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楼主: jsspace

[IEC灯具] IP3X防固体异物的判断

 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-7 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
hzj101988 发表于 2012-10-1 21:18
; d9 s$ |8 a1 c8 X国标是没有规定排水孔大小、形状的吧!能排水即可!比如IPX4的话 你1mm的网状排水孔也不好开啊,开模太难 ...
$ m& r5 B1 @8 `: ^
发表于 2013-7-18 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
好帖,带防水孔和不带防水孔判据不一样。- Z0 p! d7 j6 V- b- f$ c4 b3 N
发表于 2013-7-18 16:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-7-18 17:01 | 显示全部楼层
tsunn 发表于 2013-7-18 16:26 2 B8 d- e2 Y# g3 R$ |+ P7 R
好帖,带防水孔和不带防水孔判据不一样。* }/ F7 b+ f8 [% D7 T( i# }# B0 Z
另外问一下,IPX4测试后,灯泡上面有水珠,带电部件没有水珠,符 ...
6 q2 R& Z* y1 C2 R, f1 \
发表于 2013-7-18 17:04 | 显示全部楼层
jjlamshushushu 发表于 2013-7-18 17:01 2 Z3 R8 i( W+ S

( F, s  I" x$ W2 E) j1 _, i, j6 e实际使用中,随着时间的增加,灯泡上的水珠越来越多,多到一定程度它会沿着灯泡渗入到灯座里面呀,那样不是很危险?
发表于 2013-7-18 17:32 | 显示全部楼层


点评方式很难互动,最好用回复方式讨论。  发表于 2013-7-19 09:20
身边没有资料,但我记得是如果小于15W的灯泡是允许的。  发表于 2013-7-18 17:55
发表于 2013-7-18 17:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-7-19 09:19 | 显示全部楼层
520168 发表于 2013-7-18 17:32 : P6 m! w" P+ G" l) u$ \

1 b0 c6 @- S2 L1 V- P* r有没有文件支持,求分享。
发表于 2013-7-19 10:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wwnw_007 于 2013-7-19 11:02 编辑 ) p$ F  V& c. j2 V
3 O# L5 P# [- j( v
请查看标准IEC60598-1:2008第9章节,关于淋水测试的相关要求,明确规定灯泡上不得有水迹。由于标准很长时间没有查看,我的描述有误,特此更正说明:灯泡上有水迹否,与灯具的具体安装位置相关的,如柱灯。针对此问题,好早前与某知名机构经理交谈过,标准没有明确规定灯泡上不得有水迹,但是实际操作时检测人员会考虑灯具安装位置的。; b( B) X& L% G; J
2) For luminaires with drain holes, water entry including condensation is allowed during the
( s$ Q5 }% L" v2 G' s0 U' M* o4 U0 ]9 Ptests if it can drain out effectively and provided it does not reduce the creepage and
% J7 V, o) E8 c" _2 M0 Z+ Hclearance distances below the minimum levels specified in the standard。& \+ x  g$ \) l. ?
发表于 2013-7-19 10:33 | 显示全部楼层
wwnw_007 发表于 2013-7-19 10:23 ) l  E8 K0 ~7 w/ d) W

8 e1 t2 ]$ A6 F你说的明确规定,那请问是哪一条?  c, c( V6 y( Q0 ?
a) no deposit of talcum powder in dust-proof luminaires, such that, if the powder were
5 r1 A/ D5 l4 T6 X$ i5 econductive, the insulation would fail to meet the requirements of this standard;
# t$ V( ~- p* Q. g4 gb) no deposit of talcum powder inside enclosures for dust-tight luminaires;3 @3 a3 d& C6 @+ p: L
c) no trace of water on current-carrying parts or SELV parts where the voltage under load" L* i6 k! H# T. ]9 L
exceeds 12 V r.m.s. or 30 V ripple-free d.c. or on insulation where it could become a hazard1 {  K( C- \/ g4 ^: x. _
for the user or surroundings, for example, where it could reduce the creepage distances! ^, m7 ?" p. {) Z' H5 S
below the values specified in Section 11;
' _6 j; l) r' F+ r& B" P! @+ U6 |d) 1) For luminaires without drain holes, there shall be no water entry.
% M. Q* o2 A7 C% S* GNOTE Care should be taken not to mistake condensation for water entry.
/ H5 e( Z6 }+ w8 H2 a- }2) For luminaires with drain holes, water entry including condensation is allowed during the0 f- f$ a6 T, U6 e, M! N% k/ h$ T
tests if it can drain out effectively and provided it does not reduce the creepage and
5 R- ^  U# A+ x5 A- ~, nclearance distances below the minimum levels specified in the standard;
. }- I3 r% ^: r, _: ]e) no trace of water entered in any part of a watertight or pressure watertight luminaire;
* M# u; x* I# s. N6 p+ U* vf) no contact permitted with live parts by the relevant test probe for first characteristic
9 w5 L' n# T9 i) {! @8 B; }IP numeral 2;5 n2 }7 O. ?+ [) Y4 G
no entry into the luminaire enclosure by the relevant test probe for first characteristic
, T7 P9 M" a. V2 CIP numerals 3 and 4.
: l8 o( {5 [5 |7 r# cFor luminaires with drain holes in accordance with 4.17 and luminaires with ventilation slots4 y' t/ R! G* d* I# g3 Y5 W
for forced cooling, no contact with live parts is permitted through the drain holes and2 e& j9 Q4 R. y+ D5 e! a/ t0 _. H
ventilation slots with the relevant test probe for the first characteristic IP numerals 3 and 4;2 i' ^6 v) j' Z, o- y9 Q4 [, f1 e& T
g) no trace of water on any part of a lamp requiring protection from splashing water as0 x5 c% z. j% L! e; Z) m" D/ U: k
indicated in the “informations for luminaire design” section of the applicable lamp standard;1 E( ~# R; d0 [4 h8 ^
h) no damage, for example, cracking or breakage of a protective shield or glass envelope,, c* E7 \5 ~- X; h3 ~5 d
such that safety or protection against the ingress of moisture is impaired.
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