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[招聘] 某法资第三方检验审核公司在东莞招聘电磁兼容部主管/工程师、EMC主管/工程师、安规

发表于 2011-4-8 13:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
职位:电磁兼容部主管 (EMC Supervisor) 1名
+ x% f7 p" a7 ]* C0 N' C2 v工作地点: 东莞
+ A8 t, E, i" n  H' N主要工作职责:/ [+ k& _! w! X  w. m* z
- Manage and train the test engineers9 E) x' j, P/ `3 m
- Responsible for the sample management during the tests
" G( l1 q* N' z1 z% E" G/ W! I- Supervise the tests done or prepared by the engineers
$ z. |& m$ d0 M9 [+ Q4 \- Responsible for the right application of technical procedures and / standard by engineers, A) K5 g$ P9 M
- Responsible for delivering the results and test reports on time
+ ?5 }  n  g6 c- Be very attentive and sure information’s given to clients.$ M6 A. c1 c  O; x0 y5 U
- Responsible for improvements of process in testing team
0 n# K; t+ c2 g. p3 X/ T% w  ~- Check and sign test reports and folders
- |, ~4 x, H$ |* |- O关键要求:
2 i5 g8 L7 ?& q& }5 v" r& o- Electrical and mechanical aptitude.
; i6 X  r+ j9 ]0 p. K- Knowledge of testing of electrical products from laboratory / manufacturing.
2 J" C4 r2 N: x) m4 m2 @) K# @- University degree or above in Electrical engineering.8 L0 O* ~1 S: C& }
- At least 5 years of working experience in electrical product safety testing.( n5 C9 R' z7 [1 |6 _
- Good knowledge of standards.
0 c7 ^2 ?( k: `( t- F- English speaking candidate will be favored.
% {" d; ~& _6 K7 }如有意向者,欢迎投简历至jessica.wu@cn.bureauveritas.com; x) ^! ?* c- i4 r. ?& f/ }
9 v5 }3 L6 r2 W# T+ S. T& o' F
职位:电磁兼容测试工程师 (EMC Engineer) 3名
! g% D0 U" i. O3 U& C+ z& B工作地点: 东莞
6 i% m7 }0 Z0 R' N1 u主要工作职责:
/ k$ j' {2 T5 V: N6 ?- 严格按照相关操作规程进行测试* E& L, _  p( A5 ~
- 及时做好相应原始数据的纪录和数据的处理,对工作中出现的问题及时反映,解决,确保数据的正确性和可靠性
1 f  V4 |& E1 D4 i: F- 负责监测仪器设备的期间核查与日常保养; a& x& g0 h& w( w5 V% t
- 负责监测环境的监视、控制
: C- O. w1 j- Q$ R; W. s: v7 ]关键要求:0 O) p* a9 u& R4 y8 O# ^. Y& ?
- 大专以上学历,电子电器相关专业( t& B7 L) ?" V) ~. T$ R
- 两年以上相关行业工作经验
# M' Z: s/ R" n% d' p" f- 英语听说读写能力良好7 B# h4 ^  Z+ w$ \( }7 g
- 能承担较大的工作压力7 B. o. B, l2 r  P
& J: l3 W- c( y8 {; F3 H" p
, A9 o0 F0 F* c5 q2 X' n% j9 _职位:安规主管 (Safety Supervisor)1名 & a( A) G. z8 Q
工作地点: 东莞( F3 P) f; a: t  b
主要工作职责:$ R7 h) H, k/ v! i: t& {4 q! R& V
- Manage and train the test and project engineers
4 j  \5 P3 F( _7 b, ^- Prepare the test program for offers, if needed2 a* n( i! j& B2 D
- Responsible for the sample management during the tests' _- k" Q' ~: `  M4 q* p
- Supervise the tests done or prepared by the engineers
& d: |/ n( x6 p! ]  M- Support to develop new test methods or new standards* p2 s8 M! d' W! E9 I7 z4 v$ x( J; D
- Set up test equipment as needed
( n3 d! I, ?: l* k! v; o- Responsible for the right application of technical procedures and / standard by engineers- v& E' ]* Y( C" x0 L) s( U
- Responsible for delivering the results and test reports on time- A2 m$ w8 N4 P" w4 B% K
- Identify, troubleshoot and resolve technical issues.
7 w: Q1 G) N6 y  Q' |' t- Check and sign test reports and folders
: x6 ?3 ?7 x* U: u6 A: d关键要求:( q2 N7 e0 g  v9 W/ h
- Strong leadership and communication;+ d- \9 c1 F5 t- o2 b* i
- Electrical and mechanical aptitude.$ p( T$ z: t) r/ s1 M  ~" l
- Knowledge of testing of electrical products from laboratory / manufacturing.
7 b) e) t6 f- \  q6 i  M- University degree or above in Electrical engineering.
# g+ d) ?, Y, K; m7 x- At least 5 years of working experience in electrical product safety testing.
) f! {$ H! T1 H- Good knowledge of standards.- r$ ]9 Q% C8 x# [) |* U& ^, p
- English speaking candidate will be favored.
' U- P7 b  G: S如有意向者,欢迎投简历至jessica.wu@cn.bureauveritas.com& a. S+ \$ j# H3 \* Q8 O
9 R& b) G- @+ x+ H: V' S
职位:安规工程师 (Safety Engineer)4名
/ v. `# W' W& f# j工作地点:东莞
1 l7 D1 `# E* N/ E+ h$ j2 M主要工作职责:
2 J* y  D" @2 [& v8 j6 k- 负责所属产品的检测工作,并对检测工作质量和检测报告质量的正确性负责
. y9 D8 c0 q+ d' h" L9 R- 参与新拓展产品项目的检测策划和实施8 G! n& w" O( F6 Y$ p$ o# A; B# Y
- 负责全项目的监测工作,汇总检测结果并通知相关人员% D( |3 W3 q3 v: y; x0 g: _
- 负责跟踪样品和标样有关数据的传递, _! `: [0 O' l. [! e
0 ^0 t% G0 D* i& D6 ^( S8 r- 大专以上学历,电子电器相关行业
7 S* g. B, i4 ~; ]  v- T- 二年以上相关行业经验6 q8 X9 Y/ p) }& o, T4 k
- 英语听说读写能力良好/ b% u9 p- [: k, |2 p) X
- 能承受较大的工作压力
9 a! W9 P! ]/ G* X如有意向者,欢迎投简历至jessica.wu@cn.bureauveritas.com
! I4 w. X) ]; y* k/ L* l2 X# x& }/ J9 b
/ J" q6 a3 z8 j2 r/ P
8 q. C, J; c8 [; T9 k9 n3 y职位:国际认证工程师/主管 (International Approval Engineer/Supervisor)1名
* q1 z1 S( j2 `7 F工作地点: 东莞: ?8 ~  Z' j+ P+ Z. I$ n
/ X+ k# Q4 J9 S- Providing good project handling & strong follow-up
6 I+ h' r+ x3 s' n- Managing & updating approval information/database., d) e, q, d8 O; V; G& G% t
- Assisting International Approval research.
2 w* b, c3 Q! J7 v  {* G关键要求:0 i) W  H& `. N' X! ]& t( K4 t
- Strong written and verbal communications skills3 a" S( T+ {0 I' Z
- Individual and Team work spirit
" U$ m9 A8 R6 q+ |% Z- Organizational and time management skills; {* I; [& I! c
- College/University Degree in Marketing / Language " }+ J- Y- G/ R6 F7 I; r$ @: f
- 4 years or above related working experience, less experience can be considered as engineer  * u* i8 l6 D; S4 K5 i2 b
- Good knowledge of English (3rd language is a plus)
" u& R! @2 ?9 L$ h如有意向者,欢迎投简历至jessica.wu@cn.bureauveritas.com
发表于 2011-4-8 13:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-4-8 13:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-4-8 13:58 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 14:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-4-8 15:57 | 只看该作者
不知道safety engineer 的待遇会是在什么范围??
发表于 2011-4-8 19:07 | 只看该作者
ENGLISH 还可以,标准还懂一些,只是没有测试的工作经验
发表于 2011-4-10 20:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-4-13 16:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-4-13 16:57 | 只看该作者
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