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[招聘] 某德资第三方公司业务拓展工程师或经理(深圳)

发表于 2012-7-9 15:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
公司:某德资第三方公司8 ]- P6 q7 o4 V% C3 A
: t6 E% [' {$ X. z' w! T工作地点:深圳
  ?8 a* K. G) b2 A学历:大专
" }+ x. r) H: U& k经验:2年以上
1 {/ ?; {. {1 Q  C/ ^( I部门:市场( y9 g6 Z& v8 ~- s- Z
8 o9 o  L4 q1 }1 g! Z/ X: C7 N下属:根据职位定位4 V) ?+ R8 g/ d; `7 |
薪资:6-10K x 12 + 提成 约年薪30%7 f/ e4 z9 n, S; W4 q9 ?
要求: 英文普通,有过纺织品,鞋服,玩具等softline 2年以上销售或BD经验; S" S: e, E' Z# l
如有意者,详细情况,可以同我联系。QQ:2113702,电话:135030814909 _3 F( `9 s- n: M2 d0 i. z
) T. c( F% A1 A, F+ N+ t  f
Job Description:3 I" `! Q  ^  g  ]/ n. c% x% e
- To develop and enlarge the sales base of "new and lose clients" in Greater China or in assigned location;4 |; q3 U$ x! j+ y' a& C" u7 x1 m
- To support and partner working up to agent level based on the location base;+ r' h8 y! [6 T1 A! t( O
- To partner working with Account Management Team and project team;
+ C( b7 K$ ~* H' J2 ?- To assist and report to Senior Business Development Executive or above;( F5 T* l5 C/ T5 i) z- {, Y; k3 i
- To handle customer's inquiries with professional advice;
6 }1 l5 y* ]% l+ E6 b2 _- To initiate and participant in the sales and marketing activities;" ?* W9 o+ t4 L- Z1 ~) i# f0 F* X- y
- To achieve company branding;* o6 n8 R" W  v# G8 m& q
- To join planning and develop overall strategles and quantitative annual targets according to market trend in-team;
. S% [5 m  p/ L- Achieve the annual targets;& q" f! ?+ X1 y' R
- To perform quality work according to the requirement of Company Group Asia and ISO/IEC 17025;
5 e2 v6 r) ?/ f5 S2 }2 |" [/ x; a. Y: o6 ?" Q
Job Requirement:
8 x8 Y3 G* L5 [$ O- College degree or above;
- R1 Q( V: G) k$ r- At least 2 years sales / marketing experience in industry field such as electrical, textile, etc.;
2 R# C8 e0 _, b9 S& U- Good communication and interpersonal skills;, `0 M& p- M3 _
- Can work independently and effieiently; can work under pressure;
, ^& M/ v/ W6 ]6 V  a8 y- Good English reading and writing ablity. & ~6 E8 ?9 r4 E% A' R
发表于 2012-7-10 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-10 18:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-10 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-16 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
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