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UL  R 類產品與 L 類產品的差異

发表于 2011-6-20 14:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
UL 產品中 分為R type 與L type兩種
' ^2 O3 D2 J0 v3 F  c想請問板上面的高手, 這兩種分類的差別在哪裡?* s' m& y# G" j( d% Q
" g9 D" {& @' P) r& B
因為小弟我曾經接觸過UL Report
2 y- q' S7 o9 A該產品所做的標準為UL 1838戶外風景燈 總共有三十多個型號# K5 T2 x& [; B& p, v8 m5 U
在看元件描述的部份, 只有寫出一個型號當代表, * v2 r9 m! Q0 n9 g
外殼(enclosure)也只是粗略的描述. , s) G# a) b1 U7 m9 L
但我看所有型號的外觀時, 發覺外殼尺寸差異很大, 1 B1 X1 t# L# a* a2 l, ^6 }+ z
但UL報告只控制一個型號, 難道沒有溫度安全上的考量嗎?) S5 ]! G0 q; Y& T. W
  Z6 V' n0 L* n* C' S- r  W0 ^& H' o
後來我問了一下我學長, 他說因為是該產品是 L Type的關係,
7 O  Z! a% o5 I9 T, v; @/ b3 H. o9 [許多的評估與測試都會移到工檢端檢查, 所以報告
" C) z- b1 k3 N: t  G) U部份比較不會描述這麼詳盡.8 H  W/ J4 H  }" l. j0 }# X7 j

2 z# |  ~& Z. n但到UL網站上, 仍沒對R type與L type 產品有詳細的描述  @) Z+ T/ D$ f, t+ `; j

5 }+ j% E' ?8 V% _# @$ C! i! g想請板上大大解惑
发表于 2011-6-23 20:40 | 只看该作者
For type L products, normally UL factory only can order this kind of label directly from UL, and after the order is released, then UL factory can get their ordered labels from their local label center/inspection center, to name a few, wire and cable(AWM, flexible cords, power supplier cords, wiring harnesses and etc), lamps(UL153/UL1598, and etc).. o+ ?5 i! u6 \1 W
Anyway, there're also some special cases, and for some big and well-famed factories, UL also can authorize this kind of factories to print this kind of label by themselves, in this case, no other difference from the ordered label, just those factories can print by themselves, and the cost also depends on the output(label consumption).
发表于 2011-6-23 18:31 | 只看该作者
引用第12楼Andy.Yang于2011-06-23 16:44发表的  :
0 i* s: Q; o6 t; o& D. S$ P& vLable requirements for UL
( u0 z7 k) L7 \* F& `+ ^1 g1 Y5 @-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  {. u3 J5 q" O$ I7 l
Topic I--->Classification for UL type R markings0 K' F+ ~2 [7 e' V  x  o
Basically, for UL type R category products, there are three kinds of UL marks which we can find in the market:
5 _% H$ C8 N# C, _/ j- {1. The UL listing mark: most of the UL final products can be covered in this kind of marking, such as the computer, PC, domestic appliance, power tools, and etc. For this kind of UL mark, it must be shown on the product itself;
' ^* a1 H0 G, y* x+ L4 n. o.......
2 n- f; ]/ u: F2 s8 j4 q4 nTopic I--->Classification for UL type R markings
9 d: K# {8 V6 A" b' A  YBasically, for UL type R category products, there are three kinds of UL marks which we can find in the market:
+ _) W- \: s8 Z$ G- s* J1. The UL listing mark: most of the UL final products can be covered in this kind of marking, such as the computer, PC, domestic appliance, power tools, and etc. For this kind of UL mark, it must be shown on the product itself;
: V  d. @" B9 [/ }2. The UL recognized mark: this kind of mark only applies to the components, not the whole products, and normally this kind of mark is "RU" with the "R" turns to the opposite direction. Not the same as the UL listing mark, this mark is not compulsory to be shown on the product itself or on the package, but in most cases, the manufacturer will show this mark on their products or the packages for those products;
) k/ d1 h8 _8 G! n; k) X  T& {3. The UL classified mark: this kind of mark is for some special products, and only some characteristics of those products can fulfill the UL's requirements, then it's not so common compared with the UL listing and recognized markings.( b$ w, I9 v& k7 n( y' v; k
  \* w- I) C0 z& ~/ j* q, ~. n# B. S6 {4 S; \0 [
Dear Andy$ {" B2 ?4 g8 C( m$ ]
In this topic ,you introduct requirement about UL  mark for UL type R category product .What about L category product? could you kindly help to share your experience?
发表于 2011-6-23 16:44 | 只看该作者
Lable requirements for UL" @! u' s8 c3 b0 F0 q
9 f! g* ?8 @+ m0 M' |. HTopic I--->Classification for UL type R markings+ v9 N# j9 U+ L3 e! }1 @, ?* ^7 ~
Basically, for UL type R category products, there are three kinds of UL marks which we can find in the market:
& K) Y- Z5 F$ F3 z8 R1. The UL listing mark: most of the UL final products can be covered in this kind of marking, such as the computer, PC, domestic appliance, power tools, and etc. For this kind of UL mark, it must be shown on the product itself;
1 H6 i6 B  o/ E: ]8 k5 p2. The UL recognized mark: this kind of mark only applies to the components, not the whole products, and normally this kind of mark is "RU" with the "R" turns to the opposite direction. Not the same as the UL listing mark, this mark is not compulsory to be shown on the product itself or on the package, but in most cases, the manufacturer will show this mark on their products or the packages for those products;
% `1 F' b3 w9 ^' W4 A! D. A3. The UL classified mark: this kind of mark is for some special products, and only some characteristics of those products can fulfill the UL's requirements, then it's not so common compared with the UL listing and recognized markings.6 `2 f. j7 e  \& f3 O$ u# v
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. x6 m* r3 O: `& c3 u& I+ [" q+ n
Topic II--->Decription and requirements for UL type R labels
# b# S/ U) Q. M: W4 h: A; yNot similar with the UL type L labels, the manufacturers don't need to order and buy the UL labels directly from UL, at this time the manufacturers can print the labels by themselves or buy the labels from a UL authorized Label provider, so pls see below for details:# p& w0 }8 X1 z4 R3 @7 g9 [
1. For UL listed/listing mark:
' r2 o! ?, K! H9 @) ?( WNormally, if this kind of mark is laser-printed or die-stamped, there is no special requirements for the labels,and at this time , the manufacturer only needs to send the design drawing of the label to UL label center and let the label center to review the design, then ok is ok.
8 o% _3 K8 s& t4 @! NBut if the labels are adhesive paper label, then there are many requirements in most cases for the label provider:) C& O: w: X, I2 c4 m, v
1) The label provider must have the UL PGAA and PGJI2 or PGDQ2 program, that means there are two combinations for this kind of labelPGAA+PGDQ2)and  (PGAA+PGJI2).
1 t* |2 [; M0 Q; y8 L2) The label design drawing must be approved by UL label center, that means the manufacturer or the label provider must let the label design approved by UL before they apply the labels to their products.- E+ n- s. X5 [) D9 Y/ K. z9 c& U
3) If PGAA+PGJI2 is used, at this time, the label provider only provide blank or partial blank labels to the manufacturer, then the manufacturer can print some content on the labels by themselves, pay more attention that the ink or the ribbon which the manufacturer used must match the label materials, and this matching information can be found on the UL website.; V2 V6 Y3 ?9 {, ~" ~: ~
2. For UL recognized mark:5 J% X& s8 Y+ P; m: U* q& T
Basically, in most cases,the "RU" in not the necessary element for this kind of products except the PWB, AWM. So for this kind of mark:5 |1 z7 m2 _  G; N6 k9 S( _; |- ?
1) The PGAA program is not needed for the label provider.
1 C- a' g* G, o; r8 E2) The PGDQ2 or PGJI2 is needed and the requirements is similar with the listing mark., f/ m* ~1 n' R  t
3) Label design review is also  not needed.
发表于 2011-6-23 16:41 | 只看该作者
引用第5楼bujust于2011-06-21 15:41发表的  :% b! I9 t2 ?2 O+ H& O  J6 E7 E
L type 是 Listed 成品  R type 是Recognized部件3 E9 |+ }# e) k# }
I can not totally agree with you, most of the inspection procedures are similar, but not totally same,- ~8 a5 U/ i" f3 @+ G$ Z! j
For type L, the auditor will use the standard, FUS procedure, FUII as the basis of the inspection, and normally, sample selecting will be necessary, especially for wire and cable, maybe lamps are not necessary.0 C  ]/ x) f( V# b& w4 c; c
For type R products, the auditor will mainly use the FUS produce as the basis of the inspection, normally, sample selection is not required, except some raw materials, such as the plastics.
1 R6 W* W# n1 X+ Y6 M; y6 U! b# Q$ V+ _6 R/ k+ [5 D( f/ e
And the most important, the inspection frequency is not same, for most of type R products, 4 times per year, and UL will charge the inspection fee for the four times, but for type L, the inspection frequency depends on the output of the products, I mean it depends on the label usage, use more, inspect more frequent...
发表于 2011-6-23 16:40 | 只看该作者
Andy.Yang 可以不说英文吗
发表于 2011-6-23 16:34 | 只看该作者
引用第2楼H-RH于2011-06-20 15:35发表的  :; b: y6 L9 t6 ]' p  K
一般来说, L (Listed) 是成品(product), R (Recognized) 是部件(component)
What you mentioned "R" and "L" is totally differenct from what the poster wants to know.
* z5 |. t$ z7 L) Z/ m/ ^And what you said "R" and "L" is the recognized marking and listing marking, but what the poster wants to know is the R category and L category UL approved products.
发表于 2011-6-23 16:31 | 只看该作者
You can understand them in an easy way, normally:" b, w3 K0 T. x! P
1. R category product is some kind of Regular products, it also can cover both UL listed and recognized products, and normally for this kind of products, the inspection frequency is 4 times per year, anyway, there are some special cases, for example, plastics(QMMFZ2), if all required samples are available during one time inspection, then once per year is enough;2 j6 L* s$ A7 V' A6 F7 V( M6 K
2. L category product is this kind of UL products which must use UL labels(released by UL directly), for example, wire and cable(UL758/UL62/UL764/UL817), lamps(UL153/UL1598), for this kind of products, the inspection frequency depends on the output of the products.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-23 16:05 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-6-21 19:08 | 只看该作者
引用第5楼bujust于2011-06-21 15:41发表的  :7 D) N4 A3 Q3 `/ h$ _$ A6 u
L type 是 Listed 成品  R type 是Recognized部件* _! ?) C( D% B3 D8 m& G1 I1 H
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