热度 4|||
live part
conductor or conductive part intended to be energized in normal use, including a neutral
conductor but, by convention, not a PEN conductor
extra-low voltage
voltage supplied from a source within the appliance that does not exceed 50 V between
conductors and between conductors and earth when the appliance is supplied at rated
voltage not exceeding 42 V between conductors and between conductors and earth, the no-load
voltage not exceeding 50 V
When safety extra-low voltage is obtained from the supply mains, it is to be through a
safety isolating transformer or a convertor with separate windings, the insulation of which
complies with double insulation or reinforced insulation requirements.
class 0 appliance
appliance in which protection against electric shock relies upon basic insulation only, there
being no means for the connection of conductive accessible parts, if any, to the protective
conductor in the fixed wiring of the installation, reliance in the event of a failure of the basic
insulation being placed upon the environment
class 0I appliance
appliance having at least basic insulation throughout and incorporating an earthing terminal
but having a supply cord without earthing conductor and a plug without earthing contact
class I appliance
appliance in which protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only
but which includes an additional safety precaution, in that conductive accessible parts are connected to the protective earthing conductor in the fixed wiring of the installation in such a
way that conductive accessible parts cannot become live in the event of a failure of the
basic insulation
class II appliance
appliance in which protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only
but in which additional safety precautions are provided, such as double insulation or
reinforced insulation, there being no provision for protective earthing or reliance upon
installation conditions
class III appliance
appliance in which protection against electric shock relies on supply at safety extra-low
voltage and in which voltages higher than those of safety extra-low voltage are not
non-detachable part
part that can only be removed or opened with the aid of a tool or a part that fulfils the test of
detachable part
part that can be removed or opened without the aid of a tool, a part that is removed or
opened in accordance with the instructions for use, even if a tool is needed for removal, or a
part that does not fulfil the test of 22.11
通过probe B of IEC 61032触及的部件或表面
accessible part
part or surface that can be touched by means of test probe B of IEC 61032, and if the part or
surface is metal, any conductive part connected to it
PS: 欧美要求双重保护,所以0类、0I类器具基本不得在欧美销售; 0类、0I类器具只能在一些小国家销售。
6.1: Class 0 appliances and class 0I appliances are not allowed (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia).
按8.1.1 至 8.1.3测试,并考虑8.1.4 和 8.1.5检查是否复合。
8.1.1 8.1 适合拆除可拆卸部件以后正常使用器具的所有位置。
Test probe B of IEC 61032(弯指)
Test probe 13 of IEC 61032(测试肖)
test probe 41 of IEC 61032(发热零部件)
8.1.5 安装前部件需要提供基本绝缘。
8 Protection against access to live parts
8.1 Appliances shall be constructed and enclosed so that there is adequate protection
against accidental contact with live parts.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of 8.1.1 to 8.1.3, as applicable, taking
into account 8.1.4 and 8.1.5.
8.1.1 The requirement of 8.1 applies for all positions of the appliance when it is operated as
in normal use, and after the removal of detachable parts.
NOTE This excludes the use of screw-type fuses and screw-type miniature circuit breakers that are accessible
without the aid of a tool.
Lamps located behind a detachable cover are not removed, provided that the appliance can
be isolated from the supply mains by means of a plug or an all-pole switch. However, during
insertion or removal of lamps which are located behind a detachable cover, protection
against contact with live parts of the lamp cap shall be ensured.
Test probe B of IEC 61032 is applied with a force not exceeding 1 N, the appliance being in
every possible position except that appliances normally used on the floor and having a mass
exceeding 40 kg are not tilted. Through openings, the test probe is applied to any depth that
the probe will permit and is rotated or angled before, during and after insertion to any
position. If the opening does not allow the entry of the probe, the force on the probe in the
straight position is increased to 20 N. If the probe then enters the opening, the test is
repeated with the probe in the angled position.
It shall not be possible to touch live parts or live parts protected only by lacquer, enamel,
ordinary paper, cotton, oxide film, beads, or sealing compound except self-hardening resins,
with the probe.
8.1.2 Test probe 13 of IEC 61032 is applied with a force not exceeding 1 N through openings
in class 0 appliances, class II appliances and class II constructions, except for those
giving access to lamp caps and live parts in socket-outlets.
NOTE Appliance outlets are not considered to be socket-outlets.
The test probe is also applied through openings in earthed metal enclosures having a nonconductive
coating such as enamel or lacquer.
It shall not be possible to touch live parts with the test probe.
8.1.3 Instead of test probe B and test probe 13, for appliances other than those of class II,
test probe 41 of IEC 61032 is applied with a force not exceeding 1 N to live parts of visibly
glowing heating elements, all poles of which can be disconnected by a single switching
action. It is also applied to parts supporting such elements, provided that it is obvious from
the outside of the appliance, without removing covers and similar parts, that these supporting
parts are in contact with the element.
It shall not be possible to touch these live parts.
NOTE For appliances provided with a supply cord and without a switching device in their supply circuit, the
withdrawal of the plug from a socket-outlet is considered to be a single switching action.
– 32 – 60335-1/FDIS c IEC
8.1.4 An accessible part is not considered to be live if
– the part is supplied at safety extra-low voltage, provided that
• for a.c., the peak value of the voltage does not exceed 42,4 V;
• for d.c., the voltage does not exceed 42,4 V;
– the part is separated from live parts by protective impedance.
If protective impedance is used, the current between the part and the supply source shall
not exceed 2 mA for d.c., its peak value shall not exceed 0,7 mA for a.c. and
– for voltages having a peak value over 42,4 V up to and including 450 V, the capacitance
shall not exceed 0,1 ìF;
– for voltages having a peak value over 450 V up to and including 15 kV, the discharge shall
not exceed 45 ìC;
– for voltages having a peak value over 15 kV, the energy in the discharge shall not exceed
350 mJ.
Compliance is checked by measurement, the appliance being supplied at rated voltage.
Voltages and currents are measured between the relevant parts and each pole of the supply
source. Discharges are measured immediately after the interruption of the supply. The
quantity of electricity and energy in the discharge is measured using a resistor having a
nominal non-inductive resistance of 2 000 Ù.
NOTE 1 Details of a suitable circuit for measuring the current are given in Figure 4 of IEC 60990.
NOTE 2 The quantity of electricity is calculated from the sum of all areas recorded on the voltage/time graph
without taking voltage polarity into account.
8.1.5 Live parts of built-in appliances, fixed appliances and appliances delivered in
separate units, shall be protected at least by basic insulation before installation or assembly.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the test of 8.1.1.
8.2 Class II appliances and class II constructions shall be constructed and enclosed so
that there is adequate protection against accidental contact with basic insulation and metal
parts separated from live parts by basic insulation only.
It shall only be possible to touch parts which are separated from live parts by double
insulation or reinforced insulation.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by applying test probe B of IEC 61032 in
accordance with the conditions specified in 8.1.1.
Test probe B of IEC 61032 is applied to built-in appliances and fixed appliances only after
测试参考《IEC60990 Methods of measurement of touch current and protective conductor current》
touch current
electric current through a human body or through an animal body when it touches one or more
accessible parts of an installation or of equipment
protective conductor current
current which flows in a protective conductor
参见下 《某电子设备接触电流偏大的原因分析及解决方法-周会芬》
shortest distance in air between two conductive parts or between a conductive part and the
accessible surface
creepage distance
shortest distance along the surface of insulation between two conductive parts or between a
conductive part and the accessible surface
因此为了保护建筑内的设备不受雷电 破坏,在添加了外部防雷后,因为电缆会分流100KA左右的雷电电流,因此需要在各个电缆入口添置电源类SPD及信号SPD。根据外部防雷及内部防雷的保护分为如下区域,随着保护区域往建筑物内编号越来越大,选择不同的SPD对各个端口的浪涌电压进行抑制,各级SPD的级间配合需要配合好,那么,设备需要耐受的过电压越小,及过电压等级也越小。
器具过电压分类参考Annex K
Annex K
Overvoltage categories
The following information on overvoltage categories is extracted from IEC 60664-1.
Overvoltage category is a numeral defining a transient overvoltage condition.
Equipment of overvoltage category IV is for use at the origin of the installation.
NOTE 1 Examples of such equipment are electricity meters and primary overcurrent protection equipment.
Equipment of overvoltage category III is equipment in fixed installations and for cases where
the reliability and the availability of the equipment is subject to special requirements.
NOTE 2 Examples of such equipment are switches in the fixed installation and equipment for industrial use with
permanent connection to the fixed installation.
Equipment of overvoltage category II is energy consuming equipment to be supplied from the
fixed installation.
NOTE 3 Examples of such equipment are appliances, portable tools and other household and similar loads.
If such equipment is subjected to special requirements with regard to reliability and
availability, overvoltage category III applies.
Equipment of overvoltage category I is equipment for connection to circuits in which measures
are taken to limit transient overvoltages to an appropriately low level.
参看Annex M
Annex M
Pollution degree
The following information on pollution degrees is extracted from IEC 60664-1.
• Pollution
The microenvironment determines the effect of pollution on the insulation. The macroenvironment,
however, has to be taken into account when considering the microenvironment.
Means may be provided to reduce pollution at the insulation under consideration by effective
use of enclosures, encapsulation or hermetic sealing. Such means to reduce pollution may
not be effective when the equipment is subjected to condensation or if in normal use, it
generates pollutants itself.
Small clearances can be bridged completely by solid particles, dust and water and therefore
minimum clearances are specified where pollution may be present in the microenvironment.
NOTE 1 Pollution will become conductive in the presence of humidity. Pollution caused by contaminated water,
soot, metal or carbon dust is inherently conductive.
NOTE 2 Conductive pollution by ionized gases and metallic depositions occur only in specific instances, for
example in arc chambers of switchgear or controlgear and is not covered by IEC 60664-1.
• Degrees of pollution in the microenvironment
For the purpose of evaluating creepage distances, the following four degrees of pollution in
the microenvironment are established:
– pollution degree 1: no pollution or only dry, non-conductive pollution occurs. The pollution
has no influence;
– pollution degree 2: only non-conductive pollution occurs, except that occasionally a
temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be expected;
– pollution degree 3: conductive pollution occurs or dry non-conductive pollution occurs that
becomes conductive due to condensation that is to be expected;
– pollution degree 4: the pollution generates persistent conductivity caused by conductive
dust or by rain or snow.
NOTE 3 Pollution degree 4 is not applicable to appliances.
测试设备及测试内容参见IEC 60112
IEC 60112有两种试验溶液可选,要求试验后绝缘不失效。
The relationship between the material group and the comparative tracking index (CTI) values,
as given in Subclause of IEC 60664-1, is as follows:
– material group I: 600 ≤ CTI;
– material group II: 400 ≤ CTI < 600;
60335-1/FDIS c IEC – 93 –
– material group IIIa: 175 ≤ CTI < 400;
– material group IIIb: 100 ≤ CTI < 175.
These CTI values are obtained in accordance with IEC 60112 using solution A. If the CTI
value of the material is unknown, a proof tracking index (PTI) test in accordance with Annex N
is carried out at the CTI values specified, in order to establish the material group.
NOTE 4 The test for comparative tracking index (CTI) in accordance with IEC 60112 is designed to compare the
performance of various insulating materials under test conditions, namely drops of an aqueous contaminant falling
on a horizontal surface leading to electrolytic conduction. It gives a qualitative comparison but in the case of
insulating materials having a tendency to form tracks, it can also give a quantitative comparison, namely the
comparative tracking index.
A force is applied to bare conductors, other than those of heating elements, and accessible
surfaces to try to reduce creepage distances when making the measurement. The force is
– 2 N, for bare conductors;
– 30 N, for accessible surfaces.
The force is applied by means of test probe B of IEC 61032.
Measurement of clearances and creepage distances
The width X specified in examples 1 to 11 apply to all examples as a function of the pollution
degree as follows:
Width X
Pollution degree Minimum values
1 0,25 mm
2 1,0 mm
3 1,5 mm
If the associated clearance is less than 3 mm, the minimum width X may be reduced to onethird
of this clearance.
The methods of measuring creepage distances and clearances are indicated in the following
examples 1 to 11. These cases do not differentiate between gaps and grooves or between
types of insulation.
The following assumptions are made:
– any recess is assumed to be bridged with an insulating link having a length equal to the
specified width X and being placed in the most unfavourable position (see example 3);
– where the distance across a groove is equal to or larger than the specified width X, the
creepage distance is measured along the contours of the groove (see example 2);
– creepage distances and clearances measured between parts which can assume different
positions in relation to each other, are measured when these parts are in their most
unfavourable position.
Explanation for examples 1 to 11:
______ clearance
creepage distance
The thickness of the insulation shall be at least
– 1 mm for supplementary insulation;
– 2 mm for reinforced insulation.
Each layer of material shall withstand the electric strength test of 16.3 for
supplementary insulation. Supplementary insulation shall consist of at least 2 layers of
material and reinforced insulation of at least 3 layers.
1) 低阻
2) 防松(防滑片)
3) 防腐蚀
4) 接地导线要求
5) 金属间腐蚀
1) 产品原理上能避免就避免
2) 原理上不能更改,做好防护
3) 如果前两者都不无避免危险的,贴警告标识并在说明书加以说明。
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