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[IT类产品] 非协调频率的产品进入欧盟有什么要求?哪些频率是非协调的呢?

发表于 2013-6-18 21:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    各位大虾,以下几个 基本问题  急需 求解!先谢过了!!; `( U: y* }) I/ v! J
- ~0 a' q/ \3 O# Q2 T0 E
1  欧盟的协调频率列表,这个网址http://www.ero.dk/rtte  怎么打不开了呢?哪位有能打开的欧盟协调频率网址啊?
, N0 v3 I3 o( _$ A' n- f# S
3 Y# B) K; x$ ?# j( `! K0 p 2   针对无线的 非协调频率的产品要进入欧盟,都有哪些要求?在RTTE指令中 如下所述:
- L" @4 M) x& s: Q* p/ {( G$ DIn the case of radio equipment using frequency bands whose use is not harmonised throughout the Community, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community or the person responsible for placing the equipment on the market shall notify the national authority responsible in the relevant Member State for spectrum management of the intention to place such equipment on its national market. This notification shall be given no less than four weeks in advance of( ]8 A/ {5 D/ N. R1 R$ C
the start of placing on the market and shall provide information about the radio characteristics of the equipment (in particular frequency bands, channel spacing, type of modulation and RF-power) and the identification number of the notified body referred to in Annex IV or V.+ f: R8 `9 M+ v; Q2 G+ d2 V
   除了指令中第4条所述的 非协调频率 产品进入欧盟 需标示 等级标识符外,根据以上条款,应该还必须标NB号吧?可是为什么有些产品 不标NB号只标惊叹号呢?& W" s  M. z( p% F7 {: L
5 t2 N- E  A& H/ A1 S7 m
  3  请问在指令的哪个条款 有说明 产品的等级,以及 非协调频率的等级标识符 就是 那个有惊叹号的圆圈 符号?! |& w+ D# R3 ^4 |% @0 q

- g8 t6 h2 {& H: R1 }% @' Y
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