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发表于 2007-7-27 10:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
6 [. ?2 Y" p: M( MBase knowledge of safety engineering& Y! T9 T: _* r' [+ d
a)安规工作的目的和意义$ N* ~7 m* F- y( w8 O0 |9 B& A/ s" f
The goal and purpose of safety engineering+ L/ x8 {# @. ]1 J4 ]; E% U* p2 W* B
b)安规工作案例(录像、图片)/ s0 Y& c2 o) C) M, V2 l* e( l! o3 D
The case of safety engineering (Video/Photograph); g; H  j- {7 M) ?, {  O! O% l
6 Y) n0 V6 p; E5 w4 E$ b
2.安规设计的原则4 Q: K$ l# M: T8 }$ m
The principle of safety design" Y* U( s2 w; |( q+ ^
7 l* Z' w( f2 hIdentify seven kind of hazard in electrical products6 ?& \+ O3 B0 t: }3 U. m5 n% d
b)危险的预防! F  l) s  W6 l  \/ b
Prevent of hazards in electrical products
' N. J; y1 m; K" L: r1 k
3 `1 \' u! v; C  x6 o3.安规认证及标准体系
4 V; x; z, t, C; ]: @! {Safety agency approval and standards system) W4 K. i7 U. V7 }' I' F$ y2 n
# f1 @3 g/ _& H- C- CIntroduce major safety agencies in the world  O* ?- g! s* X: S( b
b)安规认证的选择原则7 J5 k! i4 ]0 {" I7 l* c4 @
Decision rules of safety agency mark2 g3 m2 ^7 X7 S8 o( j& @* [
( g5 a. G1 I2 O" e6 C/ a* C6 M$ L4 oSafety standards system) p3 p/ R, f" @; p& b. b$ m$ ?
阅读材料:世界各地的安规及EMC要求6 {- W9 S  l* T$ ^
Reading materials: safety and EMC requirement in global market+ r! m$ |+ T/ m! U
* u' ^8 d/ q# ]. e6 }# D
# f+ p$ J2 C6 `3 Q  YBasic definitions of product safety design
6 |+ q: e6 \0 c# aa)基本名词定义
& V# e/ R: I7 d6 Y5 k" r- V& [% JBasic definitions) l# l2 ^, n! s* p& D* l5 [
- r; ~: y) L0 \& m' X6 dDefinitions of circuits8 X$ {" W5 a( @* q, M
练习:电路识别" H4 i4 n$ i1 {( b
Exercise: recognized the circuit : w- A# a9 Y4 g" P

- T, G7 j3 s8 P9 i# B5.产品设计过程中的安规审查
7 B: U; a* @* v& w) n8 WSafety construction review during designing* z$ J& j" z1 ^# `7 x! Q
a)标签及说明书的审查/ g2 |6 ~" b# C4 \
Label and instruction review
2 U( L! t9 r/ q" F% Y$ z8 Qb)布线连接
6 ?9 A- I) f" M! fConnections( A$ E( @9 o4 C3 P
9 ]: J* l" X$ d0 O8 q( T# |; y9 eGeneral requirement of connections
7 l3 V8 D0 x0 _' Wii.保护接地的要求$ `# g2 P* d; m; G2 l( W. a
Protective Earthing requirement6 g+ X# I4 x6 l$ C/ P( r, u3 F5 a
练习:保护接地的材料判定& `% u3 [' A! u  ^+ \- v0 X
Exercise: judgement suitable materials on PE cuircuit.
8 {! T& _2 L( j6 e/ Sc)外壳设计9 w% j4 ?9 [1 M
Enclosure Design
3 M$ t, {& |  ]( g" b练习:外壳材料/ T" B7 }, F: ~" ?
Exercise: Plastic material recognized* D2 }( \' b7 C  F, O
/ d) D$ R3 S" v3 b/ JExercise: opening in end-product enclosure
( u* V, z) p: y" z5 a0 {7 M4 t0 c! B1 v8 o, M) u0 [* Z
6.电气的绝缘配合3 q: |3 s' I5 a4 J
Insulation coordination in product
, W( ~8 k& e2 P5 f  D' Z* y- D  oa)相关概念3 u- y/ |5 f! m: N* D
Basic definition 6 |0 K  y& h8 P& d* D) O+ c" Y
b)绝缘类型的判定, Z6 I8 G+ N( ?; v
Judgement insulation level , x5 X3 C8 y# f
, e' U5 ?- G2 N- X. D1 xExercise: Recognized circuit category, insulation level- r% l# r+ B& B, `( `# I
9 i  M: j# N+ i7 VJudgement insulation distance
5 n0 H  t4 r2 }0 r! }. g- n, n; mi.电气间隙% e; e& m1 y! a; D& c# g
* ]- X0 A0 c/ ~2 m$ }ii.爬电距离
/ w% D6 ]5 {6 M1 z* q, F8 V4 zCreepage
3 o# P3 w; s4 |iii.绝缘穿透距离/ k4 ]" Q) r7 H9 e/ _- ^
Distance through insulation
- A3 S* s! _7 L& j$ i' g练习:电路识别+绝缘类型+绝缘距离
, r- |8 a: A% Z9 x4 g' CExercise: Recognized circuit category, insulation level, insulation distance.
% ^% e6 \  R* X9 @d)固体材料的绝缘配合# @/ u8 I( O/ Z3 @, o/ g% k
Insulation coordination in solid material, A5 M, U6 T9 ~- O) r" Q
5 P3 X5 X1 G- ]Insulation film/sheet
, T5 t8 c1 B0 O, G+ B" K8 ?+ ?ii.PCB
5 R; h& @, ^# n6 _Printed Circuit Board) s, c+ `  l/ {: F( `" q( U
4 u9 J; ~$ {" u! wOpto-coupler
8 n. r) g/ ~! X5 m0 w" L7 e+ z" \+ p2 b. O
) q0 I. L0 P% |3 x+ t1 Y6 YSafety Critical Component
9 y) ~1 d' k( v# ^, P9 d! ea)安规器件的判定原则
3 Q- R  }0 G( sRules of safety critical component
+ n1 k% A. M& B& Rb)安规器件的控制建议9 b5 {- B, o! o7 z1 X/ V: `6 ?
Suggestion on safety critical component control 5 j" e1 v' r- i8 v5 @
c)安规器件合格与否的判定$ `) O% D- d$ ?% }: O! O5 I
Verify of safety critical component
0 T7 [0 I4 |! z4 p% \# M3 H7 ~i.如何利用互联网进行确认! B" c& A" n3 u$ C# j1 h
How to use internet to verify: }, E  Z; k- S
ii.传统证书的识别及确认/ l# X# }" ?4 e$ ]4 n2 G; v, A
Verify use traditional certificate
% K1 k  b9 V5 v) @# D  }d)UL对安规器件的通用要求
$ ~$ F# s5 q3 o: A  l* p5 [General requirement of Underwriter Laboratories Inc/ u+ e* m* [) t( U
e)认证公司的具体要求(UL V/CCC)
4 n6 R+ y: d: NDetail Requirement of safety agencies (UL V/CCC)" c# U7 ^& ?. d) F+ Q. a, _& |
# D% ~3 t/ [( g: y. EInclude X/Y cap, Inductor and Transformer, Fuse, Relay, Connector, Insulation
% u, u3 N/ S0 omaterial etc safety critical component
2 j7 q/ h# [4 L
2 y- f, R' V: ^, z8.安规测试
7 H1 D. z, q' B+ d8 i2 n( S. P( F1 ZSafety Test& Z, z# f% D& @+ `  I6 L) H
: v1 D, Y) l" K0 @+ b+ yIntroduce safety test of standards mentioned' O& q3 t  U/ k0 Q6 W* u! Y! ^
b)重点讲述常见安规测试的合格判定及问题处理# V- t) |# g3 v! J
Detail training on major safety test method and judgement.
# |8 N9 s5 f" ]8 [/ n9 a. s如:温升测试、耐压、漏电流、接地连续性、器件失效、异常操作等
) D& L) b) G% D! ~e.g. heating test, hi-pot test, leakage current test, earthing test, component 7 P# I; K) \. ], I
fault test, abnormal test.
4 o- d& H' h+ x* x. [5 _
* c- a5 n9 \) K9 j# o/ K0 K$ v; P3 e9.安规维护% D! y6 g0 _3 g; l
Safety maintenance 8 N- f1 K+ P, q8 E" U
a)安规工厂检查的目的及要求) y! i) u0 j3 e4 n' k; N
The goal and requirement of safety manufacture inspection1 b2 P: f! E2 G- ~/ v  @
b)安规维护的细则! U9 P- C  E6 |' g0 Y+ f& w
Rules of safety maintenance
# t6 O& W; p% ?* @5 W. Si.物料替代的原则! ?, ^. ^7 _7 u4 f1 l. i
Rules of material replace and substitute7 K2 S2 A$ C' e* d
3 O% y  n; H# o7 [UL Follow-up inspection procedure and how to deal with VN, t, m; Y& _0 K, l5 H

# ?3 ]# C5 B, Q% k! S% X' c10.安规认证
& q0 U( L4 r1 \) S( p' r. M. qSafety Agency Approval " M3 u# m5 P  ~- v/ g
7 k" J. E' C0 {) ^5 `; T5 lBasic Procedure of safety agency approval8 i+ G, @% n& s  R0 s! c$ k
b)安规认证的数据认可" Y" `: s1 X9 Z1 l1 a) c* g* I. K+ _" u
Accept testing data in agency approval! {& v! K8 p( n! L: o
0 D0 V0 q4 R! m; L3 i% sUL CIP program3 Q$ c, B6 U, t; f0 g6 c
ii.CSA类别认证程序( [) E4 \5 f$ X
CSA Category Certification Program1 P) A3 K9 ^% }4 ~
iii.TUV-ps客户数据认可: c9 v4 g6 R  J+ e' h
TUV Product Services Accept Client Testing
1 P# _1 E; T1 S/ l8 L$ miv.IEC数据认可
/ l7 m# A; p( D0 Q/ b! A/ mIEC Laboratory management syste
发表于 2009-12-1 22:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-18 09:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-18 09:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-18 09:17 | 只看该作者
我也想看看,還是想以後能夠吃這碗飯,只是我的錢可能不夠; U5 j0 W7 J' K. i) v& d" }
发表于 2009-11-8 14:01 | 只看该作者
只有目录 继续学习学习~~~
发表于 2009-11-5 17:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-5 17:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-5 14:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-4 19:43 | 只看该作者
没有内容,就看看目录,当安规英语普及培训了  o(∩_∩)o 哈哈
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