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CTL决议汇编 今日: 0|主题: 721|排名: 22 

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公告 公告: 欢迎加入安规网站务综合群——仅解决站务问题,拒绝技术提问 admin 2011-12-2    
[INST] PDSH 806 Simplification of making and breaking capacity and normal operation tes attachment 小米 2012-9-5 12:00 0678 小米 2012-9-5 12:00
[INST] DSH 2008 attachment chinatown 2017-1-7 11:01 0591 chinatown 2017-1-7 11:01
[INST] DSH 1035 attachment chinatown 2017-1-7 10:59 0734 chinatown 2017-1-7 10:59
[INST] DSH 0391D 2015 2016-10-14 attachment chinatown 2017-1-6 13:46 0615 chinatown 2017-1-6 13:46
[INST] DSH 259 Constructional requirements of current-carrying parts attachment 小米 2012-9-5 13:52 0743 小米 2012-9-5 13:52
[INST] DSH 292 Accepting of a smaller range of cross-sectional areas attachment 小米 2012-9-5 13:49 0774 小米 2012-9-5 13:49
[INST] DSH 444 CB Test Certificates for Cord sets attachment 小米 2012-9-5 13:47 0878 小米 2012-9-5 13:47
[INST] DSH 527 Locking means for rivets serving as electrical as well as mechanical con attachment 小米 2012-9-5 13:43 0658 小米 2012-9-5 13:43
[INST] DSH 528 Correct positioning of conductors attachment 小米 2012-9-5 13:40 0617 小米 2012-9-5 13:40
[INST] DSH 529 Sufficient resiliency in socket-contact assembly in order to ensure adeq attachment 小米 2012-9-5 13:35 0711 小米 2012-9-5 13:35
[INST] DSH 530 Ball pressure test for plugs that cannot be rewired attachment 小米 2012-9-5 13:33 0764 小米 2012-9-5 13:33
[INST] DSH 567 Dimensions in drawings attachment 小米 2012-9-5 12:43 0586 小米 2012-9-5 12:43
[INST] DSH 590 Rule for creepage across grooves and similar surface discontinuities attachment 小米 2012-9-5 12:38 0791 小米 2012-9-5 12:38
[INST] DSH 593 New glow wire test requirments (650 C) for parts close to contacts attachment 小米 2012-9-5 12:32 0657 小米 2012-9-5 12:32
[INST] DSH 658 Clamping units for temperature rise test of plug attachment 小米 2012-9-5 12:23 0704 小米 2012-9-5 12:23
[INST] DSH 761 Measurement point of temperature rise in non-rewirable socket-outlets attachment 小米 2012-9-5 12:20 0751 小米 2012-9-5 12:20
[INST] DSH 762 Evaluation of plugs with pins which are not solid (hollow pins) after no attachment 小米 2012-9-5 12:11 0720 小米 2012-9-5 12:11
[INST] DSH 763 Testing of a plug that is an integral part of a plug-in equipment attachment 小米 2012-9-5 12:03 0886 小米 2012-9-5 12:03
[INST] CTL_DSH2165x Glow-wire test on parts of insulating material attachment 没车刻苦行 2021-10-21 11:35 0497 没车刻苦行 2021-10-21 11:35


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