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楼主: 切莫溪水

[美洲灯具] 灯具里面可以使用低于24AWG的内部导线吗?

发表于 2013-6-24 08:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 tsunn 于 2013-6-24 08:39 编辑
8 _( \+ n+ j- r0 X' L- Y
# q0 Z. B# D. l5 i& F小于24AWG应该是不允许的。最小可以到24AWG。
8 e2 |: Z; u* u3 l0 D& V楼上说了2108的15章写了最小24AWG,其实1598也写了最小只能到24AWG:
3 d4 `5 K3 f; U: M5 m# Z# L$ DUL1598
, F0 R$ O2 `8 g+ U+ |8 U6.9.3 Conductors of a size smaller than No. 18 AWG, but not smaller than No. 24 AWG, may be used, e4 V1 i# f4 I3 D7 d
under the following conditions:
1 T8 V. B9 _! D(a) where they are completely enclosed;# [) I  q+ x  J) M: |9 F. i5 _5 \
(b) where they are not subject to movement under normal use; and  {, Y4 R' z9 S1 Y( m+ A  r
(c) in the secondary of a transformer, or in a circuit using solid-state devices.# x8 i3 c6 C0 ^& a8 _, T

/ ]9 S( [, w: W- l5 o2 N
发表于 2013-6-24 09:13 | 显示全部楼层
& c/ W6 H, _0 r( T% T& w6.9.4 Conductors of a size smaller than 24 AWG (0.21 mm2) may be used under the following conditions:
5 k1 \; z3 r# j3 a/ o8 u# f(a) the conductors are in Class 2 power limited circuits only;
, z$ X6 S# z+ L4 N(b) the current carrying capacity of the conductor is not exceeded and is sufficient to carry the
7 p; ^2 C7 l) Mcontinuous normal load current without any temperature related issues; and
. M& M/ i  ^7 J: G- u' Q* T8 q% ~. ^(c) the construction complies with Item (1) or (2), as follows:


参与人数 1安规金币 +4 收起 理由
tsunn + 4 多谢版主纠正


发表于 2013-6-24 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
依然 发表于 2013-6-24 09:13 8 M4 A( Q$ n* F5 ^
按照UL1598,小于2AWG的电线是可以用的,只要满足以下abc:+ {! R( F& k' G% W% N
6.9.4 Conductors of a size smaller than 24  ...
0 v) I$ K: D( @" I
* Z! P5 {' F1 X, ~: Q; O# d8 h我看到的是:6.9.4 A conductor or cord that can be flexed because of an adjustable, movable, or flexible part of a luminaire shall be of the stranded type and shall be secured so it will not be cut or abraded under# {  z# D  H! P; E2 w9 S1 S6 I
conditions of intended use, including relamping, servicing, and inspection of supply connections.
发表于 2013-6-24 10:35 | 显示全部楼层
tsunn 发表于 2013-6-24 10:21
( L% j, @, A4 P+ \我看的是2004版本的UL1598,没看到6.9.4有这样写,是不是有最新版的更改了。
) D2 i; O4 ?# a& K& j& S7 W我看到的是:6.9.4 A condu ...

+ y+ R+ v* q+ }0 Z  G, r# eLZ的这个产品根本就不需要看UL1598, 看UL2108就可以了。" E6 a- w1 C/ A7 ^" P
' ]. X4 \+ _- X" r" ]


我现在接触的都是欧洲的,对UL没上心,有个2004的没去更新,新老标准差别挺大的,我要多跟你们学学关于美洲灯具方面的。  发表于 2013-6-24 10:58
发表于 2013-6-24 10:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-24 10:47 | 显示全部楼层
jjlamshushushu 发表于 2013-6-24 10:38 0 F' W* B5 e' B& Q) J( e
3 `0 H8 K1 ]. Y  T2 G! M/ B, Y
可以小于24AWG,请参看UL8750-2012 第7.3.7章节
. `+ O2 I3 ]# e! A6 F+ T0 B5 u' v% Aconductor of any size are permitted when the conductor are in class 2 or LVLE circuit.....
发表于 2013-6-24 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 依然 于 2013-6-24 10:52 编辑
1 |, Z4 G' B! e+ T( M( g; C  ?6 E1 q5 Q
对于class 2后面的电线,其实UL已经允许任何线径的电线使用了,大部分灯具标准中都已经做了修改。( e, z" ~& Z' G8 n: l

: M3 k/ m- q; J8 E- {UL153(March 15, 2013修改):* A& g' o7 y9 B& @: R
27.1.1 A conductor of a wire or cord shall be minimum 18 AWG (0.82 mm2) except where a smaller size
5 q; P% A; M# I% }, j5 B  P2 j( eis permitted in (a) – (d) below:: K+ y" l* `# u1 B$ D, Y' T
b) A conductor in a Class 2 circuit is permitted to be of any size. . c  l# a7 S- k; t

0 w5 F, V" U& R' y( sUL8750 (7.3.7 revised October 17, 2012):
0 a; M% Q$ g/ d- u5 o7.3.7 Conductors of any size are permitted when the conductors are in Class 2 or isolated LVLE circuits
: w- t, l' \% m+ \only and are physically separated from all other non-Class 2 or non-isolated LVLE circuits, such as by a
+ D3 U2 v& n: s5 Rbarrier or reliably fixed spacing of minimum 6.4 mm (0.25 in).
* x8 ?- ^2 x5 d3 H4 Y1 Q
! L( u# T; \: t+ K7 DUL2108(15.2 revised July 15, 2010):
. w4 w5 `  o5 q2 T! s7 g. W. ^15.2 Conductors shall be 18 AWG (0.82 mm2) minimum.; ~5 ?: Z2 s+ `. O7 N" |
Exception No. 2: Conductors of any size are permitted when the conductors are in Class 2 or equivalent. W& I& s+ U& o/ g- S6 _- V" q  P
isolated low voltage, limited energy circuits only and are physically separated from all other non-Class 2( T& c6 v7 u& C
or non-isolated low voltage, limited energy circuits, such as by a barrier or reliably fixed spacing of
3 N1 ^) U- x  C: h' q0 wminimum 6.4 mm (0.25 in).+ k8 F: E0 W$ W2 Y/ V
UL1598 (SEPTEMBER 17, 2008)2 Z* ?  C" K( T1 f8 O
6.9.4 Conductors of a size smaller than 24 AWG (0.21 mm2) may be used under the following conditions:
9 P/ c2 F6 c3 Q4 i5 t(a) the conductors are in Class 2 power limited circuits only;  ~* H  V% Y  H# I2 c


这个回复太强悍了,以点带面,多谢版主。  发表于 2013-6-24 11:04
发表于 2013-6-24 10:49 | 显示全部楼层


有时间参考8.4聚会吗? 期待见一下你  发表于 2013-6-24 11:15


参与人数 1安规金币 +20 收起 理由
jsspace + 20 感谢依然MM提醒


发表于 2013-6-24 11:16 | 显示全部楼层
tsunn 发表于 2013-6-24 10:21 * q; j. n0 X7 }' u
我看的是2004版本的UL1598,没看到6.9.4有这样写,是不是有最新版的更改了。, s1 m7 v' [5 A- f! a1 E
我看到的是:6.9.4 A condu ...

  N/ M  ^6 W" E9 C+ P) |我什么都做BSMI, UL, CE, CQC, SAA,表示头大


嗯,我也很羡慕。  发表于 2013-6-24 11:38
羡慕什么都懂的  发表于 2013-6-24 11:26
 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-24 13:16 | 显示全部楼层
jsspace 发表于 2013-6-24 11:16
/ B& f7 ?9 c) O+ q8 x4 f+ o我什么都做BSMI, UL, CE, CQC, SAA,表示头大
; ~, z0 Y" Z. Z8 g) M9 x
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