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[IEC标准产品] 厨具类11章测试的讨论(EN 60335-2-14)

发表于 2009-9-25 11:30 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
关于厨具类的11章测试条件的一些讨论。" T& l, P5 N3 b, q' X
首先,测试条件的选择,在标准的3.1.9明确定义了各种器具的正常工作,但是标准的后面有一句(红色标注部分), 而下面的NOTE 103就解释了在哪种偏差下,额定功率是最不利条件
) `7 ]. D1 L1 B) U0 poperation of the appliance under the conditions specified in to, or at rated power input if this is more unfavourable0 H+ |6 l" p3 d7 S$ G- |- ]9 V* Q$ q2 ~
NOTE 103 Operation at rated power input is considered to be more unfavourable if the power input determined during the test of 10.1 differs from the rated power input by more than
; {7 R- X% r2 `4 f; D* _–20 % for appliances having a rated power input not exceeding 300 W;+ Q. R- k4 q% Z0 ^8 ^
–15 % (or –60 W if greater) for appliances having a rated power input exceeding 300 W.0 B1 n5 y9 f3 u! V+ P/ l9 }
所以,11章的测试条件要结合10.1功率输出的结果来确定。! n) h2 P' H8 ]1 ~# O
2 K0 h! c% K/ V' a
其次,测试的时间的选择。11.7.101--11.7.117明确说明了各类器具的工作时间。但是在2-14的11.7有一段文字+ X7 p+ V. X* V
If this period exceeds that stated in the instructions and if the temperature rise limits of Table 3 are exceeded, the test is carried out for the number of cycles specified and using the maximum quantity of the load to be processed stated in the instructions for
* t; @. D7 d2 Y! A+ v7 [• the maximum period stated in the instructions plus 1 min, for specified operating periods not exceeding 7 min;
, B0 T7 P# `5 O0 Y5 n• the maximum period stated in the instructions, for specified operating periods exceeding 7 min.+ k, L1 }6 f; A
If it is necessary to perform a number of operations to obtain these periods, the rest periods are equal to, where relevant, the time taken to empty and refill the container with the maximum quantity of ingredients stated in the instructions.
# h) n& l, B% c) g" Z% rAppliances incorporating a timer are operated for the maximum period allowed by the timer./ H% w& R5 m+ R% `6 S
- M6 F8 `$ {, ^1 D- E' c; N9 p
以绞肉机为例,假设说明书中说明了KB时间为10min,而在标准的11.7.102 说明工作15min,是否在做11.8时在最不利条件下(有可能是3.1.9.115所标注的正常工作,或者是绞肉机的额定功率)工作15分钟,如果温升没有超过表3的值,即可接受。 如果温升超了,按照上面的条款,是否把工作时间定为说明书中的最大时间,即10min?
( K& g# {4 {. D) B8 _: |1 _0 [: _另外,以切片机为例子,假设说明书规定KB为5min,测得额定功率为最不利条件,那么参照11.7.101,切片机在额定功率下工作30min,如果温升不超表3即可,如果超过,又该怎么做?测试时间为5+1= 6min? 是否需要做循环?还是在额定功率下工作6min一个循环?
! z8 C( t% W9 `9 Y) G  M# r5 u+ R6 p: C: m
 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-25 15:12 | 显示全部楼层
引用第2楼TSBWXM2007于2009-09-25 14:54发表的  :
% U0 n( |: w+ d' ]( w如果说明书中规定了KB的话,就可以不用再考虑循环次数了。
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