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[OFF] DSH 392 Test of non-separable thin sheet material

发表于 2012-11-6 17:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
DSH 392
( u4 v& |! H5 e7 S' X5 f: R  N
/ N6 f% I* S5 U! \+ t$ I, ~  ]
Test of non-separable thin sheet material
2 `& v* T+ I" b5 B+ i- t
% c$ [8 E6 E0 M9 g
60950(ed.3)% h& P8 y* G6 b
5 y  ]% w+ V; j/ m9 b" T% Y
0 F7 K# ?5 u; x' gHow is non-separable thin sheet insulation in wound components tested?
, a9 K4 W& ]+ u/ l3 i6 ^Rationale:3 y' y/ N  }. f: ]
There are non-separable thin sheet foils on the market and used in wound components,
3 ]. p6 T3 S5 @3 Qwhich cannot be tested according to the requirements and test-method in the existing
) G, V5 G$ G# {, y0 c' f# L1 tstandard. A proposal was made to TC74-WG6 how this matter can be handled. The
! i  O! Q" u1 B: sproposal is attached.
/ z9 v' I0 ~# l5 a8 t+ t& gDecision:4 p0 t0 N8 [  ]) W7 [
Use of non-separable thin sheet insulation in wound components
! P- c, T- [3 ]" m: I; i0 V  iThe following proposal shall be used until the new edition is published.
" D& Q- h$ G3 m* I( {  I1. Introduction
$ U" y. o, y( ]1 \) _4 o) nThis document presents two alternative versions of the test procedure given in IEC; [5 k5 }8 E. x9 F3 v+ L
61558-1 for checking the mechanical durability of thin sheet materials.
7 ]# {4 z; w1 l1 JTest method X adapts the published procedure to the conventions and practices used in
& Q# E4 w+ \- |" u! v) `$ {" X/ LIEC 60950. In Method X, the metal foil is secured to the sample prior to the test.
: H  w5 }7 X, g7 NTest method Y is the slightly different procedure observed on a video presentation,
! H$ N3 l( H% N8 s& c$ Y- Jwhereby the metal foil is only added to the test assembly after the sample has been& T2 [2 d& k) ]
stressed by rotating it in the test fixture.
& [" h2 ?* A4 Y- OTest method Y appears to be the more practical method, and is evidently how the test is  l2 k4 e' F- h5 q6 j4 E( k4 l  L
carried out in at least one test laboratory. The two methods should give the same results.
! g5 o3 x; Y$ i2. Proposal
; j, r3 h" }+ l, k( {  LChange the title of to the following:
% d5 p7 l9 e, E7 [/ ^& t+ W* P2.10.5.2 Separable thin-sheet material4 n& d; U2 Q& B; b4 @: E& S- ?
Modify the first paragraph of as follows:
! f! M# t! c9 U( g$ v5 M) J/ b8 \Insulation in separable thin sheet materials, and in two layers of non-separable thin sheet/ O# S- m4 a, x) ~) d5 X& Z  }
materials, is permitted, ….
& S- A# h8 I) [" H0 uAdd a new sub-clause 2.10.5.X or 2.10.5.Y.
/ \: v/ f( J! W2 JTest Method X; Z7 y6 ?) h% o- C: I, q  R, E
2.10.5.X Non-separable thin sheet material$ w+ |2 M1 `* k
Insulation in three or more layers of non-separable thin-sheet materials is permitted for use within. R1 ?. t) m/ q" C  {# U6 [
the equipment ENCLOSURE, and shall not be subject to handling or abrasion during servicing. It8 q) J, S7 o" ?: f
shall have adequate mechanical strength.
' Z8 b1 k8 j; q7 [NOTE - The purpose of the tests in 2.10.5.X is to reveal defects that are hidden in inner layers of insulation,* M+ O4 `4 H8 p. J* F8 A
so there is no test for insulation in two layers. For insulation in two layers of non-separable thin-sheet! B5 T  u  q% x/ Q. b
materials, see
6 j' r" R6 c/ s- e7 U* X0 sThere is no requirement regarding distances through insulation, nor for all layers of insulation to be! Z  |7 l  V6 n' |5 v; A. c
of the same material.7 [; D" ?8 W" |) i0 I& S
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the following test:/ S3 Z# B. K% z, h
Three test samples of thin sheet material are used, each approximately 70 mm wide.
  p# L/ u: q8 n8 n1 FOne sample is fixed to the mandrel of the test fixture as shown in figure 5X.. d+ X$ J  v0 y7 K3 A  }: o3 W5 L' I
A sheet of aluminium or copper foil, 0,035 mm ± 0,005 mm thick, approximately 30 mm wide and at) [4 @2 z" F+ A. v& i$ J& W
least 100 mm long, is fixed to the surface of the sample. The foil is positioned so that its edges are
4 W, U9 i: b: R7 d1 v8 t+ xapproximately 20 mm from the edges of the sample (see figure 5Xd) and so that when the7 \6 ^4 M1 c6 @/ ~
mandrel is in its final position, the foil overlaps the free end of the sample by at least 10 mm (see$ y; h& j: K$ K
figure 5Xc). The foil is tightened by a pull of approximately 1 N, using an appropriate clamping5 I  C  ]+ ^% k, `) G% H9 Q
" n7 S9 N  m% H9 c6 y4 x& f' |A pull of 150 N is applied to the free end of the sample, using an appropriate clamping device. The
' n% a0 A- G0 D" Q4 D+ ^$ A" emandrel is twice rotated forwards and backwards by 230°, and then forwards to the final position.
7 Q6 P) [4 g+ m0 q) o1 r. iWhile the mandrel is in its final position, and within the 60 s following the final positioning, an
0 k: _. f7 \% U4 melectric strength test is applied between the mandrel and the metal foil in accordance with 5.2.2,
% P$ t7 a8 t7 Nusing a test voltage of 1,5 times the value specified in table 5B.
* P' e0 |: r0 s7 bThe test is repeated with the other two samples! f& M, ?) P( B  O/ I, S
If a sample breaks at the clamping device during rotation, the test is repeated on a fresh sample. If, s: j( ]" v* D* t& Z! H1 _
one or more samples breaks at any other place, the test has failed.% D. I) z/ g9 H3 \0 a- m: V# G
............................1 }4 w/ Y$ [$ y1 a  f/ a0 z
Add new Figure 5X (adapted from Figure 6 of IEC 61558-1)
: Y/ g& U) _1 h# sFigure 5Xa is as figure 6a of IEC 61558-1, modified as follows:! y' ?$ h% s0 U2 Q
Replace "3 x R = 0,5 ± 0,02" by "R = 0,5 ± 0,02 (typ)"' e  }. z1 a7 \: S7 p8 c+ }
Replace "Material: steel nickel plated or brass" by "Material: metal"6 ]6 u; Z4 z1 ]2 k: \
Figure 5Xd is the same as figure 6c of IEC 61558-18 ~0 s  Y9 W5 f0 o2 r. m
Test Method Y
  L0 R5 h$ V' |2.10.5.Y Non-separable thin sheet material
3 k: \% N4 a: e6 r$ L! dInsulation in three or more layers of non-separable thin-sheet materials is permitted for use within
1 R0 L1 I! Y7 p% k6 Mthe equipment ENCLOSURE, and shall not be subject to handling or abrasion during servicing. It  n+ N( z4 Y1 ]5 u$ |! J
shall have adequate mechanical strength.: n* ?! P6 H# |! g. A$ w1 L% b2 t
NOTE - The purpose of the tests in 2.10.5.y is to reveal defects that are hidden in inner layers of insulation,
' b/ d/ \$ d1 G) ~* S1 q. b: bso there is no test for insulation in two layers. For insulation in two layers of non-separable thin-sheet9 L+ h+ a9 \- V3 l5 l
materials, see
/ O! r# A  [  Z8 s; B5 B+ jThere is no requirement regarding distances through insulation, nor for all layers of insulation to be/ m; [+ n4 i# K3 d4 B% [+ P4 @* \
of the same material.6 v9 \4 y, \5 w) l" z, T3 m
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the following test:3 z4 k. }( v) ^1 H4 ?9 f/ @" l
Three test samples of thin sheet material are used, each approximately 70 mm wide.
/ h2 ^1 h! \9 s5 @1 N$ nOne sample is fixed to the mandrel of the test fixture as shown in figure 5Y.( f0 \' A3 E7 x- j1 K$ y3 W
A pull of 150 N is applied to the free end of the sample, using an appropriate clamping device. The! J2 v) v9 |. }5 q
mandrel is twice rotated forwards and backwards by 230°, and then forwards to the final position.
, f7 _9 R4 h/ O4 x: Z: `& G, `' ~+ gA sheet of aluminium or copper foil, 0,035 mm ± 0,005 mm thick, approximately 30 mm wide and at
+ P" `' I7 ]# F4 |/ v! Yleast 200 mm long, is placed across is the surface of the sample, hanging down on each side of
. R8 V. U3 A& }' O7 [  hthe mandrel. The foil is tightened by a pull of approximately 1 N at each end, using appropriate
9 f& Q7 J9 h3 Nclamping devices.. The foil is positioned so that its edges are approximately 20 mm from the edges# n" R3 A, ^: ]) C/ [; _% z  j+ |% y9 f
of the sample (see figure 5Yd).
2 f3 F0 s# v2 V, J- u0 W! S" SWhile the mandrel is in its final position, and within the 60 s following the final positioning, an. z  @  E* n# |6 j9 Q6 N( h2 w
electric strength test is applied between the mandrel and the metal foil in accordance with 5.2.2,
% m3 P! _4 c, U3 kusing a test voltage of 1,5 times the value specified in table 5B.' @5 s- `; r7 |# g& g! e
The test is repeated with the other two samples
( C+ Q2 A" Y1 `. }# wIf a sample breaks at the clamping device during rotation, the test is repeated on a fresh sample. If
: p+ G  P7 e$ s# V' t9 vone or more samples breaks at any other place, the test has failed." P" c  o7 H) s+ u/ e$ q8 @
..............................." Z+ a* }3 ^6 D/ k5 [+ o
Add new Figure 5Y (adapted from Figure 6 of IEC 61558-1)
* w5 d2 T, O2 D7 @Figure 5Ya is as figure 6a of IEC 61558-1, modified as follows:. s) Z) d0 c7 o+ [/ T1 L
Replace "3xR = 0,5 ± 0,02" by "R = 0,5 ± 0,02 (typ)"
& Z6 ~( b8 E( ~1 G6 T5 W9 C6 LReplace "Material : steel nickel plated or brass" by "Material: metal"- C" W- Z2 O" u4 s
Figure 5Yd is the same as figure 6c of IEC 61558-1
$ U' G/ ]; {& W6 t; C7 {0 z" ?; D$ I' T3 H; L8 I
% p2 x! f, E6 t! s

7 W0 U1 l; l. \
5 m4 t6 o6 X5 _4 J* i" r9 c' f3 W5 I


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