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[OFF] DSH 542 Application of Annex U and 2.10.8 to spirally wound insulation required

发表于 2012-11-6 16:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
DSH 5426 Y5 w# G! S" u. e2 ?; B8 |1 Y
Application of Annex U and 2.10.8 to spirally wound insulation required to be treated as a cemented .... ~  x& R2 K9 V& p! W/ e" A1 m1 o# [, Third paragraph; K  b  @4 t/ `0 y
6 t, \4 r! [$ K7 e0 O$ Q# A) l
! l7 Y3 [% ~7 ~( p3 R. M* {5 l7 _
9 ]; _  ?8 A" w0 wIEC 60950-1, ed. 1
; U9 h8 L/ Q5 r8 {4 Z: H) R3 ~Sub clause:9 r7 n( l. P& ]0 F, Third paragraph
. [! R% r0 D; \2 R  O% m' K2 QDec. No.
% F/ S, P* d) G9 i8 d/ i" k- TDSH-542
, s& U" P4 e& [+ J: |- J7 V$ \Subject:8 A; T3 Z# A* @" C- C. {
Application of Annex U and 2.10.8 to
0 w' G9 \5 N9 O5 Q0 Bspirally wound insulation required to be
9 F% l, V" g# |0 W: a: [# t0 ttreated as a cemented joint% ^# Y7 v/ E0 T1 @5 ~, g
Key words:
3 }$ `- B* o7 b% E; h5 xspirally wound insulation;# x! n% }. H- z3 P% U' m, ]
cemented joints;
( m6 G- f0 e% K2 L4 b$ v1 W2 YAnnex U.2
0 z- U- |8 Q  E* z( W5 eDecision of:7 ^6 K& ^& y" L) ^8 ]" K0 x: h
40th CTL meeting /2003
! Q6 l; ~6 n, ~' d( O4 n: GQuestion:
- b) G3 P+ q& o4 zWhen applying the 3rd paragraph of, what is the intent of the requirement for spirally wrapped
8 q) K- b! a# C* Y8 winsulation (tape) when the CLEARANCES and CREEPAGE DISTANCES between layers, as wrapped, are' D9 j$ m# s5 r; C8 N9 c2 P) |
less than the required minimum value for Pollution Degree 1?
+ ?& p. I9 x5 ]Decision:: d8 _5 B9 o4 m0 @+ Q3 V
The intent is, if the CLEARANCES or the CREEPAGE DISTANCES between layers, as wrapped, are less than9 k2 N$ x; i! [& h  {7 v& V5 E% w
the required minimum value for Pollution Degree 1, the spirally wrapped insulation should be sealed and pass
' Q! F9 x8 q1 G9 cthe tests of both:$ E9 U2 f* a! A) |% A) V
· Annex U, which requires an electric strength test per Annex U.2 at the voltage specified in U.2;. W$ g7 E& _9 l7 d" y8 K6 E; V0 Y
and* S/ ^+ d& M% {2 Z
· 2.10.8, which requires an electric strength test of 1.6 times the values in 5.2.2 after the testing in 2.10.8.* q) {9 O% E+ d! s; Z. ?8 V  I, _! e
, ]0 f2 c) h' @

' T+ C7 H( U# a, [


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