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[插头插座] UL 817 Retention of Blades Test Question

发表于 2013-4-20 15:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vernal.meng 于 2013-4-20 15:35 编辑
+ l6 [# y/ V3 T+ l; Q
6 M+ R# k/ ~" {, }' b% ^1 V; D引用UL 817 3 }! P- s2 l1 z% t1 C; \
& L$ m. P4 P) g9 w The standard test gauge shall be configured as shown in Table 23 using the line blades without holes and with the grounding pin removed. The gauge shall then be inserted in the connector and a static13 N (3 lbf) (including the weight of the gauge), which tends to remove the gauge from the connector, shall be applied for a period of 1 minute in a direction normal to the plane of the face of the connector. There shall not be more than 2 mm (0.08 in) displacement of the gauge. If the construction will accept both the 15 A and 20 A configurations, then 3 units of each shall be tested. If the construction will accept only the 20 A configuration, then 6 units of each shall be tested.
' B7 E  V- H$ J% H6 z7.4.3.4 The standard test gauge shall be configured as shown in Table 24 using the line blades with holes in the end and with the grounding pin in place. The 1-15R device shall be tested with the 1-15P test gauge without a grounding pin. The gauge shall then be inserted in the connector and a force applied in a direction normal to the plane of the face of the connector that tends to remove the gauge. The static force required to withdraw the gauge shall not exceed 67 N (15 lbf) (including the weight of the gauge).
6 ~4 C# a' W% k& b8 `

$ O+ ]& D; c2 |  r5 A6 r4 i$ r( N6 }
对象:在作完过载测试和温升测试后,结构为1-15R, 5-15R, 5-20R, 6-15R 6-20R的连接器,还要作本节的插头保持力 测试 .
問題1:標準GAUAGE不要帶Grounding Pin 嗎?

/ p$ B2 L+ }" p1 e! |# f
发表于 2013-4-20 16:00 | 显示全部楼层


xie  发表于 2013-4-20 16:13
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-20 16:16 | 显示全部楼层
最終的答案應該就是:1-15R與5-15R區別為:2PIN VS 3 PIN) H1 d& y, M4 T+ J+ f, c
如插頭規為:3PIN6 l8 P" T: W. z; f
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