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[其它标准产品] 问题:关于PE袋打孔及警告语的要求

发表于 2007-12-20 11:57 | 只看该作者
請問 ASTM 有沒有相同要求.
: G& |4 y5 t& m
) K8 T; d: m2 M5 f" \0 x謝謝!!
发表于 2007-12-20 18:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-5-16 14:08 | 只看该作者
2.4.    Warnings ( [& L' j7 e7 V, i  j
2.4.1.    Toys for sale in Canada with bags that have an opening perimeter  14.0” (355 mm)6 l" C- d. z1 A9 o- E; a    Bags intended to be kept with the toy must have the following warning.  Warning must be in English and French.* L1 ?7 ~% n( c- R. f
WARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and ensure that the bag is not placed over a child’s head.
2 _9 |) Q  i8 ~* D: j& k, D* ~ " P% I3 r9 P9 {    Bags intended to be discarded must have one of the following warnings.  Warning must be in English and French.
  ~; K" o$ j3 W1 OWARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and ensure that the bag is not placed over a child’s head.& S0 `' U8 r8 m3 _. ^
WARNING:  To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and children.* J1 i) @2 K3 D- C+ n7 b
2.4.2.    Toys for sale in Australia/New Zealand with bags that have an opening perimeter  360 mm (14.2 in.) and an opening perimeter plus bag depth  584 mm (23.0 in.)5 Z8 j+ C$ R3 ]. ~+ \/ P4 I& s    Bags intended to be kept with the toy must have the following warning:" d" R* j+ M  E6 _- f) F
WARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and ensure that the bag is not placed over a child’s head.+ D: x' O* Z, k5 l  p# ]1 m5 ^! Q" F
Bags with zippers around the opening perimeter do not require labeling.9 K; f" p$ h1 w  W    Bags intended to be discarded must have one of the following warnings:7 K/ R  e7 f) F, s- V
WARNING:  To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and children.
" H- o% ~) ~( z: n2 D& R2.4.3.    Toys for sale in all other markets that have a bag with an opening perimeter  14.0” (355 mm)
9 D+ p8 O; H; N* K2.4.3.1.    Bags that are intended as carrying cases, purses, backpacks or similar items (typically > 0.010” thick) that include toys and are intended to remain in the custody of the child:. ~& ?  f% f" G. e2 w& N8 f' j
No warning required.
+ S! t4 R9 i9 U' K5 {4 d7 Q2.4.3.2.    Other bags must have one of the following two warnings.  The second warning statement may be a better option for those bags that are intended to stay within the child’s environment
  q5 ^$ h% }4 c, i; I* J9 fWARNING:  To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and children.' \( V9 i( G$ i
WARNING: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and ensure that the bag is not placed over a child’s head.  .
发表于 2008-5-21 16:47 | 只看该作者
引用第1楼hli168于2007-05-31 11:38发表的  :8 a6 \; l/ H( E) i2 F, m5 j$ ?2 I
发表于 2008-5-22 15:14 | 只看该作者
有的是要求 周长达到38cm 就需要打孔
发表于 2008-6-16 16:09 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-6-17 20:58 | 只看该作者
引用第25楼andson于2007-10-30 16:26发表的  :
( v& A: ~3 ], y! h. @" J! O- FEN71E胶袋开口尺寸大于7"(180mm)要求打孔直径1/4"(6.5MM)警语字高最少1/8"(3.5mm)5 w% c7 q/ \9 {/ L# I
另经验:当开口长度大于45CM 需打4孔,孔距大于或等于150mm  当警语有多国语言时,至少有GB官方语言和D国语言!


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发表于 2008-6-18 11:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-6-20 09:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-7-28 09:50 | 只看该作者
一般来说EN71@ASTM963都没有警告语要求,不过这个已经成了不成文的规定了。附美泰胶袋要求,另Costco 百货玩具胶袋要求:
( E  i7 d; U4 `& Z0 KIf Plastic Bags (Of Any Thickness) With  A Diameter of 5  Inches Or Greater (Measure with Bag Laid Flat) Are Used In Inner Package, The Following Warning Statement Must Be Printed On Both  Sides Of Each Bag In English, French And Spanish:
. R3 S8 M8 W7 d! c# b: K0 Q1 D9 K) n5 @. `0 x( h
WARNING:   To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and children.  Do not use in cribs, beds, carriages or playpens.  This bag is not a toy.  Discard bag and any other packing materials immediately after removing product.  Do not re-use this bag.
/ W5 }, t8 x$ q6 n; ~$ [5 F4 z7 L; U& c) c( ~8 K7 q
MISE EN GARDE:  Pour éviter tout risque de suffocation, tenir ce sac hors de la portée des bébés et des enfants.  Ne pas utiliser dans les berceaux, les lits, les carrosses ou les parcs.  Ce sac n’est pas un jouet.  Jeter ce sac ou tout autre matériau d’emballage immédiatement après avoir enlevé les produits.  Ne pas ré-utiliser ce sac.
8 k" _; j# \% @1 [+ U+ u9 Z2 q% K4 ~7 o
ADVERTENCIA:  Para evitar riesgo de sofocación, mantenga esta bolsa alejada de bebes y niños.  No use en cunas, camas, carriolas o corralitos.  Esta bolsa no es un juguete.  Tire la bolsa y los otros materiales de empaque immediatamente.  No re-use ésta bolsa.
% W5 |2 d- ]1 y; a0 P1 L  V- M2 h: R" w' N% B, u! \3 J  l
This Must Be Printed On All Plastic Bags Regardless Of The Costco Destination Country For The Item
4 ~3 O+ U- I0 q  f# T- g: E1 G$ n  T+ R
All 3 Languages Must Be In The Same Font Size, With Equal Presentation  T6 ]! I2 Z. @' {5 F& A

8 @5 _2 v; n$ i# @The Warnings Shall Be Printed In An Appropriate Font Size Such That They Are Clearly Visible And Readable (per 105 CMR 630.000).  If The Total Length And Width Of The Bag Is More Than 40 Inches, The Warning Shall Be Repeated At 20 Inch Intervals.  
6 m  F  U5 t( yThe Warning May Vary Somewhat In Wording, The Lab Will Only Verify The English Version And Confirm That Two Other Warnings Of Different Languages Are Present
8 b& ?7 A2 `+ g& [, |7 V
. S% }' D5 N) F" T% R+ _4 q. {Note: No Warning Statement Is Required On Heavy Gauge Material4 d# F: Y) Q  L  n$ V3 s% s
Typically Constructed With Zippers And Stitched Seams. Actual9 D3 ]0 F4 P9 P. J9 `; Q( p! {8 J; N7 G
Presence Of Seams Not Required To Meet This Exemption.


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