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[招聘] 招聘项目(测试)工程师、销售代表、项目协调员

发表于 2009-7-24 16:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
2 |1 q$ c( k8 H0 E7 c# U2 F, J( P薪资要求:面议
' A: E9 [7 y* A/ ~电话 (Tel) :020-85558836
. ]) u' \( V& k3 }联络人:人力资源部 张小姐
1 g, \" g0 B+ ~. K" Q+ @邮箱:cfcinfo@cfclab.com , O5 P6 O1 y, ]7 d
公司性质:代理实验室   b" i& e8 L1 R; Q
来信请注明信息来自安规网,欢迎应聘!' I$ N" _- P7 B' N# U
4 O7 {# D8 l% W. D3 z; w  ^6 o
项目(测试)工程师 – Project (Test) Engineer (2名)
6 x: p8 M' Y& D; D! @' C工作职责: 5 C; f8 O! b% U9 {. Z$ m
1.负责产品安规/EMC项目试验方案的制定、实施、评估、并出具报告; 9 Q; x3 ]5 U0 e% K# p( G1 B
7 S. E, z# [8 D( f
% Y: j! G; Z7 S4 h6 C+ F5 y任职条件 $ o$ ]: [8 e( O
1.大专以上学历,电子、机械类相关专业; 9 s& P, R0 }( }% i( _4 \7 S/ _2 k7 X
% s- B; R. Y% N) k3.较强的英语听说读写能力,能独*立阅读英文标准和出具英文测试报告,熟练电脑操作;
! \7 d& k* d3 P5 z4 E4.有一年以上灯具、IT/AV、机械类产品测试工作经验优先;
: d$ u( Q" q; B. s6 [5.有一年以上验货、工厂审查经验优先
" r; k" T  N0 K/ \. j+ fJob descriptions: 0 U/ B$ b( N. W" L
1.Responsible for framing, implementation and appraising safety regulation/EMC project testing scheme and submitting the relevant reports. 5 `  ^: _3 V: ?& ^( T- T
2.Responsible for a periodic inspection and maintenance of safety regulation/EMC testing equipment.
  _+ d  s8 s# e3 t# @
: ?9 u, ]' m4 a6 m$ [) h2 lQualification required:
) b7 `0 J# J, L8 X1.College’s degree or above in electronics, machinery and other relevant majors & m; v6 |" U2 b5 l3 a- _% F; y. i
2.A proficient grasp of safety regulation/EMC testing theories and analytical methods; Be able to provide solutions to improve safety regulation/EMC and draft safety regulation/EMC testing standards, job flow; Be familiar with relevant safety regulation/EMC laws and regulations.
3 L7 P$ {3 u0 Z( [3 L3 B8 D, I3.Be proficient in English in reading, writing, speaking and listening areas. Can read and understand English standards independently and write testing reports in English. Computer literate.
$ m7 z0 i/ q' U3 K1 Y4 m4.Those having one year or more testing experience in the testing field of lightening equipment, IT/AV, machinery will be preferred. / M" T* H- M, U6 ~
5.Those having one year or more goods inspection and factory auditing experience will be preferred.
$ f$ i/ @" {  v# [3 w( P; K& D; c% C" ~/ N1 k" x
销售代表 – Sales Rep.(2名)
  M) {, \3 {. Y2 o工作职责:
6 p: [0 c- v$ }/ S& I/ F, u3 M1.负责华南地区家电、灯具、IT、AV类客户的开发和维护; # w6 @0 d2 A3 G- M1 m
2.完成个人销售指标和公司业绩目标; * q5 B; R4 n4 r0 R6 Q9 M

: B/ B7 L; k9 O0 x8 t$ ^7 y任职条件: . c+ f7 s# Q0 z1 t& I% G: ^
1.良好的市场拓展和开发能力; / \( G: Q: d5 p2 B
2.良好的销售经验和积极进取、敬业的工作态度; ) j' T) c' ]& n& i; K7 i
  F. {* h# `3 s3 V' r% [1 ~* c- N0 e4.工科学历,大专或以上水平,英文4级或以上; 0 I7 `+ Y/ V2 [4 R; q5 N
; W5 B: i) L$ p8 {5 l- o; H- F, Q
$ J9 A, d6 l) i1 NJob Description: 3 _: {% }7 u  g% `* j. d* I; L# v
1.In charge of the customer development and maintenance in home electronic appliance, lightening equipment, IT and AV field in South China.
% x9 w! \6 d" {8 X+ X7 P2.Accomplish personal sales target and company performance goals. 5 c* s& z: |1 t3 J
Qualification required:
# F4 G6 i& y0 q, ^1.Excellent market development and exploration capabilities
1 P- K/ Z1 B- H0 T5 \- O& _2.Good sales experience with positive and hard-working working attitude
8 z8 a6 {$ E5 u2 B2 |6 s% W' P* u: c3.Outstanding communication abilities and team-work spirit 4 E; T6 I& f( J2 T8 v
4.College’s degree or  above in engineering background with English level 4th grade or above
; W, g" ]# U  s3 Y& x6 A5.Those Having an industrial background and more than 2 years direct sales experience will be preferred
  ]" |8 E7 r* x7 m* k
& m" B. w' c2 Y) c; x! E项目协调员 – Project Coordinator(1名)
- e; V# p/ h7 b% j: V工作职责: 6 _- o) ]! T; P
; w# E" J$ g! }! D( g7 J2.负责整理和管理客户档案;
! c" x; R+ B* n" ?. q( _- i9 c3.负责潜在客户的挖掘和跟踪; 6 e$ w* m% B; {) \# w0 B, b  c
; P# a- b: s6 i3 P5 v2 u' ~- q% q
任职条件: 3 l/ P1 a+ r) ]  R
# m* i1 D/ y! A1 z# ~+ r2.良好的沟通能力和团队合作意识;
9 m; `2 N+ m( h/ V0 [6 V3.大专或以上水平,英文4级或以上;
+ L, H. _! [% E; g4.有行业背景及2年以上相关经验优先;
3 l( z1 r5 \  q3 N( J0 Y. Z5.有电话营销及绘图能力者优先;
5 R) F# _3 N4 I  E, {
: B/ P. H- V8 YJob Description:
4 F0 h: x4 T: l& O0 o1.Responsible for the follow-up and maintenance of testing project 0 s4 U: M" b* w6 q& ^! u8 N- x
2.Responsible for tidying up and managing customer’s files
6 l- f/ z$ ~/ D4 L( G3.Responsible for the exploration and follow-ups of potential customers
2 A" R1 }, E, J  U* @5 ^
4 g$ \# n4 X3 Q2 C8 A% qQualification required: ! k. C6 e: ?  J
1.Possess a positive and tender working attitude, careful with pleasant voices
$ x3 I: A9 e, |  s0 s2.Good communication abilities and team-work spirit # n8 O: S* \* i+ [2 _$ h% h
3.College’s degree or above with English level 4th grade or above
5 F: B. H& X& ~4.Having an industrial background and more than 2 years direct sales experience will be given priority in consideration
# @. ~+ A3 m1 _1 |5.Preference will be given to those candidates with tele-marketing and drawing capabilities
发表于 2009-9-5 20:43 | 只看该作者
安规测试员有发展前景吗 ?待遇怎么样?
发表于 2009-9-4 08:46 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-8-10 22:26 | 只看该作者
看到测试工程师的招聘条件有点疑惑: 熟悉安规还要掌握EMC试验原理,而且要熟悉产品安规/EMC法律、法规。我感觉楼主不是要招测试工程师,反而像是招项目管理之类的人才
发表于 2009-8-10 17:59 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-8-5 14:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-31 22:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-31 21:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-31 16:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-31 16:18 | 只看该作者
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