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楼主: bisiwuyi
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[UL认证] 关于北美UL/ETL对于关键零部件的要求

发表于 2012-9-7 09:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-9-7 21:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-9-8 23:38 | 只看该作者
光伏产品块,UL有一份内部的重测导则,ETL也有一份,据我所知,其实ETL和UL的重测导则有比较大的区别,ETL比较偏向于美规安全性测试,而ETL一般偏向于欧标性能测试,但是不管怎样,两者的最终测试依据还是UL1703,UL首先会要求测试一个整机产品,然后会要求关键零部件(像J-BOX、线缆、背板等)也要有UL的认证,但是假如这个时候你的线缆刚好没有UL认证,J-BOX有认证,那么就有一个比较变通的方法就是让线缆和该J-BOX必须有一个随机测试来证明我的线缆和J-BOX的匹配是没有问题的,随机测试的费用会比认证的费用低,测试项目和周期也会少,但是缺点是这种线缆只能使用在做过随机测试的J-BOX上.3 ]' F4 _4 L% B  G* ?% Z# L1 [
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-9 13:01 | 只看该作者
quanhe 发表于 2012-9-8 23:38
7 o- x1 p5 i$ l: Y& I) N% e  v光伏产品块,UL有一份内部的重测导则,ETL也有一份,据我所知,其实ETL和UL的重测导则有比较大的区别,ETL比 ...
( X; [- T1 p* m
& Y% P: W: x3 W对于关键零部件也是一样的,难道在你提到的这份标准里面有清单吗?应该是有其他文件来指导吧?
; [( t. A% A- M# q5 d: C% F4 S4 c' [- T, t; @; |; R
) m1 |4 C  H- d$ Q$ o- k. p$ G2 F0 S; L8 w' g' [7 J
你所说的随机测试是中式说法吧?是不是就是指UL/ETL中的competent testing?
发表于 2012-9-9 15:26 | 只看该作者
  p0 J9 [2 C7 j, |- r1 R
/ h5 R* Q/ [3 a8 y/ \, l7 lX.1 Except as indicated in 4X.2, a component of a product covered by this standard shall comply with the requirements for that component. See Appendix A for a list of standards covering components generally used in the products covered by this standard.
) y6 T$ q0 t( h' H& X
* {+ m- E5 I, H  P. K5 S& w同时还应该注意标准的某些章节如UL1310:" \1 \' w# @9 _9 K" s$ |

7 E- f- g# X5 w12.2 There shall be no components connected between primary and output circuits which result in a conductive connection (see 5.4). If capacitive coupling is provided between primary and output circuits, it shall consist of either:6 I% ^( T- W1 J' g) w# w
a) A capacitor complying with the antenna coupling requirements specified in the Standard for Capacitors and Suppressors for Radio- and Television-Type Appliances, UL 1414; or3 W  O# L6 J1 Y; s4 F1 r

& a# G( X- V; |+ o% I5 \' u现在UL的一些标准也在做改进,如UL499则开始抛弃Appendix A的传统要求,开始细化到具体要求如:6 G0 U$ s, \% s6 x2 o/ k
5A.2 Requirements for Components
; ~# E# H9 i8 w) W9 R3 MSection 5A.2 Added November 30, 2010
3 F4 O9 h$ J5 v; L1 r. w% \5A.2.1 Insulated Wire, Cable and Cords$ z4 Z. k# R% i; X' R
5A.2.1.1 A cord set or power supply cord shall comply with the Standard for Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords, UL 817.
2 b. ^4 w8 F% X: q; n$ H4 T5A.2.1.2 Flexible cord and cables shall comply with the Standard for Flexible Cords and Cables, UL 62. Flexible cord and cables are considered to fulfill this requirement when preassembled in a cord set or power supply cord complying with Standard for Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords, UL 817.
2 b( p* r! X& Y6 q  b5A.2.1.3 Internal wiring composed of insulated conductors shall comply with the Standard for Appliance Wiring Material, UL 758.
; V# P3 z/ ~/ k. u......" d( h0 Y8 B* O6 Q6 ^& s
) Z% i- N/ b; E5 z8 f' A% e* b: W9 p, `
5A.2.13 Gaskets and Seals1 t- _9 Q8 q8 W0 `' x
5A.2.13.1 Gaskets and seals that comply with the Standard for Gaskets and Seals, UL 157, are considered to fulfill the requirements of 33.1.4 and 33.1.5.
& c# J, R2 x! C  {) B: c# W7 r8 |. d5A.2.14 Printed Wiring Boards
& b& d1 A/ K0 H2 t& l& e9 K" z5A.2.14.1 Printed wiring boards shall comply with the Standard for Printed-Wiring Boards, UL 796. Unless otherwise specified, the flammability class shall be that specified for insulating materials.# f, K6 y2 n, Q) Q. c
+ e5 |# l/ c/ G* P  X: M  ]
可以看出,其实UL标准对于零部件的具体要求是非常明确的。# M# \  w% r3 ?' J8 k; x
发表于 2012-9-9 15:55 | 只看该作者
hdf590 发表于 2012-9-7 09:33
+ h* J* Y  n+ ?+ t这个真的不好说,建议先参照Fasten的NRTL来源以及美国的电工法以及对标准的理解。

6 o1 S- s5 l. E( e8 D! `大部分的标准里面非常清楚地说明了关键零部件的具体要求。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-9 18:02 | 只看该作者
fasten 发表于 2012-9-9 15:26 5 o# R( c1 l! o7 |# @% C
/ O" R& f4 F) k1 E. o$ R
$ y. A7 k+ v, ~5 u: h- ]+ [X.1 Except as indicated in 4X.2, a com ...

3 L- Z) x; o0 ?0 Z+ N) G  M4 [4 L具体整机参考的标准是参照UL目录和CCN来确定吗?谢谢啊
发表于 2012-9-9 19:46 | 只看该作者
bisiwuyi 发表于 2012-9-9 18:02
  l* x" c( n" M0 a8 L+ P& B, }9 E具体整机参考的标准是参照UL目录和CCN来确定吗?谢谢啊

6 r, }* B8 f  d2 s! r我非常怀疑你是否已经看懂了我的回复。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-9 20:23 | 只看该作者
fasten 发表于 2012-9-9 19:46 : Q1 |+ l5 [) c3 b9 m8 |/ l: B2 o
0 x; M# I% t7 [9 a* I
我理解你的回复仅说明在标准里面有component of a product 的说明,即零部件可以从标准里面找到,但是关于product参考什么标准,好像没说啊?一开始肯定先要确定product standrand
发表于 2012-9-9 20:34 | 只看该作者
bisiwuyi 发表于 2012-9-9 20:23
6 X+ m( Q7 W) o3 L" ^我理解你的回复仅说明在标准里面有component of a product 的说明,即零部件可以从标准里面找到,但是关于 ...
5 @! [% Q" L% f0 p
. I3 a% U1 Y3 d* D; X
. H% y3 d% E. v( H1 Scope
" M1 b. r/ c3 ^* s0 |1.1 These requirements cover heating appliances rated at 600 V or less for use in unclassified locations
# u* q; b- J! vin accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), ANSI/NFPA 70.
6 s0 Z$ h: a) k- g! ?6 M8 E1.2 These requirements do not cover electric heating equipment or appliances that are covered by/ H4 s, e5 F: M) q& l9 z6 }
individual requirements that are separate from this Standard.1 _2 l+ C1 i: s" {  ?
1.3 For the purposes of this Standard, a heating appliance is defined as an electrically energized product
; f( d( J' T: Ythat directly or indirectly generates heat to perform its intended function.
" D8 v8 }+ J, Z1 g' L4 G7 p3 c1.4 These requirements also cover electrically energized products that generate steam for other than' [0 }1 q" u  ]$ x
space heating purposes and have an electrical power rating of 15 kW or less per steam generating vessel.
' @4 h7 I( l; s1.5 Steam generating products of the type described in 1.4 having an electrical input power rating of more
+ O6 v' K  f: q* X) zthan 15 kW per steam generating vessel are to be evaluated by the requirements in the Standard for( _# v" H: O0 D
Heating, Water Supply, and Power Boilers – Electric, UL 834.
0 U5 a% `$ T1 g& Z1.6 Each steam generating vessel in a multi-vessel unit shall comply with these requirements. The unit7 M! v: I( }/ s- k
shall also be provided with the marking in 47.37.
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