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[其它标准产品] 60950 clause 4.3.12 可燃液体测试问题

发表于 2007-7-13 18:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
60950-1中的4.3.12条要求对可燃气化物浓度进行取样检测,要求在设备周边环境中,浓度不大于其爆炸限值的50%,在点燃源附件不大于爆炸限值的25%。9 v/ S7 G4 Q& B5 r' }" H

  E) Q( P- I- r' h( o* ?现有一喷码机,使用丁酮墨水,需要按此条检测,疑问是,标准中只说在正常使用下,那么检测应该在多大房间内进行?是通风还是密闭?因为喷码机销售后在实际使用中按照使用者的环境运行,多大房间,通风情况均不确定,有其他相关标准有规定吗?" C& G( C6 ]  G8 x
1 s: W5 o2 {( R5 P
附上标准章节:: Q7 V1 `0 G8 [% o: M
4.3.12 Flammable liquids
( e# `# k; \" Z' t: p2 x" O9 I
% L7 U5 B7 K8 j% p0 Z$ r7 U$ J7 nIf a flammable liquid is used in equipment, the liquid shall be kept in a closed reservoir,
+ B! O7 |' t# ?, p3 k2 z6 N7 [  Aexcept for the amount needed for the functioning of the equipment. The maximum quantity of" d* _, P4 f& x; D
flammable liquid stored in an equipment shall in general be not more than 5 l. If, however, the% R( D, f/ D, r- R: [( N
usage of liquid is such that more than 5 l is consumed in 8 h, it is permitted to increase the
. K: C# r. M0 [/ N" p; D+ _1 _$ Squantity stored to that required for an 8 h operation.1 R* p5 p5 _6 A0 b

, Z: b: V- L! V# X9 P# {/ \Oil or equivalent liquids used for lubrication or in a hydraulic system shall have a flash point
4 t% P2 t0 x6 A% Q; ^1 dof 149 °C or higher, and the reservoir shall be of sealed construction. The system shall have" }( d7 A1 i0 n$ a, C' O- u* i/ {
provision for expansion of the liquid and shall incorporate means for pressure relief. This9 j) O8 w/ z& O0 o
requirement is not applicable to lubricating oils that are applied to points of friction in
- S3 P$ g/ O4 [& J% q0 E; Gquantities that would contribute negligible fuel to a fire., f* W8 I1 M: u
& t" j1 P( C# v/ S! y, B/ x7 J& Q+ }
Except under conditions given below, replenishable liquids such as printing inks shall have a; m/ s; Q- v+ A2 C
flash point of 60 °C or higher, and shall not be under sufficient pressure to cause atomization.
- c5 O& k1 b9 }% v+ s5 w( xReplenishable flammable liquids that have a flash point of less than 60 °C or that are under
3 ?5 M1 P& O7 nsufficient pressure to cause atomization are permitted provided inspection shows that there is/ o: C/ J& @, ^; H9 Y
no likelihood of liquid sprays or build-up of flammable vapour-air mixtures that could cause
+ N; g0 J# t: G3 ?& {# n8 Xexplosion or create a fire hazard. Under normal operating conditions, equipment using a" l4 Z! N) a. {8 E% u7 I1 d
flammable liquid shall not generate a mixture with a concentration exceeding one quarter of$ Q  M0 H1 V" P! |8 q1 ^- `1 c- K  A, G/ h
the EXPLOSION LIMIT if the mixture is in proximity to an ignition source, or exceeding half the
$ [) \3 p5 ?$ w/ z- h# QEXPLOSION LIMIT if the mixture is not in proximity to an ignition source. The investigation shall7 ~  D7 m; }1 M7 l- ?, L; N
also take into account the integrity of the liquid handling system. The liquid handling system
. @( X2 J* c" ushall be suitably housed or constructed so that risk of fire or explosion is reduced, even under
8 w9 `0 @6 C. Y4 c) D1 Bthe test conditions specified in 4.2.5.
& `* K! L- Y# Q+ t0 t2 X& C- O5 p" p! c0 c$ ^0 c, _; {1 V
Compliance is checked by inspection and, where necessary, by the following test.& c) j8 J, ~; |: k
The equipment is operated in accordance with 4.5.2 until its temperature stabilizes. In this% q" _- m* {* Z) g$ A, r: m4 Y7 }. r
condition, the equipment is operated in a normal manner, as directed in the operating# X) z( V$ U% _
instructions, and samples of the atmosphere in the vicinity of the electrical components and* g5 _1 N7 V. I, \' m
around the equipment are taken to determine the concentration of flammable vapours present.
/ K9 @( a9 n2 ?3 cSamples of the atmosphere are taken at 4 min intervals; four samples to be taken during
& w' k7 }- u7 x$ o& ^  Qnormal operation, then seven samples after the equipment has stopped.% v4 @1 s* n1 ~& \

6 z( |( m3 X9 d) t/ m& ?5 |  ?If, after the equipment has stopped, the concentration of flammable vapours appears to be; D4 K" Y, M# A0 _% [. z
increasing, samples shall continue to be taken at 4 min intervals until the concentration is* Q8 C$ Y; p: m* ?2 J/ W
shown to be decreasing.
" F$ r; J# t- ^2 J  }( v; e- y- M- t# _
If an abnormal operation of the equipment is possible with any of its fans not running, this
  f  s# M9 T; `( c1 F0 h7 Zcondition is simulated during this compliance test.
发表于 2007-7-14 10:21 | 只看该作者
引用第0楼someone于2007-07-13 18:12发表的 60950 clause 4.3.12 可燃液体测试问题 :+ j) C$ U; h1 Y) I' h. q, _7 F, x
60950-1中的4.3.12条要求对可燃气化物浓度进行取样检测,要求在设备周边环境中,浓度不大于其爆炸限值的50%,在点燃源附件不大于爆炸限值的25%。4 l+ E( I+ `4 {. \

% |* [( p' M) s现有一喷码机,使用丁酮墨水,需要按此条检测,疑问是,标准中只说在正常使用下,那么检测应该在多大房间内进行?是通风还是密闭?因为喷码机销售后在实际使用中按照使用者的环境运行,多大房间,通风情况均不确定,有其他相关标准有规定吗?" \5 L2 f  u& Y& o: f' u8 ]

3 |' o) W5 z) i0 B4 u* F附上标准章节:
+ E6 g/ d! C* g. i- O.......
1 K! ~" [  x+ I$ F7 Z
这个问题好偏,做了这么多年的60950,第一次见到这个问题。。。; G" E* h, V( `4 \& I

% J) n( K0 b' b2 w
发表于 2007-7-13 22:06 | 只看该作者
这个在标准是没有明确规定,所以只是我们只是需要理解“正常使用下”,按照正常理解是你所列举的情况都可以的,但是做内部设计认证最好按照最严酷等级来进行,做实验室认证,一般有专门实验室,没有特殊要求,看是否按照常规情况进行!0 B8 ^& _) I0 K: _% P  [- D0 y

! o! V) h5 x# M# L& D这个只是理解,仅仅参考,没有其他意思!
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