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[招聘] 某德资第三方认证公司招聘签证官

发表于 2012-5-30 18:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; [$ x+ O' ?+ c% T, N( F职位:签证官8 a" u$ c2 w* o1 E  P9 c6 R3 _
工作地点:广州 和 上海1 G, W, G" `8 s1 d
  i( c- b1 ~" Q) q1 F经验:3年以上
! C2 I6 V5 P; P- J3 c部门:检验认证部
6 h$ J8 u$ v) {$ n# ~0 M上司:部门总监- |, L: z. J$ x" q  H) @2 o
7 h8 O0 }) d5 m' h0 R' L薪资:约25K x 13 + 奖金
1 }0 X: I3 K  s& b- K" |8 G8 {3 {3 g5 ?$ u, ]
要求熟悉IT,电子电器,机械,制造等行业安规标准,或者认证行业从业经验' K# J& `* @* y9 |7 m
注意:德语是必须条件0 X3 L8 [" ?" e8 k3 x
& l* @8 ?% ~; f! w5 w4 A# `, q( Q4 B, P
如有意者,详细情况,可以同我联系。QQ:2113702,电话:135030814901 {0 A; P+ H; q; k+ W+ G5 k

( |9 e  K2 t3 x下面是原始JD:
) b% N  Q& z. s( T! S( b% P9 z3 ]: h. ]$ Y6 y( |, i- t  m) ?9 t7 ^
Central Certifier
) i; B5 v# V% o* `0 W4 @. `( o/ h% \  u
Job descriptions:
+ B3 z7 B4 f2 V& n1 x3 {: S*Execute of Certification Body services, e.g. issuing of certificates according relevant QM systems
8 ~! d: g1 D; Q*Evaluation and release of testing specifications
9 N& X# R7 l/ ?*Coordination with other Certification Bodies Greater China is liaised with, `/ U; R( E5 K* R2 N( x+ H
*Surveillance of other Certifiers and Technical Certifiers according given framework, d% F8 T: v7 H: j( k
*Identification of process weaknesses to ensure sustainability and reliability of issued certificates
% k+ T8 e8 \; W5 d0 f0 M% J*As member of the Central Certification Board, training and recommendation of Technical Certifier and Certifier candidates as well as conduct internal audits in Greater China or in any other TUV Rheinland location# U# w- T7 p2 _
*Support other organizationally units in their task to meet and exceed customers expectations
" Y, d: n8 f0 H! N/ x/ SInterface to the operational department to develop new certification business# w* d2 V/ v4 s2 k

' s" n0 m! M" x, q5 M0 s. W" p/ ~Job Requirement:, n) T! l9 w( \, E$ ~' d# _
*At least 5 years experiences related in testing and certification industry;! `8 e( u9 s8 r% O* S1 T" I
*Senior in standards related to IT, Household, Machinery or Mechanical Industry (multiple is a plus)
1 J+ J& l5 S: z# T( x, r3 T*Familiar with common certification schemes as CB & GS proven by records
8 d5 l4 e' ]0 p1 ^( U4 E. Y5 ^*Intercultural experiences outside of Europe; w+ k$ x" f& N8 i* i
*Fluent in speaking and writing German . 7 b  {6 x* o& b1 a/ _5 R3 u! k2 {7 i
- c4 `7 M0 P2 T" }* R
Working Locations:* b# D5 T" w% o
Shanghai and Guangzhou! I. O' f4 V% e3 j3 w1 ~
& I1 M! I! [/ e1 e: m
Remark:  S% t* Y1 [! l/ v, M$ A
We can accept the engineer who is familiar with standard and train him to be a certifier;
1 z$ c7 g% s) C1 ~7 |) \. AThe language ability is a must.
/ d3 L8 J0 |7 V4 f' O) J+ }
" o2 k. e; f0 v1 }, T, W' u/ f  t
发表于 2012-5-30 18:51 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-30 19:17 | 显示全部楼层
zhengongfu 发表于 2012-5-30 18:51 5 Z: y. K) _- @( ^0 u
& _2 w9 P: f: P9 K; x8 v


德语比法语还难学啊  发表于 2012-5-31 09:04
发表于 2012-5-31 10:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-31 10:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-31 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
极品老工 发表于 2012-5-31 10:38
- n' ^' n) Z6 o3 I, u2 x决定到德国流浪三年,卧薪尝胆,边学德语边洗碗。

' o% b$ c8 K; Z- I1 W% c/ {能带上我吗? 我帮你一起洗碗
发表于 2012-5-31 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
jsspace 发表于 2012-5-31 10:48 / b# P( H) @# N2 o
能带上我吗? 我帮你一起洗碗

+ j$ {% }5 P+ p( m; g我也去,我也去洗碗
发表于 2012-5-31 13:22 | 显示全部楼层
简单, 嫁个德国妞
发表于 2012-5-31 14:02 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-31 14:05 | 显示全部楼层
digmay2002 发表于 2012-5-31 10:30 3 H5 K$ L9 c) |/ H, ~

+ ?2 h& n5 C$ j& p英语不行呀~必须要德语流利,略懂也不行,哈哈~汇报对象是一个德国总监
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