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[玩具标准] EN71 磁铁测试

发表于 2009-12-30 15:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
EN 71磁铁测试的要求是不是磁通量不能超过50平方千高斯平方毫米,或者不能是小部件,两个条件必须同时不满足还是只要有一个条件不满足就可以FAIL了呢 ?谢谢8 Q, ]6 y% J" ^1 A8 Q
4.23 Magnets (see A.51)
5 e3 X4 l4 ^# Z5 j( {% {0 n: h( j4.23.1 General
, ^' g+ s) P! H" w+ k; V! kThe requirements in 4.23.2 do not apply to functional magnets in electrical or electronic components of toys.0 x2 r7 O. v( R, l% T4 \3 V
The requirement in 4.23.3 does not apply to magnetic/electrical experimental sets in which all magnets have a
$ ]- m6 d' e1 H$ |5 O& amagnetic flux index less than 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested according to 8.35 (magnetic flux index), or
; w* N" t. x1 `0 Z9 a; F% F+ A, Xdo not fit entirely in the cylinder when tested according to 8.2 (small parts cylinder).! h, p% S. {- W- ?4 Z1 @
4.23.2 Toys other than magnetic/electrical experimental sets
4 Y+ A  k5 \: o6 xa) Any loose as-received magnet(s) and magnetic component(s) shall either have a magnetic flux index7 Q( ^. ~! m8 ]
less than 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested according to 8.35 (magnetic flux index), or shall not fit
: T9 i3 t9 j6 q% n+ S, h. r6 xentirely in the cylinder when tested according to 8.2 (small parts cylinder).
1 G' s- t- D; k9 \6 o: |2 rb) Any magnet(s) and magnetic component(s) that become(s) released from a toy, or from a loose asreceived7 C0 [# ?) j' y% y7 Q2 _9 y
magnetic component, when tested according to 8.3 (torque test), (tension test,
1 k& ]6 ~: v1 Y) p; y/ jgeneral), (tension test, seams and materials), 8.5 (drop test), 8.7 (impact test), 8.84 V% s' {5 {, Y2 R1 D5 p& U
(compression test), and finally, for magnets that are accessible but not grippable (as specified in* J0 Z! U& v7 y  N) i2 N, 8.34 (tension test for magnets), shall either have a magnetic flux index less than 50 kG2mm2
: k' J4 v  @' G. r$ b7 |4 {(0,5 T2mm2) when tested according to 8.35 (magnetic flux index), or shall not fit entirely in the cylinder+ ^$ y- k6 h" U" X& k$ P; z6 Z
when tested according to 8.2 (small parts cylinder).
* _9 E  P* a9 \0 q( gNOTE An example of a magnet that is accessible but not grippable could be a magnet that is recessed.
/ A7 h! |! s0 _) E, ]* Ic) Wooden toys, toys intended to be used in water, and mouth-actuated toys shall be tested according to
0 }7 K1 c+ G& l7 v0 e$ }8.9 (soaking test) before being tested according to 4.23.2 b) above.
+ N+ L: Q' {; x& C6 j! ~; [1 ^+ R4.23.3 Magnetic/electrical experimental sets) X4 F( i, g, B3 v4 I( w
Magnetic/electrical experimental sets intended for children over 8 years shall carry a warning (see 7.20).
发表于 2009-12-30 18:49 | 只看该作者
引用第9楼peterxu于2009-12-30 17:46发表的  :$ A& _# `% ]+ M9 d" C4 Q
现在主要的问题是ASTM F963-08的危险磁铁的定义是必须是小部件,而EN71里却用了OR这个词,所以我有点迷糊了,现在磁通量是超过了50,但不是小部件....按照EN71的"OR"来说的话不就是说只要超过50或者是小部件就会FAIL,而不是既超过50又是小部件才会FAIL......
3 x6 C9 j& f& F% n' K- r
4.23.2 Toys other than magnetic/electrical experimental sets% b: Z3 `% |& k1 X
a) Any loose as-received magnet(s) and magnetic component(s) shall either have a magnetic flux index
  @3 T. _* g/ u8 y" _less than 50 kG2mm2 (0,5 T2mm2) when tested according to 8.35 (magnetic flux index), or shall
not fit
in the cylinder when tested according to 8.2 (small parts cylinder).
/ G, |6 U4 w! L0 [/ E
$ e1 h: p( ]3 L+ T# h( S+ K$ a! U% f% Q/ t  p. f9 c) T
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 17:46 | 只看该作者
现在主要的问题是ASTM F963-08的危险磁铁的定义是必须是小部件,而EN71里却用了OR这个词,所以我有点迷糊了,现在磁通量是超过了50,但不是小部件....按照EN71的"OR"来说的话不就是说只要超过50或者是小部件就会FAIL,而不是既超过50又是小部件才会FAIL......
发表于 2009-12-30 17:29 | 只看该作者
這也許是一個新的研究問題,到時標准可能又要修改了。有可能是二種趨勢:3 \$ w! C2 D* h1 p$ R4 E( a  e' y% c9 L! X
1. 所有標准加大小物件測試筒的尺寸。- P' D: f" e2 T% w
2. 再修改磁鐵玩具的要求。# b% D$ S, N8 Z  s! R# V' \
3 w+ l( x! ~6 q& I4 I7 r6 i" Y
至少你現在上面所說的按標准說是PASS,但建議改善。$ }$ X2 a: p6 v- b/ X- d

& _% V. b$ K" b# D. h
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 16:54 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 15:47 | 只看该作者
其实我的看法是和大家一样的...就是现在标准上EN71用的是or,ASTM用的是and,歧义就这样产生了..所以我想了解下大家在平时做测试时是按照什么来判PASS或者FAIL的呢?谢谢!. z+ P0 M4 ~; q: I6 D9 r. E1 S
发表于 2009-12-30 15:42 | 只看该作者
- U9 |, y/ W+ u" ]5 ^- c& j+ {  首先磁鐵本身不能為小物件或小物件組成部件; 如果是小物件或小物件組成部件,則磁鐵的磁通量應該小於50平方千高斯平方毫米。可能簡單地說,如果磁鐵的磁通量大於50但不是小物件的話會有危險。而如果大於50又是小物件的話就會更加危險。
0 S# U& K; @" D  z# ^6 K* {" g1 S- j4 w& \6 E* r, @! M6 A
下面借用ASTM F963的定義參考一下:6 U; D7 R7 K; H! C- r2 t( J& h
ASTM F963 definitions: 3.1.33 hazardous magnet—a magnet which has a flux index >502 l, @' c- ^+ b. f9 L
3.1.34 hazardous magnet component—any part of a toy that is a small object (refer to 4.6 and Fig. 3) and which contains an attached or imbedded magnet which has a flux density >50 as determined in accordance with the test method in |) i- k& s$ G! K- l
发表于 2009-12-30 15:37 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 15:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-12-30 15:32 | 只看该作者
1 u! O8 c$ E- R  x8 u3 S磁通量超过50,但不是小物件没危险性, b  Z- _% K/ j( T+ ^( P7 D0 m! Z
  l& I: o  V& ~; j针对磁铁的危险就必须同时满足,
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