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[CPSC召回] CPSC、Home Depot公司宣布召回庭院伞

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发表于 2009-6-2 20:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
华盛顿特区:美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)在和下述公司的自愿合作下于2009528宣布召回下列产品。消费者必须立即停止使用召回的产品,除非有其他说明。/ k4 ]9 b5 t# P1 p! T6 r" Y
2 y/ y1 _0 I0 r; r) y
2 L# F% v& G. O  W
- X  N+ ?4 ^$ i8 C) g4 F 3 }- `& R3 K5 F( {

+ Z8 g( q, B" B  p) y. L5 f6 F数量:60+ k3 V+ V0 T1 G! N
- y/ J* a1 o$ S8 i! h/ p

. X7 b  Q  X' c5 u- ?- B进口商:佐治亚州亚特兰大市的The Home Depot公司
5 ~5 f" R, {9 i" [
0 d, o6 B' c5 s1 o; U3 c5 d
- e6 L$ P$ l% i
  I$ p; G( v& h" {( p+ Q $ W" }9 C9 C, V) P, t" J

8 F% k" Q& u0 ?事故/伤害:The Home Depot公司已收到1起因庭院伞翻倒并损坏的报告,无人员受伤。
- O- Y2 \) n5 m0 O5 u) g1 G2 P
( o5 H( I! s  m! P- F' o) ~

! \/ A: X. L, J) ^* l描述:被召回的庭院伞由米色遮阳伞和棕色铁管支架组成,高约11英尺,底座为长约18英寸的棕色十字结构。
# b; b+ ?1 N6 q6 f- R8 a* T " X! C7 {8 O( l
: y$ a  ~9 L9 n, Z% k
销售:该庭院伞自200912月在美国The Home Depot商店销售,售价为250美元/把。" ^$ x" [& h9 Z- K
) g4 G4 C$ a( O* t& J

- P$ a& y7 Y- D$ O2 }产地:中国- d$ @$ P) m( k
! I9 ?' ?, n! n+ e
5 f9 _9 d+ s7 _! {
补救措施:消费者应立即停止使用被召回的庭院伞,并与The Home Depot公司联系退货及全额退款。6 L. D1 |3 Y$ z- X( i' c- A- ?

  q+ i7 U  H6 s) K1 E3 ]
( P5 `/ j9 S6 z" w9 x6 z7 |8 T- X7 M: F* |9 g- L
来源:CPSC官方网站4 }* Q6 C! J3 y2 r1 t5 H5 u
+ E; y# R6 W1 `2 f. }* w
: r4 h' [. M% n0 }

* x4 m  A, A  @# N7 Z: n. B
! X; h3 W( u( {; v( P1 y; {U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
, @; S) b1 S' V" B  J- n
Office of Information and Public AffairsWashington, DC 20207
4 c# i6 I) c' u3 u+ Z, }

/ y% z3 p5 }/ N. T
7 J( P: g( r$ ]* YMay 28, 2009; V' L! a# j9 Y
Release # 09-232
Firm抯 Recall Hotline: (866) 403-5504% V- e. N; n+ {( I3 v
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
, L: ~& p: t, @+ Q3 YCPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
# U- V4 {5 L4 I/ \! I! J
Home Depot Recalls Patio Umbrellas Due to Risk of Impact Injury& ?5 e% @( p; {) K
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. ( F9 H' d) k9 `9 o* Q/ z! Z& U4 w
Name of Product: Offset Patio Umbrellas  t' B+ b3 O3 Z  ?* l
Units: About 60
6 g' b' e, d! D0 [6 J$ HImporter: The Home Depot, of Atlanta, Ga.
7 r: L, k' t; S# u3 T; M/ ]Hazard: The patio umbrella and its pole could tip over and strike consumers if the umbrella抯 collar or sleeve is not removed prior to closing the umbrella, posing a risk of impact injury to consumers.' M/ d6 i, @6 t$ v
Incidents/Injuries: Home Depot has received one report of a recalled patio umbrella tipping over and breaking. No injuries have been reported.
0 t3 `* Y8 n8 s3 Z2 p& yDescription: The patio umbrellas are beige with a brown offset pole. They stand 11 feet tall. The base is a brown cross about 18 inches long.* s8 B3 ?) Z) i3 e' {
Sold at: The Home Depot stores nationwide from January 2009 through February 2009 for about $250.
( J9 ?; L* X2 N" p; s& F' ?Manufactured in: China
. f+ T$ y4 z# ~% zRemedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled patio umbrellas and return them to any Home Depot store for a full refund.6 |: E4 l+ b! q1 S( X' z
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact The Home Depot toll free at (866) 403-5504 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the firm抯 Web site at www.homedepot.com
: c$ X( R- n! A; q
" @* {5 v+ _& M! |4 h+ n
" v! F7 l) J  l3 D8 |! @
[size=-1]" ^# H$ L# f, n2 t9 {
CPSC is still interested in receiving incident or injury reports that are either directly related to this product recall or involve a different hazard with the same product. Please tell us about it by visiting https://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/incident.aspx
发表于 2009-6-2 22:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-7 11:23 | 只看该作者
ak523 发表于 2009-6-2 22:16 $ F3 ~* Z/ m% u1 _# b$ ~' B. _

" L, s  E0 k8 r3 h4 v( F" C說明老外不馬虎喲
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