mm。 Each pin is then subjected in turn to a torque of 0,4 Nm, which is applied for 1 min in each direction. 依次对每个插脚在每个方向施加0.4N m的扭矩,持续施加1min. The pins shall not rotate unless rotation does not impair compliance with this standard. 插脚不应扭动,除非其扭动不会损害符合本部分。
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