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[招聘] Power Electronics Engineer (电力电子工程师)

发表于 2007-12-14 09:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Job Responsibilities:
+ L' y! ]4 u5 b$ `. v7 Q! W6 L" x1.  Power converter design, which includes: magnetic and close-loop control design, component selection, stress and thermal analyze." @5 c5 e3 o; i" ^$ g! @/ Y
2.  Define detail design scheme, schedule and test point
: [- f& B+ e5 e* W5 q: h. M3.  Project documentation respect to the requirements of R&D procedure
; H9 o5 O& V" U0 r  d% O, l$ k& b. E4.  Coordinate with component, mechanical and qualification engineers.
8 B: N' g+ W! s0 w
, Y; E7 g9 W6 {, ^1 Q5 cJob Requirements: 6 ~0 g0 s' n8 W' }# u1 m& B
1.  B.S. or M.S. in Electrical Engineering or Power Electronics;
0 Z- z% \! S% I" H2.  Good understanding power conversion, semiconductor device theory, applied electromagnetic theory, instrumentation and controls; 0 m% t# |+ _+ F3 m5 m5 C' d5 V- g
3.  5 yrs experience in design of power electronics products (UPS, Telecom Switching mode Power Supply etc.) is preferred;
: b+ X. P" a" s9 Q4 Z7 T. ]4.  Strong ability in circuit analysis and proficient in using circuit simulators; % @) W! }) q  a0 ]
5.  Good communication and interpersonal skills;) K( E, b5 E, _, E. h$ ^; J
6.Good at English (spoken/written)" p6 ]8 k2 \, \9 N* |; R5 j! n: k

3 i& S1 \+ f9 z' w1 V公司HR正在紧急招聘职位,薪水面谈(备注:俺不是猎头哈)。
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