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楼主: ljh809809
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[标准学习] 澳洲插头插座标准AS/NZS 3112中的问题点解释

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 18:19 | 只看该作者
3.11.1Socket-outlets switched by insertion of plug pins
9 a! b! }6 j5 NIn addition tocomplying with this Standard, the switching function of socket-outlets switchedby insertion of plug pins and intended for use with a plug complying with Figure2.1(a), Figure 2.1(c) or Figure 2.1(d) shall comply with the requirements of Clause3.11.2 except that the ‘ON’ position need not be indicated.
8 ?3 ?6 r3 ?/ h: [* F问题:除了Figure 2.1(a), Figure 2.1(c) or Figure 2.1(d)之外,其他图中的开关不适用吗?/ g! L) }1 P4 ~# F( [
3.11.2Socket-outlet switches
  ]9 |( i1 ]4 M: f. {# F+ a  rAny switchintended for the control of a low voltage socket-outlet to be used with a plug complyingwith Figure 2.1(a), Figure 2.1(c) or Figure 2.1(d) shall comply with therelevant requirements of AS/NZS 3133. All switches provided shall be Category 2switches and their ‘ON’ position shall be indicated in accordance with therequirements of AS/NZS 3100 for the visual indication of the positions ofswitches.% q! m1 C0 G. i2 N
问题:除了Figure 2.1(a), Figure 2.1(c) or Figure 2.1(d)之外,其他图中的开关不适用吗?
' g/ l' T9 n2 _. {& t3 M" g4 G1 F; d! @& N6 S! U8 L2 A9 b. a( }( T3 B
答:9 f# `  ]( [3 X$ ~* e
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 18:20 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ljh809809 于 2015-8-19 10:50 编辑 5 t5 ~- ]# r/ P, |

! _; f, s  ]* }- L8 }9 \+ d3.14 TESTS FORSOCKET-OUTLETS3 o1 V! J- k& l$ ^7 d
3.14.1 General
) A. V( q2 k& R) qSocket-outletsshall be mounted as in normal service and as follows:
, y$ }& p5 l2 v# y' c* V0 P(a) Flush andsemi-flush socket-outlets that may be used in walls with thermal insulation shallbe mounted on a vertical wooden surface, not more than 6 mm thick, with the portiondesigned to fit into the recess completely enclosed in absorbent cotton wool, looselypacked and held in position by an appropriate metallic (wall box) enclosure.问题:此工装最后是什么样子的?, d6 u2 o  B% O2 T$ I# w) v
(b) Othersocket-outlets shall be mounted in the minimum size enclosure or wall box.
3 Y+ V0 _* I# L$ G3 `* P问题:此处的enclosure or wall box是金属的还是木质的?
8 @& n' X4 c, e: nNOTE: Anappropriate metallic enclosure for socket-outlets on mounting plates of approximatelyH 114 mm × W 72 mm with 84 mm centres isone of H 90 mm×W 60mm×D 40 mm (approximatingdimensions of commonly available units).& W# {- B6 A7 O( N6 m- C
问题:如何理解这段话?% W- V3 N+ H, `" D3 Q  ~7 _  ?3 S

/ P7 x0 ]1 R$ z# k$ i7 |6 F附翻译:8 p7 L! f- [+ }+ r! \7 F6 C' a: L
(a) 可以用在具有热绝缘层的墙壁上的暗装式和半暗装式插座,应安装在一个竖直木板上,木板厚度不超过6mm,被设计成安装进入嵌入槽中的那部分应完全由吸水脱脂棉松散地包住,并由一个合适的金属框(墙壁盒)定位。
(b) 其它插座应被安装到最小尺寸的框或墙壁盒中。
说明:用于固定到尺寸约114mm高×72mm宽、安装距为84mm安装板上的一个合适的金属框的尺寸为90 mm高× 60 mm宽×40 mm(约为通常可获得的元件的尺寸)) R' e4 T$ i6 Y" q3 [2 L
答:待解答。, S# H# Z' S6 \8 o% i- I* w$ R" p' Y( Q8 W

- u( u$ W; [6 ^$ x" L4 R# v5 _9 m4 ]6 q" o2 {( U
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 18:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ljh809809 于 2015-8-19 10:50 编辑
4 N; h# w& _; z
5 O! K. D: B. r7 A6 |& O3.14.2Insulation resistance test No. 1( i% P0 m( P& J( @0 o' b
For the purposeof this test the socket-outlet shall be mounted to a metal plate and in appropriatemetallic enclosure, using the fixing holes provided, by means of metal fixing screwscorresponding in respect of their diameter and size and type of head, with thescrews that would normally be used for fixing the socket-outlet.( E2 D- N: L, M
NOTES:, C( T5 l# ^8 K) ]$ b8 X, U% r
1 The metalplate is to be approximately 1 mm thick and be larger than the projected areaof the9 v' e) N8 q( Q3 L" [
socket and havea cut-out as recommended by the manufacturer.
$ y; Z' ^. d: \2 An appropriatemetallic enclosure is described in Clause 3.14.1.
" s" \! [8 @4 {6 ?问题:此处的metal plate 是什么样子的,插座如何与它安装,插座如何安装到metal enclosure上?: k, G7 t6 ?$ G- m$ K4 P# L% {% Q
附翻译:2 b4 z. s' P, w) L: ]" a
3.14.2 绝缘电阻测试 no.1
1. 金属板大约1mm,面积大于比插座的投影区域,并有一个由制造商推荐的开孔。
2. 一个合适的金属框在3.14.1中有描述。
- P% h5 H2 X6 E5 _2 K- @答:待解答. B  @8 ~2 `- g8 n. t5 c: o0 l5 O
! g) o: Q* z4 Y$ I& a1 w1 c
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 18:33 | 只看该作者
3.14.5 Test oftemperature rise
0 A) J; J: ^" G6 _! {For multi-outletsocket-outlet units, the test shall be conducted on one outlet of each type,the outlet(s) not under test being maintained in a no-load condition.: M9 r! T( @- J+ ~; ^4 i4 {6 w
问题:如果同一个插座板上有不同类型的插座,温升试验是同时做的吗?0 H# I9 `7 b9 c. e
答:澳洲插座只有三孔插座,即同一插座板上的插座规格是一样的。同一插座板也可以布置超过一个插座。8 I' ~3 U0 ]! g: v3 j' v* r; A
6 P( p9 E: C2 p1,如果插座的底座不是共用的,则即使是同一规则的三孔插座,也要分别对插座做温升试验,一次做只对一个插座。
7 B3 ^$ J4 z3 V) e: o- H! y1 `2,如果插座的底座不是共用的,则只需对一个三孔插座做温升试验。% ?# y$ X4 Y: L$ {9 P8 i6 F. M1 j

, r- m  n8 z& U6 X( r' M8 a- I. y
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 18:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ljh809809 于 2015-8-18 22:30 编辑 0 E, `: r1 F, ~; [% ?& R" r" l) F
# v9 a* R  g9 o' W  e0 C Withdrawal force test, I/ D( K7 E0 k$ g" E
This test is applicable only to socket-outlets rated at up to and including 10 A, and intended for use with plugs of the type shown in Figure 2.1(a1). The test shall be applied to all the socket-outlets subjected to the test of Clause
( u9 `( G8 G$ hPlugs rated at 10 A and complying with Figure 2.1(a1) of this Standard and which have not been subjected to any previous tests shall be used. A separate plug shall be used for testing each socket-outlet.
- Y# @6 T. p7 fManually insert the plug fully into and withdraw it from the socket-outlet 10 times.- r# v, N% V' @; N, b* t
% a! Y1 o" f6 o* g! T/ ]答:因为标准里只是说用figure 2.1(a) 尺寸的插头即可,也没有规定是用钢质的。所以用普通的满足标准的插头即可作为检测插座拔出力的插头,要求每次用新的插头也不过分。
. J' \' S( _. d! I1 i$ E. @! Y不象IEC 60884-1/GB 2099.1中的拔出力试验插头是用最大尺寸且为钢质。: n6 }/ n1 ]1 U( T
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 18:59 | 只看该作者
If asocket-outlet contains shutters, the shutters shall be activated by the neutralpin of a plug complying with Figure 2.1(c) to allow full insertion of this typeof plug without undue force. Compliance is checked by inspection and manualtest, if necessary.
2 g4 o- G$ H" X  V3 }6 e问题:只有Figure 2.1(c)适用吗?只有用neutral pin来检验遮蔽门吗?
! t4 p$ k+ d* [6 e0 K
  |3 n* F4 J8 M  |6 K  ]  H! d& M* ]" I答: 因为澳洲插座只有三孔插座这种类型,所以规定只用相应插头的N极插销来插入保护门。
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发表于 2015-8-18 20:27 | 只看该作者
亲,请问贵公司的SAA插头滚筒跌落测试可以通过吗?我测试了10多家公司的SAA插头,只有一两家能符合标准要求的!% i! ~# k. j1 E9 o3 r8 F( p
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发表于 2015-8-18 20:28 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-18 23:17 | 只看该作者
楼上,好的。! H( P* `6 |# q9 B

; ^/ @$ p8 P6 i( U! C/ u6 e澳洲插座做温升的试验盒是什么样子的?(见上面回答待完善的贴子)! [& R2 z# g' b$ d# r* J& O( |
绝缘电阻测试的metal plate是什么样子怎么安装的?(见上面回答待完善的贴子)
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发表于 2018-3-20 14:24 | 只看该作者
ljh809809 发表于 2015-8-18 17:38
; p( B, a: n7 i1 l/ m- I( d2.12.6 Configuration of plugs
; k" Z  D* U. ?: ~  N. E5 v  SA plugconforming to Figure 2.1(a), Figure 2.1(c), Figure 2.1(f) or Fi ...

) U2 m3 }& X' U. Y7 N" i这个规定 是不是 也要求 PIN所连接对应的PCB板上的L N 要对应呢?因为一般PCB板都是固定的 对应不同的插头 ,如果不同的插头 L N 定义不一样 也没法完全符合,对吧?
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