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[CE认证] 输德厨房家电须及时更换GS证书

发表于 2009-8-25 08:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
德国安全中心(ZLS)发布最新决议,《便携式煮食器具的特殊要求》(新版EN60335-2-9)所涉及的所有加热产品在今年之前须按条款A12做非工作表面温升测试,否则GS证书(德国安全认证标志)全部无效。电烤箱、面包机等厨房家电出口德国将遭遇新的认证评估关卡。! B- m* {6 n% a- j9 Z2 P) x
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-25 08:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-8-25 09:01 | 只看该作者
引用第1楼fasten于2009-08-25 08:50发表的  :
6 H$ I# Q6 l3 Y/ o0 O) P0 R, Z0 |个人疑问:是否是ZLS提前执行A12?CE并未规定执行时间或执行时间滞后GS?
; O, t' Y$ d2 v; w6 Q
不是,事实上, OJ中已有描述:- ^5 y  \6 ~/ b- K8 A' R
EN 60335-2-9:2003 covers the safety objectives of directive 2006/95/EC only if, in conjunction, Commission Opinion 2000/C 104/07 is taken into account.”
) J# u, W8 P* uhttp://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriS ... 2:0100:EN
. ?* n/ U7 v6 _) ]" o: f
4 W7 h2 E' S$ N" M! D$ m1 x3 l- J所以,现行产品如末符合Commission Opinion 2000/C 104/07 ,就不符合LVD指令。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-25 09:45 | 只看该作者
引用第2楼小鸭的天空于2009-08-25 09:01发表的  :
: I% A( s0 D0 P) _( u
& I& t& r* G( Y1 p
4 s6 S5 J9 z" h+ k+ u; z4 _3 x9 _不是,事实上, OJ中已有描述:* T# i- \# v5 }! d) h; c
EN 60335-2-9:2003 covers the safety objectives of directive 2006/95/EC only if, in conjunction, Commission Opinion 2000/C 104/07 is taken into account.”# J2 K- I; H( U0 ]5 F& V4 K
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriS ... 2:0100:EN
1 P7 V/ R0 |) B0 \' R0 z; O.......

& i* V. d! v  L8 K0 S5 z+ n  z按这个OJ来讲,CE执行时间还是滞后一年的:
, a' b7 |" q/ ]# O) p* P


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发表于 2009-8-25 11:14 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼fasten于2009-08-25 09:45发表的  :
. d8 [2 H. C3 _' @. e
( ]$ p0 l. p; d  S
2 @+ j6 M8 f% U" U+ K按这个OJ来讲,CE执行时间还是滞后一年的:" Z3 r& P3 L6 v' [4 Q: l
7 Z' _$ n9 l/ t
没错,A12标准的执行是还有一年的时间,但如何符合:Commission Opinion 2000/C 104/07 又是另一个方面。
  b; Z/ ^+ O, v9 w$ `% u
, [, ?& E- S& C4 R只有同时符合标准和Commission Opinion 2000/C 104/07 才算符合LVD指令。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-26 08:32 | 只看该作者
[url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2000:104:0008:0008:ENDF]2000/C 104/07[/url] ( A/ p  u7 N' |2 J8 @' J
. H3 i% r; C# D7 a9 E3 c; J  J; p

) t4 i+ `& [/ b% d8 B4 A! e) iCOMMISSION OPINION; M1 ]1 V( [2 y  K* C
of 30 March 2000% m: z6 P4 s; w2 I) k
within the framework of Council Directive 73/23/EEC relating to electrical equipment designed for% ], R  Z( ]1 W4 P+ O( S6 @
use within certain voltage limits9 ~+ [9 J6 [  k  r/ T) ^
(2000/C 104/07)
+ l8 ?* P. U5 W. s0 N(Text with EEA relevance)1 ^; u/ v9 H3 i+ c" y' Q% F
This opinion is based on Article 9 of Council Directive( Y( l0 d! V* L# D
73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 relating to electrical) t" v( c2 I8 h2 Y1 O
equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (1). It( _# g0 \7 N" F; Y/ r9 A5 |# y
refers to the application of Article 5 of that Directive.
" u7 P* w4 t1 ^; m, CIn accordance with Article 5 of Directive 73/23/EEC, references
8 B+ v5 I9 d; j9 |' u6 ito harmonised standards EN 60335-1 and EN 60335-2-9 were
/ I& J. \: u8 ?8 i8 r4 i5 ]* @4 opublished in the Official Journal of the European Communities (2).# X4 f' r+ I4 p  K
Those standards, adopted by the European Standards Body
& Y7 n7 }5 o% z( j2 C1 P+ p6 XCenelec, are entitled as follows:
  t: n  r4 s4 C2 l& l! b0 \— EN 60335-1 Safety of household and similar appliances. l. p* S2 T0 K- o' s9 {
— Part 1: General requirements.# B2 Q7 p  Y1 A' z
— EN 60335-2-9 Safety of household and similar appliances7 z0 @, x* K' B: v
— Part 2: Particular requirements for
- N* c3 m/ p; {/ |6 |# y0 rtoasters, grills, roasters and similar
* m' H8 Q1 S# M6 j+ uappliances.
( E- a& w2 i6 d0 K2 }# j5 SIn the context of an application of the safeguard clause* E- A( T/ |0 S& \. K8 h0 Y& c
procedure in accordance with Article 9 of the Low Voltage
  R/ O6 G7 V1 S3 `& mDirective, a shortcoming in the harmonised standard/ E: Y$ K3 }  q+ z! i9 v8 o6 Q" {
EN 60335-2-9, applied in conjunction with EN 60335-1, was
1 ?+ @& a; {1 w/ z6 f" r( Mbrought to the attention of the Commission.$ C. E% Q# d) {
This refers to the risk of high non-working surface
! t4 `% u  O: v3 J$ I' Vtemperatures of apparatus covered by EN 60335-2-9. This
" l; R6 H  H( f1 S/ g8 H2 Kstandard, in its current version, does not address the risk in
6 Y, _+ m+ {$ `relation to non-working surface temperatures. The safety/ b$ G" I/ \6 l; e3 A& [, l* F
objectives, as laid down in Annex I, Section 1(d) and 2(b) to- I9 C+ v6 }! t8 J* E7 f2 M' y
Directive 73/23/EEC require electrical equipment to be0 t( ?. n; g: \; v2 I
designed and manufactured so as to ensure that protection
1 M$ ^9 r4 u+ ^5 e# i0 V8 T* [against hazards in relation to surface temperatures is assured." H' X; z# Q0 \% \$ W% o/ B3 P1 d
Due to the absence of adequate specifications in relation to
) s" F1 ?$ t* \% z2 ]4 ~non-working surface temperatures, EN 60335-2-9 cannot8 a  U  {, m& {* U
therefore necessarily guarantee full compliance with the Low7 Y) t4 B# D( Z& w8 L) i* \
Voltage Directive. In relation to the hazards in connection with; a3 p6 C. C( L
non-working surface temperatures, EN 60335-2-9 (clause 11)& }: l: ^0 q+ s5 m& x
and EN 60335-1 (clause 11), as listed in the abovementioned  E2 N$ {$ d2 q  i/ v) G
publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities," }2 X7 f+ z( F) A6 R, A
are therefore not regarded as giving a presumption of9 ]9 P9 [9 `9 }* z* E# M
conformity with the stated safety objectives.
/ ]& y" G# F, p2 w5 o. W" @These conclusions as detailed were supported by the representatives4 G: q3 i, p; P9 p
of national administrations at the meeting of the Low, C) Y8 u: w( t$ o' P7 z4 c7 s
Voltage Working Party of 17 and 18 June, 1999.
; J5 ]3 ~* E( Y4 s; m$ r: @The European Standards body Cenelec has been requested by! X$ n( D$ I8 c4 a6 j
the Commission to ensure that the abovementioned hazard is
, |* E4 V* K  c$ @* J/ Gadequately addressed in a revised version of this standard. A$ }9 H6 W9 ^3 a$ t
revision of EN 60335-2-9 is currently under way.! P* a0 ?* A" [0 w" Q) t4 o9 N
In the absence of a revised harmonised standard, manufacturers,$ @% k* |' I' ~: ^# u+ o# _
when establishing compliance of relevant electrical. M; J( r. R& n& m: `5 B! Q
equipment with the Low Voltage Directive, must therefore' |, L, O2 q3 F
address the risk of non-working surface temperatures. This
2 m+ }' m  f( l# X' V0 ~0 ]! E/ pmay require a risk analysis and assessment in order to ensure1 N% z4 x' E7 m# i3 p! s& k
that equipent is designed and manufactured in such a way as to
6 P* z% w( S. h" c! a0 Z; Vreduce as much as is reasonably possible the risk in relation to* s% B& F+ E0 x1 a% I8 L2 R6 O
non-working appropriate surface temperatures.
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