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[电源产品] UL60950-2003系列問題

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-17 14:47 | 显示全部楼层
我手边的开关电源产品,用228的表测出来是0.16MARMS,但是用IEC的方法,电压最大值是15.6V' {% t5 s. M- @3 r  Y1 E' }4 {6 l: K
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-17 18:43 | 显示全部楼层
0 F' B  l& c8 S" ?' J. k( C' k( E' p) _9 N3 s: Z( L6 s% m# m4 ~1 y
1.标准2.4 章LCC测试的具体测试方法?和IEC的测试方法有什么区别?用228的表是否可以直接测Y1电容两端的电流值而不用串2K无感电阻?
3 b1 P# N4 P5 J" `F:已经有人回复你了,只是提醒一下,如果用2K电阻一定用无感的,否则没有参考价值。要么就用附录D的电路来测试(IEC也是允许的),UL允许用228;注意不同测试条件下的限值不同。
) }( T$ |& f# J) a9 X. I$ @( T0 d- m% M  q4 \2 x2 a' x
什么样的电阻是无感的呢?那里可以买得到?不同测试条件都有什么,能不能详细讲一下?" v" l9 D2 Z" ~; b; V+ \
附录D的电路FIGURE D.1我们是用来测接触电流的,但是FIGURE D.2我看不懂,能讲一下具体的操作吗?就目前我了解的情况来看,普遍是说串一个2K的无感电阻,/ \: p) q, d: Y; _/ x9 W- h
除了UL的;$ Q, T2 [  A! }7 L8 F
1.UL:断开Y1电容接次级的脚,然后直接串228的表到大地;3 m$ ?. ^0 H) M' z6 Z
2.IEC:/ q& K! v5 U* W3 O* V2 t! W; X8 v
A.断开Y1电容接次级的脚,串2K无感电阻到次级,然后用示波器测电阻电压换算6 H6 Z, }; n( L& e
6 \- L, x* T) O3 x* D0 fC.在次级功能地串2K无感电阻到大地,然后用示波器测电阻电压换算( V6 P/ [. f. `; y9 Y

. ^0 J7 s# S( Z* B3.标准2.5章 LIMITED POWER SOURCE MEASUREMENTS 的具体测试方法?
. H: i. ^/ Z" XF:仔细看标准,分清情况:Inherently limited / Non-inherently limited6 }+ t% X4 e, X( k( Z. T( z% G
测试时输出: No loading or minimum loading condition: J( x7 m  \5 s- Q5 x5 C' v
    minimum loading condition指的是什么负载?然后记录输出:
8 t$ w6 s6 q1 o0 IMax. Voltage (V)    Max. Current (A)    Max. VA    & F# i) T# q) S) [2 T) i# y

( Q: X: }! \0 B* R) [1 G7 j然后和认证工程师商量破坏的器件,在器件破坏时记录:* e8 u% o& I  Z$ A  y  V( \
Max. Voltage (V)    Max. Current (A)    Max. VA
' W9 r& X. n/ n5 _4 @. y7 G& Z# ]! I& W) @
然后根据Inherently limited / Non-inherently limited的分类选择不同的表格进行比较判断是否合格!                                , o! l8 G* Q  A: l
9 v+ v7 `) c1 V% W3 ?4 `5.标准4.6章针对直插式器具的几个测试问题:
  _4 M: {8 r( I) l" ~. Q  1.N BLADE SECUREMENT TEST
' g: [+ ]' P! o) D" `# f/ R- e$ A  2.IN SECURITY OF INPUT CONTACTS
2 J7 i0 W3 p3 k! v' G7 ~, T  3.IN RESISTANCE TO CRUSHING9 j; `5 \0 a6 z: E
  4.IN ROD PRESSURE TEST; V% w6 c! ~  _( G
& U9 P, ?  i4 ^! C    请教具体的测试方法?, L* [: R' m2 A; |  A
F: 4.6讲的是外壳的开孔,你讲的应该是4.3.6,我不知道怎么说,我们的测试方法就是按照UL的data sheet翻译的。
4 x/ u$ p9 @* X' e: y" ]6 k& v# ]  f
是的,我搞错了,我讲的是4.3.6# Q  F+ G& Z* R/ p  Q/ o+ c
6 ?# n6 F+ _" v( W2 n- y3 T' V
7 b7 J: l5 {" S6 u& Z* [3 A1 u8 o: `8 [+ q) T
1.    Three samples of each model tabulated below were subjected to this test.  The equipment was supported on a horizontal steel plate with the blades and earthing pin, if provided, projecting downward through a hold having a diameter sufficient only to permit the blades to pass through it.  A 20 lb (9.1 kg) weight was supported by each blade and the earthing pin, if provided, in succession and then by the two blades tested together.  Each test was 2 minutes in length.  Any displacement of either blade or earthing pin was recorded.
$ B. @; I8 I. O/ v9 K  O, P1 g3 Q
0 R9 v3 I* j. `  d4 u用9.1KG的重物掉在BLADE下两分钟,先一个一个来,再两个同时来?
8 f2 u: O0 H3 E! Q7 D; I( N' O! L" g; w% D. R
2.    Three samples of each model tabulated below were subjected to this test.  Each sample was rigidly supported in the blades-up position.  Each blade and the earthing pin, if provided, in succession were subjected to a force of 30 pounds-force (133 N) applied gradually along the axis of the blade in a direction towards the face of the equipment.  The same sample was retested subjecting both blades and the earthing pin to a single applied force of 40 pounds-force (178 N).  Each test was 1 minute in length.
, L" i8 r. U9 D+ O  Z, Y4 {$ m2 Q
7 E# O  J- ~$ N0 h) e! G2 t- `用133N的力垂直压在单个的BLADE上(方向为插入插座的轴的方向),然后同样的方向用178N的力压在两个BLADE上,用时同为1分钟?
. F, ]% E' G5 ^
3.    A sample of each model tabulated below was placed between two maple blocks each not less than 1/2 in. thick and one having slots for the plug blades.  A crushing force of 75 lb was applied gradually in a direction normal to the mounting surface for a period of 1 minute.+ I$ V5 S' I1 g8 o& y9 g4 S7 H  n

7 g+ Z1 Y$ T: _; J5 V1 G把器具放在两个不超过0.5INCH后的枫木块间,用75磅的力压外壳1钟?
7 Z+ I/ `) l( k) S- Y" m/ Q, n5 ]7 {# U
4. The equipment was connected to 264 V ac, 60 Hz.  The equipment was placed on a flat surface in any convenient position.  The body of the equipment was wrapped in a layer of metal foil.  A force increasing from 0 to 20 pounds-force (0 to 89 N) over a time period of 5 seconds was applied through the axis of a rod perpendicular to the surface of the enclosure.   The rod was 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) diameter, having a flat contact end with the edge rounded to a radius of 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) to eliminate sharp edges.  The force was maintained at 20 pounds for 1 minute.0 U5 W. d9 z5 d7 k9 I1 T
During this test, peak voltage and touch current were monitored between earth ground and all parts of the enclosure (the outer foil wrap).  If the Peak Voltage was less than 42.4 V, then the Leakage Current was not measured.  Following the test, the sample was subjected to the Electric Strength Test.
6 z* H/ V4 Y7 Q4 d) s5 P, m9 o2 t/ s- h* v
1 i+ f: n! i4 D6 ~& `5 _
: m6 j: d% o+ @# Z+ ^9 U6.标准5.1章5.1, ANNEX D  TOUCH CURRENT TEST  (SINGLE PHASE/POLYPHASE; TN/TT SYSTEM)请给出具体的测试方法?
* r  s6 v7 L; b1 b( o  l; pF:见标准5.1的图5A和5B,标准中的描述就是测试方法。
! E, b- ?. d( ?- AUL:我用228的表是否就是一个表笔接L或N,另一个表笔接输出或外壳?
 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-30 15:15 | 显示全部楼层
引用第27楼嘻嘻于2007-10-18 09:50发表的  :
( U- w2 g+ Q9 P0 r看你的回贴,应该是没有做过多少测试./ Z' X- W- u; ?2 f% y& C
最近比较忙,有几天没上来了,谢谢各位的回答,问题基本上我已经弄清楚了。; q' }2 w, U! P8 B6 c# c
最后为本贴做个收尾吧:& |+ B/ C. h' S: a' ]# I
关于DIRECT PLUG-IN 的开关电源的几项测试:% `& p1 w% Q# q1 ?9 o; X
9 E' A. g2 Z$ K- d# V9 h2 d, N- N1.DIRECT PLUG-IN BLADE SECUREMENT TEST   41章
2 }* z! h+ h: T! {2 \3. DIRECT PLUG-IN RESISTANCE TO CRUSHING   44.5章) k3 U4 T- g6 b
$ ^; U  {6 ?1 v$ O) d5. WEIGHT AND MOMENT DETERMINATION: (DIRECT PLUG-IN UNIT)3 f  [& W& g' \9 b& K  y
第5.11  5.12  5.13 章
9 m, Z& g# u/ m1 O# a7 }另外我的UL1310:2001是简体中文版,希望对大家有帮助!


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