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[美洲灯具] 求助:UL 8750中的LVLE 电路,如何测试?谢谢!

发表于 2013-7-2 09:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
8.14.2 The input to the source under evaluation shall be connected as intended in the end product. The! d: B4 `$ B1 c% g
output to the circuit under evaluation shall be connected to a variable resistance load. If the source under
3 }, i1 ]8 ~, m- Eevaluation has multiple outputs, all other outputs shall be open-circuited. The output voltage to the circuit
; `# j1 m4 ]( `  o/ `under evaluation shall first be measured under open circuit conditions. The variable resistance load on the7 k8 n9 U2 F5 {; J
output under test shall then be adjusted from open circuit to short circuit until an available current of 8 A2 W8 a: H# c1 G  X" o& y1 v
can be obtained and sustained for one minute of operation. If 8 A cannot be sustained for one minute
" I; j! D/ a3 E, iunder any condition of load, the test shall be discontinued。
( e7 e+ g* f$ X$ d5 ~* d1 R6 H' G  f) _( q! y) g4 @( U) F
a variable resistance load  直流负载?还是可以用可变电阻器?' W5 J# C4 q" X" i, J
The variable resistance load on the output under test shall then be adjusted from open circuit to short circuit until an available current of 8 A can be obtained and sustained for one minute of operation这个开路和短路如何测试呢?得到并维持8A的电流一分钟?6 l9 s! N) C9 _$ p/ c1 E, P
英语不行。求解答。3 o. Q5 d$ W$ \5 J4 H

, }+ a- }& E- R$ z  u. W
' {* R2 K  B8 G" v
发表于 2013-7-2 09:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-7-2 09:38 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-7-2 09:43 | 只看该作者
我做过几次LVLE的目击,我们采用的是直流电子负载,另外,提醒一下这个测试本身的可操作性不是很强,应该采用UL1310的“Output Current and Power Test”来测试,步骤我简单总结如下:
, A1 d5 Q' k3 b7 n2 N1)首先进行短路测试,找出短路测试中哪些元器件短路后产品不会shut down .. c$ I& s  X/ K# c& v  G' Q
) }% Z5 y6 r& n3 A+ U6 |
2)测量短路开路对应的最大电流(滑动电阻最大时对应的电流,滑动电阻为0时对应的电流)$ c; d1 o& \! {+ c* R% P3 H
1 B/ l0 `% Z% d) F2 R3 q
; E- U$ z2 H3 w* x2 D9 r! {) I& ]+ i


参与人数 1安规金币 +5 收起 理由
tsunn + 5 安规好帖很给力!


发表于 2015-6-22 20:21 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1安规金币 -50 收起 理由
jsspace -50 这么久的帖子挖出来,只是回一个表情?


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