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[招聘] 某国际服装品牌招聘泳衣内衣产品实验室技术人员或化学实验室技术人员(工程师-高级经

发表于 2012-7-6 10:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ q* @4 ~! e/ g8 t职位:实验室工程师至高级经理) ^- a! x& J" T: _: V) T
工作地点:广州太古汇7 z8 X8 c" q5 K; D- {- w
1 n9 J$ E$ s0 A8 b) U# _1 a6 A经验:2年以上% m7 B. J5 s8 h1 k8 L1 K
; ^8 h! T7 _' O# z# j6 y: r上司:总监
3 U& q( d6 T2 Q下属:根据职位定位4 [4 F  D  j+ M: N4 @
薪资:6-30K x 13 + 年终奖" {9 b, R; x8 q9 a
要求: 英文良好,从事过内衣,泳衣质量检测,或者化学实验室相关工作的7 r; [  I: O! @/ D# f) p
如有意者,详细情况,可以同我联系。QQ:2113702,电话:13503081490- l0 v9 B0 e8 c7 J

2 q8 N7 U+ Z4 I7 L% w# w( D* aMain responsibility1 Y4 [2 }. e( A7 d2 v7 {8 G1 R
* Have the general overview of the QA technician's work performance and their possible need of education* q/ L9 |: ~6 j# U; m! j7 N
* Be a role model in proactive quality assurance
& X: L3 j& `: a' }5 z8 Z, t* Make sure the whole team is working with the same tools and methods
/ q) ?0 X1 V9 s" ^, \* Close communication with QA Manager to lead the QA team to be able to secure all products meet our requirements re physical, chemical and color standards! ^! v1 V. X2 P6 B" V. v) E
* Secure QA team good cooperation with all relevant PO teams to proactively foresee quality problems and find solutions as early as possible in the process
) P  ~* |! O" J! a& q5 y* Secure the test lead times
" ]8 t' A9 {- [  I- n) d* Ensure that the test lab has relevant and maintained equipment
1 N" u6 n; y% u* Perform internal lab tests using our methods and tools. Aim for our tests to meet H&M requirements.& y! ]+ p7 ?* e
* Initiate & follow up external lab tests.6 ^8 `1 ?0 n2 p5 U$ q
* Check all children and baby samples according to our children & baby safety requirements.
, P+ M( V" g: G; a; t( T, B4 x* Use working system for all registration and follow up of tests.
( Y; P+ i  B6 G! \* Keep the lab equipment in good condition.
! e4 g3 E. Y0 t6 v8 v' I  [* Working with QA Manager to identify and manage quality projects and investigations
2 Q+ L& u; d9 L) N7 [8 z! s- c% W  w' M* Secure all PO is kept updated about new standards,requirements & restrictions
; R0 }5 B  [$ X/ t# A# a* Cooperation with SEBO quality department and other PO to keep close dialogue about routines, testing methods and equipment
! Y  c3 S' D3 u% v4 X. Q, {. m* Cooperation with H&M suppliers to secure all suppliers and their sub contractors follow all standards and commitments) K1 S; y' e  ^9 p& c- S
* Cooperation with external parties to secure the performance,lead time and price of external labs; to keep dialog with potential partner labs
6 Z  y& d1 H" f! |; M
4 ]& j" b: @  A; ?' h  ]9 s+ g1 L- V5 q5 |; b
Main Requirement% y( g" k7 S* f/ g
* Bachelor degree, major in textile, industrial engineering
1 y) e1 d7 C. C2 S; K1 v7 t  k( Q. r* Preferably experience in shoes lab, dye house, print house, dye stuff company or similar position in supplier or representative office. Preferred experience of leading a team in shoes industry4 T' v" v% ?% |# o/ @: y
* Good command of written and oral English
6 {: \6 f5 ~: D* Good communication skill
; H3 S; J3 M! l* Firm and determined with business minded and Quality conscious5 R: S) ]- I; e- d0 Y0 y
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-6 10:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-6 12:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-6 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-9 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
zhaoyang772 发表于 2012-7-6 23:12
3 l, Z! M( _: b+ CLZ我一直这默默的支持你,以后多点发安规工程师以及以上的,待遇8K以上,让我们看看有些什么要求,也让我们 ...

8 I: n. Z) i6 |" j1 W  c+ k+ L+ X这个职位,有经理的啊~薪资30K也可以~~~默默支持,实际行动支持好点吧~哈哈
发表于 2012-7-9 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-10 18:26 | 显示全部楼层
zhaoyang772 发表于 2012-7-9 13:42 7 U2 w0 F: Q- o- y- G+ |- y0 O

% O: p5 I) u; V# x6 Z5 \! b# y差距大没事,总有差距小的职位等着你~~~加我Q可以聊聊
发表于 2012-7-16 14:19 | 显示全部楼层
楼主还在么?俺公司做过泳衣和冲浪背心的  是那种发热的  行不? 发消息俺咯
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