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[IEC标准产品] 关于EK1 646-16的一些个人理解

发表于 2017-2-18 14:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
最近针对EN 60335-2-14出了一个新的EK1决议, 646-16,主要是针对搅拌机这类产品申请GS的一些变化。+ a( e7 }9 T9 C) [1 v
2 x7 ?/ G. H7 n% S; ^. l, o# A5 Q3 E
20.2 The test probes arenot applied to feed openings having a throat with the following dimensions: ! ~6 _; `! C. D3 f
这里把a throat with 删掉了,一般的搅拌机没有送料口的,所以这里没什么影响。2 L8 t( n7 W0 i3 T# ^! N+ X& K0 j
& U$ b+ e. b' }& L% y
For blenders, detachableparts, except lids, are not removed. The test is carried out with a test probesimilar to that of test probe B of IEC 61032 but having a circular stop facewith a diameter of 125mm instead of the non-circular face, the distance between the tip of the test finger and the stopface being 100 mm.
% }5 _" d  _) M* o: {% B3 Q2 M- ]8 F7 M+ [7 P
- o3 g) u. |4 y5 j" r) q
20.112: The cuttingblade of food processors shall stop within 1,5 s after the lid has been openedor removed. Compliance is checkedby operating the appliance without load and at the highest speed.
2 d: g9 B: m: o" E, v5 \) A把盖子拿掉,1.5秒刀片要停下来。原来该条款只适用于food processors,现在blender也需要考虑该条款,需要增加刹车装置,保证打开盖子刀片能在1.5s内停止。: \& x$ S  R# t3 _4 e! R0 c; B( [
1 P" z5 o# _& H4 R3 z% B- w
20.113 The lidinterlock of food processors shall be constructed so that accidental operationof the appliance is prevented. Lid interlock switches shall be biased-offswitches.If there is aninterlock between the lid and the main switch, the lid shall be locked when theswitch is in the on position. When the lid is not correctly closed, the switchshall be locked in the off position. Compliance ischecked by inspection, by manual test and by applying test probe B of IEC 61032.1 o! I" S, J) l8 ^
原来该条款只适用于food processors,现在blender也需要考虑该条款,用标准测试手指B不能启动微动开关。3 S  H. P( E4 h

. e+ r- V/ _9 Y( z20.114Access todangerous moving parts of food processors shall be prevented for allcombinations of assembly of detachable parts that may occur in use.Compliance ischecked by the following test. Detachableparts are removed or assembled incorrectly in a manner that may occur in use, suchas the incorrect location or misalignment of the parts. A force not exceeding5 N is applied to the parts in any direction and it shall not be possible totouch dangerous moving parts with test probe B of IEC 610324 _0 w4 p; M) k! }0 P* w* U' W) E
原来该条款只适用于food processors,现在blender也需要考虑该条款,需要考虑各种配件的不同组合是否能启动产品导致触碰到运动部件的风险。' l1 P/ u3 X  Q" B3 W& t

4 ?; ^2 C, h# ?$ G
3 R3 l8 u' W' j$ c+ B. }) R


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发表于 2017-2-18 19:17 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2017-2-20 08:11 | 只看该作者
不申请GS ,反正还有许多认证可申请。只是需要客户与生产商利益与风险共担。
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发表于 2017-2-20 08:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ylgc123 于 2017-2-20 08:34 编辑 ( U) M5 V+ ^, V& A- K: O5 F

9 ?. b: l! B3 C9 k6 F& N必须上一个连锁开关,通过盖子进行互锁,但是开关的支撑结构有点长啊,杯子小点的估计也有150mm高吧。2 M' ]* P! I; U3 t
搅拌机做GS现在是爽歪歪了~、) ]" m9 d8 \7 s2 b
另外现在流行的高速报破壁料理机别说1.5s,估计5.1s都未必挺的下来~) l7 v3 |$ N7 P& Z
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