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[CE认证] 最近在看IEC 62133:2012 的标准经常遇到问题,请兄弟们帮忙解释,谢谢

发表于 2013-8-7 21:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 yangcanluck 于 2013-8-7 21:01 编辑
" o0 m7 L, Y6 |) r1 e4 t
3 a' V$ b' K1 d9 q' G5 ^( h$ v最近在看IEC 62133:2012 的标准经常遇到问题,如8.3.9条款中有一段话,不是很理解还请高手帮忙分析分析。/ E* B; U8 X8 a2 _. v
Bottom surface of movingpart of the press equipment is made of Nitrile rubber or Acryl, which is put onthe 10 mm x 10 mm stainless steel shaft. The detail of pressing jigs shall beshown in Figure 2. Nitrile rubber bottom surface is for cylindrical cell test.For prismatic test 5 mm x 5 mm (2 mm thickness) Acryl is put on the Nitrilerubber. The fixture is moved down at the speed of 0,1 mm/s monitoring the cellvoltage. When voltage drop caused by the internal short circuit is detected,stop descent immediately and keep pressing jig in the position for 30 s andthen release the pressure. Voltage is monitored m-ore than 100 times per secondand if voltage is dropped more than 50 m V compare to the initial voltage, itis defined to internal short circuit has occurred. If the pressure reaches 800N for cylindrical cell and 400 N for prismatic cell, stop descent immediatelyand then keep in the position.! O5 `  \+ _8 c0 g, O: \& H
7 s; H$ x, Z" ]1 B  v0 T
6 |7 z9 S, F% B0 |: D8 y
发表于 2013-8-8 09:09 | 只看该作者
3 ~( W% [* c% I9 X, @0 u% B你确定要做这个测试?你确定这个cell不是聚合物的?
# a  y- p5 @7 Y5 [9 v看下8.3.9 a)This  country specific  test  which  is only applicable to France, Japan, Korea and * D2 ~1 y% m' S- G# L/ z8 u
Switzerland and is not required on polymer cells.
* f' b1 T$ w. t( y, s! C这个测试需要动手能强,先拆电池,装镍片,然后又装起来。我手脚不灵活,搞不定


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David27 + 8


发表于 2014-7-14 09:27 | 只看该作者
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