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[其它认证] 糯米宝宝重回江湖,请大家捧场

发表于 2012-11-21 08:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
消失了N段时间后,糯米宝宝重回江湖,请大家捧场:loveliness:& T9 E$ @# V0 M2 Y

% Z& q" {) a1 q! {" v9 |  b4 t; X3 {第一天回来,依旧是有奖回答问题
- R8 T4 s! ]$ Y# u7 d
& X2 B9 M6 a4 Y* ^/ b5 E+ {请大家在标准(ISO,GB,EN等都可以)中找找有关第三方/第三方检测/第三方机构/第三方实验室的定义,一定是标准原文哦,并且注明引用自那个标准.
* m5 ~% L! G- L  m" G
( D0 f4 z5 J, \1 c9 d; v$ O
奖励肯定是不会少的5 ~& l+ h9 L3 F

* f+ \$ `- p' M" |! W6 G( ~9 \% o


参与人数 3安规金币 +27 收起 理由
luqing_sz + 3 欢迎复出!
hdf590 + 4 赞就一个字!
binbinbug + 20 咱不差威望,请分给有需要的银。


发表于 2012-11-21 09:06 | 只看该作者
捧场,绝对的。" j  X( R0 V. ~7 l4 s+ L
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-21 09:09 | 只看该作者
ljh809809 发表于 2012-11-21 09:06 ; c1 Q  b( R+ I/ b& v& W
捧场,绝对的。/ a' B, S3 i2 d1 {# k, y

) k0 G; t$ M  W/ Q6 G/ @( |* M, A0 O4 l: f" X# k2 N
发表于 2012-11-21 09:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-11-21 09:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-11-21 09:47 | 只看该作者
What is third party testing?(来自CPSC的定义)
/ a) ?' H4 Y- W$ \2 M, _0 C: h. ~+ a$ R( D% ]7 P9 v' p9 p: [

' l, s) F) n# oThird party testing means testing performed by a third party accredited laboratory that the CPSC has accepted to perform the specific tests for each children's product safety rule. Nearly all children's products are required to undergo third party testing.6 W* a0 P8 l9 U7 y' d3 i

" p6 `3 U3 H. [/ a; W* y/ _什么是第三方实验室:
0 F3 c7 q* K& ?' |; x9 b% J在CPSC中,只有官方接受认可的实验室为第三方(请看如下链接)
6 P3 Q- ~# j% ?( bhttp://www.cpsc.gov/cgi-bin/labsearch/2 r1 i4 j# o! E
发表于 2012-11-21 09:51 | 只看该作者
如下是CPSC的定义:. A& I. p; Y5 i: I; s
CPSC中只有他们官方接受或者认可的实验室才是第三方实验室(看如下链接)2 e$ c" ~7 o1 ]
http://www.cpsc.gov/cgi-bin/labsearch/+ u+ o+ |4 i- f4 q

9 I( {6 A& I6 K2 m" K: K- qWhat is third party testing? 8 v0 v0 N+ t) f, P- T

0 L& k) z; S0 v! y( RThird party testing means testing performed by a third party accredited laboratory that the CPSC has accepted to perform the specific tests for each children's product safety rule. The law requires a third party test in order to have an objective, unbiased laboratory ensure that the product is properly tested and compliant with the law.! i9 G7 o- {5 l2 x! q8 W8 a

% o9 ~# l! k6 X! T8 _0 UNearly all children's products are required to undergo third party testing.1, ]" N! {" V: S# d/ E' {5 |
% W/ C* a; k  ~- I( I
Third party testing serves as the basis for a company to certify in a Children's Product Certificate that its children's products are compliant with each applicable children's product safety rule.- Y" x4 O/ |  D
% g6 n1 o* U; Z
A single children's product may be required to undergo multiple third party tests to ensure compliance with many different regulatory requirements. Accordingly, to save costs, you should try to identify a single laboratory that the CPSC recognizes as qualified to perform all of the tests that you need to certify that your children's product is compliant. Depending upon the specific requirements of your children's product, however, you may need to use more than one laboratory to perform all of the tests required for your children's product.
5 j$ h2 z5 }* F* K% c8 E$ y% l
发表于 2012-11-21 09:54 | 只看该作者
' Y0 `8 l* ]  R, g% f* ICPSC中只有他们官方接受或者认可的实验室才是第三方实验室
7 }. f+ n$ [+ n" U6 i这个链接放不上2 A: Y/ |6 r9 u5 j

( O1 |/ |) z, v& bWhat is third party testing?
8 [2 v& l3 W- b8 O
+ @2 r9 M) H1 \% A* xThird party testing means testing performed by a third party accredited laboratory that the CPSC has accepted to perform the specific tests for each children's product safety rule. The law requires a third party test in order to have an objective, unbiased laboratory ensure that the product is properly tested and compliant with the law.
6 I' L3 c7 i4 ~; K/ g# _# W) A' B9 n+ E# e
Nearly all children's products are required to undergo third party testing.1$ s) g8 o: g" T& q" b9 |. W" a, @' _

& m9 D0 P# n4 ?0 V" {Third party testing serves as the basis for a company to certify in a Children's Product Certificate that its children's products are compliant with each applicable children's product safety rule.
' s1 t  p+ `. u% i" x8 h% X
; a8 B7 q; k. w* ^8 IA single children's product may be required to undergo multiple third party tests to ensure compliance with many different regulatory requirements. Accordingly, to save costs, you should try to identify a single laboratory that the CPSC recognizes as qualified to perform all of the tests that you need to certify that your children's product is compliant. Depending upon the specific requirements of your children's product, however, you may need to use more than one laboratory to perform all of the tests required for your children's product.
+ n- s' ~. |; ~# |! w& {


参与人数 1安规威望 +1 安规金币 +5 收起 理由
糯米宝宝 + 1 + 5 链接为什么放不上啊?


发表于 2012-11-21 09:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-11-21 10:29 | 只看该作者
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