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[IEC标准产品] EN 60335-2-09:2003 OSM/HA 391 面包粉(团)过载测试

发表于 2008-12-9 10:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
不知大家最近有没有碰到过EN 60335-2-09:2003 OSM/HA 391 面包粉(团)过载测试 这个要求.
6 ~+ Z) {6 l: k* n( ^7 \
0 G# y) ^. ^: t具体要求如下:# z$ j( u/ ^; m. P" ^$ A( Z+ h' X
Question:, s$ }. H  B7 r1 m) |" @

8 G4 b# U: L1 r0 {9 G1 zSub-clause 22.111 reads "Heating elements in bread makers shall be located so that they are not exposed to dough that may rise over the edge of the dough container during normal use of teh appliance"." F5 S4 J" U7 ?5 H, k# Q
' L# Q/ R- c* A' m2 d( _
From our experience, the bread makers on teh market have the construction shown on teh picture, if  dough should rise over the edge of the dough container , it may/will come in contact with the haeating element in the bottom of the appliance.
' E1 B& _7 x0 ?; E6 T* Y
0 Y* t9 l4 d' s! p" FThe customer claims that by following the recipes in teh user manual ,regarding the maximum amount of ingredients, the dough will not rise over the edge of the container.4 L5 f! }% B' _) @6 p% N" t
3 r- h3 t  d! ~* j
The questions is : What is normal use?
$ M1 [/ ^- g' `! pShould the evaluation of this sub-clause be made based on the construction of the appliance,meaning that when the dough rises over the edge, the heating element shall not be exposed, or shoudl the evaluatio be made based on teh instructions in the user manual?4 W, A( i, J/ C5 j

1 H/ w/ F# d4 l5 D' YDecision:
: g& r5 w4 ~7 M; e3 QThe wording" Normal use " has to be considered as follows:
$ a% ?2 h) f0 _6 U7 d& R, i8 Q; D& [# u, Q4 \0 F- n0 B
Compliance is checked by inspection and in case of doubt by the following tests, A dough misture ad specifed in the instrctions has added ingredients to couse the dough to overflow the pan.0 a, Z' B  S3 W4 V# t; V
6 a, B! j8 ~% f  J2 a: I% J
The overflowing dough misture shall not contact the heating elements.
9 Q. t, u1 Y0 H! q" ~NOTE An overflow may be achieved by increasing the ingredients in incremental amounts(for example 10%) until overflow is achieved2 t' F: j& U) e3 k! i

8 z7 q' P! t  f4 r6 j大家对于这一项测试是怎么看的?论坛中各认证机构的大侠们,公司要求又是怎样呢?3 ^" G! _% O; w


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-14 14:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-12-10 19:45 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼雅逸于2008-12-10 17:52发表的  :
2 F# S; m4 P2 w* X图片可以直接贴吗?- R1 k( m+ N2 Z2 u/ f

% @, f! c9 S2 U8 D5 m2 x- z奇怪大家都没有碰到这个问题吗?: ^! y5 b) T# x$ U9 s
2 _" m7 S/ w6 M4 B$ j
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-10 19:34 | 只看该作者
自己敲的.* c! Y$ k  a8 L4 j

2 V: e3 q/ v+ `% e7 S
/ O+ E9 Q9 U" o  `6 T  }+ m2 I& c3 R. K1 U
; h6 W  @" q' b" ]. `6 y" P( J# w6 }, K, |) M$ k# }
; a7 _% K. |3 S7 }1: OVERFLOW 的判断??
9 u/ X. ]  Q/ ~8 _: n8 Q& B     有测试机构认为是开启面包机在说明书中最大量的情况下,直到面包粉(团)溢出掉到发热管,判定不合格.但是标准中有说10%份量往上加.直有看到溢出的结果.
3 K2 F$ k& }! p     也有测试机构认为开启面包机在说明书中最大量的情况下,另在准备一份搅拌好的面包粉(团)加入到面包桶中,直的溢出.
8 K6 Y& I! x4 d+ j- l4 {     不管怎样这一点对面包机的结果是很大的挑战.据我所识,市面上90%的面包机都是裸露式发热管.8 A5 n' w( t" {
( K7 ?+ F  o6 x' z5 p% r& x    认证机构有建议,发热管上加护罩,但是这样会影响到整人炉膛的温度.造成面包机的中心温度偏低.7 }. I. h7 j' N1 e6 e4 q, ~( \
2:  这个要求在标准中存在很久,也只是最近认证机构才提出.而对于其合理性本身也存着争议.面包机说明书有配方,指导用户如何操作.
发表于 2008-12-10 18:48 | 只看该作者
+ D" ?" ]$ M6 G! T9 g! aSub-clause 22.111 reads "Heating elements in bread makers shall be located so that they are not exposed to dough that may rise over the edge of the dough container during normal use of teh appliance".
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-10 17:52 | 只看该作者
9 S! q( y  E( f( j4 X. x( M# I/ V' c+ d; I( Y& _# l% n. M
奇怪大家都没有碰到这个问题吗?, j+ r2 q4 |1 u1 v  s/ E7 r

" T5 C. t9 V7 P. K, X: n+ n据我所知,几家认证机构对这一点都有不同的看法,而且争议挺大的,具体的测试方法都不统一.特别是面包机.
发表于 2008-12-10 11:38 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-10 11:29 | 只看该作者
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