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[综合话题] 大家有没有发现Toaster标志里的这个矛盾啊?求解~~~~

发表于 2012-12-3 12:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
  |) M( y* c( ^$ |+ P4 n  |8 G0 l
: n' Y& }$ \- R: F60335-2-9里cl.19.102 规定:2 F2 }; J  X% @# J, k7 i5 A1 V4 u

# v5 v  a; |0 ?. l% D1 I19.102 Toasters, loaded with the bread specified for normal operation, are operated at
* h% f% K* _! i$ V/ f. W  y6 M9 Nrated power input. The ejector mechanism is prevented from releasing and the supply is; [3 Y. E0 g& k8 M2 q* T
maintained to the toaster after the timer has completed its maximum cycle.
3 m# O' Y1 L- `+ e' S- w/ [" _
+ Q6 a) T2 f9 h) V# ~1 K. E8 s
然后到了cl.22.113里又说:4 l/ ?2 N0 j; B( Y7 S/ L/ c# m

. t  ^- ?3 Z8 a22.113 Toasters having an ejector mechanism shall be constructed so that they switch off
4 e; W% p/ C3 O6 @! Q/ ^7 @automatically after the normal toasting time even if the ejector mechanism is blocked.
6 P/ H1 N- V9 A; z2 QCompliance is checked by the following test.9 r0 G1 U/ h2 G+ L: p. w
The toaster is supplied at rated voltage and the ejector mechanism is prevented from* \4 B9 H. y5 d  G2 c/ W  [  z  ?
releasing. On the completion of the normal toasting time, heating elements shall be
& d& B- O7 _4 T0 V2 u- ~) ^8 `automatically disconnected from the supply by at least an all-pole disconnection, microdisconnection.: v1 E7 b- V2 z
However, a single pole, micro-disconnection is allowed, provided heating
/ U1 b6 v) d/ `% I$ Delements are not accessible to the test probe 12 of IEC 61032., q2 s! ]: _3 l1 w" w$ J) I

0 M' L+ r% I' a4 a
0 Q* c1 \4 Z4 `4 [8 p什么样的机制能使得ejector mechanism失效后,全级断开开关能动作啊?
6 o, K1 m2 w1 P# r$ x3 a( Q) |, h, i# E

6 U  `# W* Q5 M* X. y
发表于 2013-2-23 21:05 | 只看该作者
7 a0 L0 T3 e( u9 I$ X( m19.102应该是针对面包没放置好,卡住了内部的弹起装置,~
# @: O& F2 a3 d$ p5 c/ n- w/ ~5 h22.113应该是针对使用者在使用过程中不小心压住了外部的level(比如不小心放了本书啊,重物之类的吧)
$ v6 p8 q7 J9 v# @7 j, o  S6 Y* k- y0 i% {0 B
- x  u1 n; j" N8 K$ N( q8 B3 m! r
" B, C& e' [) s1 V7 w4 t要满足22.113的全集断开。。。。等等要求是可以做到的~~从机械上也可以,从电路上也可以。
发表于 2013-2-18 16:36 | 只看该作者
caballo3157 发表于 2013-2-7 11:21 6 `! n3 Z9 s  U% a/ E+ k8 z
2006版:2 `) A& O4 M# [
19.102 Toasters, loaded with the bread specified for normal operation, are operated at
$ }' R0 O( u4 M9 O% tra ...
1 p! m' @! Y' [( C: F
十分感谢你的解答。按照我之前的理解,19.102测试是放了面包的,按照2006版,其实就是一直加热,也就是从里边堵住弹起机构,最后面包应该会起火的,这时此条标准可能是考查面包机靠近面包的外壳或塑料件的阻燃性。2 Z/ P8 Y& h+ X2 R

8 d4 a/ y/ a/ P) C: F而2008版heating element改成了toaster,理解为可以在按键处堵住弹起机构了,应该是为了迎合22.113吧?你觉得22.113是怎么实现的呢?是不是不需要特殊的结构,只要弹簧弹力足够大,稍稍弹起,有一点空隙就可以满足,因为只要求至少全极微断开。不知道我理解的对不对,如果能提供图片就更感激了。: D2 p. y0 y4 C' c4 v8 O

2 N: o2 B5 J5 U( N" g# `+ g9 T另外19.102是额定功率下工作,22.113是额定电压,我没搞懂为什么会有这个区别。
发表于 2013-2-7 11:21 | 只看该作者
2006版:, c( w3 m6 s: w& g( l* E5 ~/ Z
19.102 Toasters, loaded with the bread specified for normal operation, are operated at
0 A* z$ q! c; b' i' Urated power input. The ejector mechanism is prevented from releasing and the supply is
: b2 d7 f/ W2 X% smaintained to the heating elements
after the timer has completed its cycle. The test is) K1 D! a9 C7 I( f0 q
terminated after any fire has extinguished, after which any residual bread is removed from the$ |: q0 J& G% m! g* i: V
( G9 Y' W8 n, y* z* E+ a2008版5 s' x; T9 C7 E
19.102 Toasters, loaded with the bread specified for normal operation, are operated at! k! h; R) b5 s: i
rated power input. The ejector mechanism is prevented from releasing and the supply is
- _4 a% o* M9 K* R: C! xmaintained to the toaster
after the timer has completed its maximum cycle.
发表于 2013-2-7 11:15 | 只看该作者
% _5 |% C8 T& g7 c* W2 V- }4 t, |两者并不矛盾,且相互有关联,不过侧重有点不同。(注意:一是非正常,一是结构的要求)
发表于 2013-2-4 15:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-2-3 16:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-2-1 09:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-31 22:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-31 14:15 | 只看该作者
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