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[短文] Reciting Text

发表于 2010-6-22 10:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Below is what I recited last night, now share it to all guys:

Lesson 1: An hour before sunrise
An hour before sunrise in the city, there is an air of cold. Solitary desolation about the noiseless streets, which we are accustomed to see thronged at other times by a busy, eager crowd, and over the quiet, closely shut buildings which throughout the day are swarming with life. The drunken, the dissipated and the criminal have disappeared. The more sober and orderly part of the population have not yet awakened to the labors of the day, and the stillness of  death is over the streets. Its very hue seems to be imparted to them, cold and lifeless as they look in the gray, somber light of daybreak. A partially opened bedroom window here and there bespeaks the heat of the weather, and the slumbers of its occupant, and the dim, scanty flicker of a light through the blinds of yonder windows denotes the chamber of watching and sickness.
Save for that sad light, the streets present no signs of life, nor the houses of habitation.....
发表于 2010-6-22 13:36 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-22 14:21 | 只看该作者
Yes, totally recite, not general reciting....it's very useful to study english, just like the way we learned chinese when we were children....
发表于 2010-6-26 09:49 | 只看该作者
i have some puzzle why you can "english" all the time......never  chinese charactor ....

cool man....
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-28 12:48 | 只看该作者
Lesson 2: On etiquette

Etiquette to society is what apparel is to the individual, without apparel, men would go in shameful nudity,which would surely lead to the corruption of morals. and without etiquette, society would be in a pitiable state and the necessary intercourse between its members would be interfered with by needless offenses and troubles.
If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along which only the train could rumble forth, if the society were a state coach, the etiquette would be the wheels and axis on which only the coach could roll forward.The lack of proprieties would let the most intimate friends turn to be the most decided enemies, and the friendly or allied countries declare war against each other. We can find many examples in the history of mankind. Therefore, I advise you to stand on the ceremony before anyone else, and to make pains not to do anything against etiquette lest you give offenses or make enemies....
发表于 2010-7-7 12:32 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼nekeky于2010-06-26 09:49发表的  :
i have some puzzle why you can "english" all the time......never  chinese charactor ....

cool man....

I guess he married a foreign beautiful girl.
发表于 2010-7-7 12:40 | 只看该作者
I really admire Andy's cool English, as well as hope  he will keep reciting in future
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-7 13:24 | 只看该作者
引用第5楼simonfish于2010-07-07 12:32发表的  :

I guess he married a foreign beautiful girl.
You are so talented ....
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-22 10:00 | 只看该作者
Lesson 3: The parents in the world
It is universally true that all parents in the world love their children, however as the parents' views of life vary, they show their love in different ways, generally speaking, parents can be classified into three types: the monarch type, the servant type and the friend type according to the different ways of showing their love to the children.
It's so clear that monarch type parents like to lay down rules to let their children observe, and they can not be challenged. Even in the daily life, they are fucking self centered, and don't believe everyone, let alone their children.
On the contrary, the servant type parents like to spoil their children, and they always try their best to satisify their children, in their heads, children's happiness is their happiness.
Finally, the friend type parents, from it's name, we can know, this kind of parents are unlike those two kinds above, they treat their children as friends, and what they always to and say is "Let's put our heads together, then fix it!"
so most of the children like the last one kind of parents.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-22 10:03 | 只看该作者
Show some sentences as below which are very normal, but very useful:
1) The word " Fear" is  not in my vocabulary.
2) We all have our own areas of expertise.
3) Genius means nothing but only the hard work.
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