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[美洲灯具] LED高压软灯条火花测试

发表于 2016-7-13 11:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
LED高压软灯条认证完了,产线上打高压要用火花机,档案里原文摘录了UL2388 37章节的内容,请问根据以下内容,是不是火花机测试电压是6000VRMS?' s) r; Z$ g5 q" G8 e! l
询问设备厂他们认为这个6KV电压是火花机测试容值,不是产品高压测试值,正常125V电线测试电压只有2000V。+ I: h8 @# y5 ?3 r5 J$ z$ K$ }/ L
我邮件询问UL工程师回复很简短:“如以下說明, 火花機需要維持最少6000 V RMS.正常測試時需要打1250 V, 60 Hz, 一分鐘的時間.0 B" d) o) ~8 Y; t
有这方面产品经验的大神,请指教?& [4 C: f2 i# m; `' G4 x

, M$ s! p+ b# B" p; _- l% }以下是UL 2388, par. 37. 原文摘录0 i0 C: b/ d# o( }
(b) The voltage source of spark tester shall maintain a minimum test potential of 6000 volts RMS under all normal conditions of leakage current.  The core of a transformer and one end of its secondary winding shall be solidly connected to earth ground.  A voltage source shall not be connected to more than one electrode.
(n) For the factory production continuity testing of a flexible light enclosure, it is the manufacturer’s choice whether to substitute either of the following for the test in (m):
a) Continuous eddy-current procedure complying with (o) and (p); or
b) Continuous differential capacitive-current procedure complying with (q).
(o)      The eddy-current test arrangement shall include equipment that complies with each of the following:
a) The equipment is to apply current at one or several frequencies in the range of 1 – 125 kHz to a test coil for the purpose of inducing eddy currents in the conductor moving through the coil at production speed;
b) The equipment is to detect the variation in impedance of the test coil caused by each break in the conductor;
c) The equipment is to provide a visual indication to the operator.
(p)      The longitudinal axis of the conductor is to be coincident with the electrical center of the test coil.  The flexible light enclosure is to have little or no vibration as it passes through the test coil and is to clear the coil by a distance that is not greater than 1/2 inch (13 mm).  Variations in the speed of the flexible light enclosure through the test coil are to be limited to plus 50 percent and minus whatever percentage (50 percent maximum) keeps the signal amplitude from falling below the level at which a break can be detected.  Calibration without any wire in the test coil is to be made at least daily to check whether the equipment is functioning. The temperature along the length of the flexible light enclosure being tested is not to vary from the temperature at which the equipment was calibrated, balanced, and so forth unless the variations are gradual and are without hot or cold spots that cause false signals.
(q)      The differential capacitive-current procedure shall include equipment that complies with each of the following:
a) The equipment is to be used in conjunction with a 1 – 3 kHz or higher-frequency spark tester;
b) Two pickup electrodes are to be located in tandem either along the portion of the conductor being tested that is moving from the grounded pay-off reel toward the spark electrode, or along the portion of the conductor being tested that is moving toward the grounded take-up reel from the spark electrode;
c) As each break in the conductor is passing from the first pickup electrode toward the second, the equipment is to detect the difference between the voltage capacitively coupled from the conductor under test to the pickup electrode nearest the spark electrode and the lower voltage coupled to the pickup electrode nearest the grounded reel; and
d) The equipment is to show a visual indication to the operator.
发表于 2016-7-13 13:59 | 只看该作者
The eddy-current test arrangement shall include equipment that complies with each of the- m" {& M' x- N! G' G. \, K
following:. A9 p* ~: }% |0 u5 o! L; M5 d! a% I
a) The equipment is to apply current at one or several frequencies in the range of 1 – 125 kHz
+ \% h  K. j% c6 [to a test coil for the purpose of inducing eddy currents in the conductor moving through the coil0 H8 E% l3 @+ e
at production speed;3 f/ q" _2 W' W8 Z) _3 I
b) The equipment is to detect the variation in impedance of the test coil caused by each break( C# X% a( \  Z* h
in the conductor;, b6 K; I9 c% Y3 ?! U+ d
c) The equipment is to provide a visual indication to the operator.
; L5 ?+ f+ S( _9 A7 B6 |: k4 }The differential capacitive-current procedure shall include equipment that complies with each of the; [) F0 t' q, l% f2 N
6 d# Q# F( @  t& Ca) The equipment is to be used in conjunction witha1–3kHzorhigher-frequency spark8 D# Q5 H% M0 ~1 T/ P) b, Y
9 Q! U, d7 ^" M7 [( F( ]7 Db) Two pickup electrodes are to be located in tandem either along the portion of the conductor
$ y- U; }3 c% a# lbeing tested that is moving from the grounded pay-off reel toward the spark electrode, or along
6 b/ `5 |9 n  F& d% {8 \& ]8 ethe portion of the conductor being tested that is moving toward the grounded take-up reel from5 K6 c) y! c+ x- X& N
the spark electrode;
% _, [- g# W& d" v8 W* F. d# Fc) As each break in the conductor is passing from the first pickup electrode toward the second,3 ?" a5 F& s! [8 B8 a8 Z+ k' U
the equipment is to detect the difference between the voltage capacitively coupled from the
# t+ g' ?7 d/ e8 ~  x0 F; f1 Gconductor under test to the pickup electrode nearest the spark electrode and the lower voltage
% E( D- D  F0 z' l1 f7 N) ccoupled to the pickup electrode nearest the grounded reel; and" h5 s5 Y7 m' P. B
d) The equipment is to show a visual indication to the operator.
$ d! D# Y1 h5 ?( E" O, |这个频率确定了是高频火花试验机了。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-13 13:31 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gmr24185 于 2016-7-13 14:01 编辑
, G, h; E: W! ~# |
zhangtaooo 发表于 2016-7-13 13:12
7 \5 \7 H/ v% R" Y% F我对您这个SPARK TEST 的时间和频率保留意见。
5 L; Y; F& d8 W# Q( s- g' ^: t

0 m$ q' }$ J; W  O9 c我们咨询的是东莞xxx(删除,避免广告嫌疑),生产电线电缆火花机的。


好的,谢谢!  发表于 2016-7-13 13:33
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-13 13:30 | 只看该作者
af204 发表于 2016-7-13 13:04 4 S9 }1 f) G3 Q! {- u

$ g  E- B" w6 I3 ^把标准发给设备厂和UL验厂员了,都回复说标准里只列出了火花机的电压容值,这个值不是测试值。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-7-13 13:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 zhangtaooo 于 2016-7-13 13:30 编辑 . @' i" [* c8 G, [; h' M" ^
- s/ W; q" w. k  y5 n: f
我对您这个SPARK TEST 的时间和频率保留意见。
. f/ Q/ \! Z, b" {, E- {/ x3 c3 N( l6 b5 ?( y
8 X0 Z5 ~; b7 l" B
2 {/ f6 h4 ]+ j7 t3 {


东莞西克拉,专业生产电线电缆火花机的。  详情 回复 发表于 2016-7-13 13:31
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-7-13 13:04 | 只看该作者


把标准发给设备厂和UL验厂员了,都回复说标准里只列出了火花机的电压容值,这个值不是测试值。  详情 回复 发表于 2016-7-13 13:30
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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