公司:100多年历史的德资第三方认证公司,业内知名公司6 P( X+ x, o& W8 Z
职位:大中华区工业产品经理, Y8 |5 `1 o+ P2 M- a! A
工作地点:北京,上海,广州,深圳,香港,台湾都可1 O5 M% n% i+ l/ t
学历:本科# x0 b+ I. V; l# D
经验:8年以上(年龄30-45): v5 u' A7 F) k3 j$ Q; V: ]
9 S- Z* h( K3 y0 M u% c上司:中国区总监3 v: |* \* k3 D; S& m/ Y7 L+ L( _
下属:项目性汇报10人以内7 ~2 `, P/ x/ x2 B& h
薪资:40K x 13 + 奖金(可谈)
1 P2 K- y) a$ J* @0 }7 s# ^* _- V2 X+ l3 k; _4 q
要求:只考虑第三方认证行业从业人员,其他工厂或公司就不考虑了。英文好,熟悉工业产品,熟悉工业相关标准,有至少5年中高层管理经验,需要领导力和战略方面的经验) Y. h% X1 g5 ` s& J6 {5 J0 |
3 Q" ?7 s9 s4 P! d0 S$ j
2 |/ Z" s0 Y0 I8 }) Y8 L: c* C2 ]' u5 A. K: k1 K; I) m B
原始JD如下:; r" q1 m* z, @
5 d3 t( O4 {# ~* i+ d/ H' H# I2 OManager IDP Greater China Region/工业产品经理-大中华区
: b* N- ?9 a# p+ O, t1. 职位描述
3 i% R+ L' s8 n. a/ H" k公司/部门: " Q& ?+ Q \4 w
职位类别: 高级管理
+ o; U3 c3 d/ h! q; k工作时间: 全职
- A* w- f, @) d7 b/ P. i聘用类别: 正式雇员
7 E: q* H1 [ t8 e9 [职位级别: 高级职位(8年以上工作经验)5 N( f* o2 {% f" @
主工作地点: 北京,上海,广州,深圳,香港,台湾+ j7 V2 E9 F& Z5 ?9 @. _
人数: 1
! p! X5 |2 C. a. r7 l7 b
, w( {$ K& M8 }5 b0 b: l职位名称: Manager IDP Greater China Region/工业产品经理-大中华区2 I1 n; Y& I# m5 c
0 H* c+ G. u. M% Y3 l3 |( x职位概述: I. Position Summary This position is responsible for all activities within the IDP Department to achieve the target of safety certification / testing business in the area of industrial products and machinery. Additionally this position is responsible for supporting and managing Industrial Products Business Line across Greater China region.
( o$ R# T% ?9 S! d& ?$ GII. II. Responsibility and Authority Strategic responsibilities - Develop a strategy for industrial products in Greater China. - Steer market study on the potential for environmental, health and safety services for industrial products in Greater China in cooperation with marketing and the managers for industrial products in the various regions - Develop in line with the market potential and in cooperation with the Vice President E&E Business Line and the Senior Vice President for industrial products in Asia Pacific the service portfolio to meet market demand - Build internal resources through recruitment of suitable engineers and sales and their subsequent training - Develop the relevant quality / technical processes in line with the requirements defined in Greater China and Asia Pacific to ensure sustainable quality of the services delivered in industrial products - Work with marketing to develop a product / service roll out with the relevant marketing activities: marketing collaterals, seminar, media exposure, etc. - Take an active role in service innovation by proposing and developing, in cooperation with the local teams, new services for industrial products, which will later translate into new revenue streams Profit & Loss responsibilities - Responsible for the profit and loss for industrial products in China (top line and bottom line) - Take part in business development activities including but not limited to meeting with clients, negotiating offers, supporting other regions business development activities on a need basis - Grow the business, take part in business forecasting and planning Technical governance - Work as an active member of working groups to facilitate global alignment and cooperation between regions and divisions in charge of industrial products - Cooperate with Senior Vice President for industrial products in Asia Pacific to ensure consistency and synergies in the development of services, present and future, for industrial products0 `; o* H7 g$ \1 `, v
职责: 1. Lead department activities to meet the department’s business plan
! s* L& \- r4 z3 @2. Set up all necessary processes and ensure smooth operation in the department
/ ~/ o/ X: Q. D# ^, ~3. Take lead of function to develop new business
& z4 l% O1 K+ U4 q1 c) a4. Supervise staffs in managing projects and tasks# J, L* D/ G! S/ l9 L
5. Provide essential technical support to staffs to fulfill business and quality requirement
0 b" v' n, b$ E) Q3 E# x6. Coordinate with other departments and branches to make sure the “one-stop-shop” service has been provided to the customers
0 p3 w0 H9 L' G' H& ~9 R0 x3 y2 g$ e {7. Communicate with key accounts
1 H, p8 U8 G9 d1 n" t+ }5 V8. Organize training to make sure staff have competent knowledge in standards, directives and customer services
- }" m: N7 n; m- R9. Manage and develop staff, strengthen team cooperation
4 f2 R& R1 Y A- \' z( A9 O& e0 R10. Perform other duties assigned by Vice President E&E Business Line
& U* S4 h/ ~ }9 d! B任职条件: 11. Technical background, bachelor degree or above0 l$ o2 q# x+ ]1 F5 T5 F* c% Y# C
12. Sense of responsibility and can work independently
# {5 a9 r2 F9 G) \1 c C13. At least 5 years working experience in field of industrial products, conformity assessment of industrial machinery (CE- conformity), Semi, Industrial components1 A( M3 T- L" Z) f
14. At least 5 years experience in project management and executio3 S, u+ ~. t. J8 v3 w+ P: T! l! t) ]
15. Excellent technical knowledge and operational knowledge about IDP- business (testing, certification and QC- service)
3 s: w0 `1 t4 T) L, g4 J16. Experience in managing a profit and loss center (department)! V1 y: ?% L9 f: Z! L0 \" I
17. Proven ability to create new businesses and develop service portfolio1 J3 _* [6 E6 a& ]1 B3 G7 F
18. Chinese native speaker, fluent English, add. skills are a plus
* t) `8 \& ]' A( h& m2 Z% g, ^19. Strong communication and coordination skills
, M- ?/ K+ g! E6 t4 D20. Can work and interact in a multicultural environment5 _- S) O6 H. P% d; u" {