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[质量管理体系] ISO9001:2008之4.1条款注3之a)和b)理解

发表于 2009-7-29 17:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
一。对a)处的“能力”不好理解,还不如去掉;; a1 b" t) b( V' C4 W
二。对b)处的“分担”不好理解。8 o6 \6 X2 o4 G- t, _
- c) y: t( c4 y+ p0 Y' l8 R


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发表于 2009-7-29 22:09 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-30 09:36 | 只看该作者
引用第0楼keyou于2009-07-29 17:07发表的 ISO9001:2008之4.1条款注3之a)和b)理解 :
' E1 y% W  U3 a& `* |一。对a)处的“能力”不好理解,还不如去掉;& g7 A0 Z, G& N, {7 j, W: `  j. w
二。对b)处的“分担”不好理解。) M( M2 |9 ^9 @# @
请体系上的高手指教。% A! T8 Z3 Z. E. V# m! Q0 Q
楼主:! t: Y& R. a$ G6 I6 F& ^
“外包过程对组织提供满足要求的产品的能力的潜在影响”是指:外包过程所包含的风险,以及供方能否满足外包过程各项要求的胜任能力来确定,这里的能力是:胜任能力+ A$ z  I: z- T3 A

( |- s* T, |6 v: U- G ”对外包过程控制的分担程度”是指:对控制的分担程度批量检验还是全数检验
) |# P$ ]% h7 p9 z6 ~/ v/ v! d3 i* p 这个控制的性质要根据外包过程,在其他各项事物中的重要性来确定。
2 _1 h! P; N, O% T, k: q  o, [
, a# s% k( N+ G. Y$ ]7 j# _ISO 9001:2000标准第4.1条a和b款理解:% h: ~; N  Z$ f+ t9 o
各种外包过程会和组织自己质量管理体系中的其他过程发生相互的作用(这些其他过程可能是组织自己执行的,也可能本身也是外包的),这些过程的相互作用也必需加以管理2 d0 N0 A) P2 i/ w) p8 z

5 a) b! ^! B) @' C1 G6 R! H9 l1 H 以上为个人观点,如果不对,请指正!
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-30 13:55 | 只看该作者
引用第2楼sinmk于2009-07-30 09:36发表的  :. d/ m4 h9 ]2 _: u# N

$ d5 B3 S, }, d楼主:) a- ^3 ~6 L- D% k( ]- r
“外包过程对组织提供满足要求的产品的能力的潜在影响”是指:外包过程所包含的风险,以及供方能否满足外包过程各项要求的胜任能力来确定,这里的能力是:胜任能力  C. K+ R, B& z4 `
8 q* q% H0 E# w! G3 y& Y6 M
  I+ O7 D* |" J0 p; S% S.......
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-30 13:55 | 只看该作者
引用第1楼pikaqiu于2009-07-29 22:09发表的  :
$ A' o0 p" ~9 q1 w0 t( V, z  E' B如果在组织内部,可以通过质量体系来确保组织自身提供满足要求的产品的能力。但是外包了一部分产品实现过程,这些过程不能够受到组织质量体系的控制,如何来展现组织仍然具有同样的能力
发表于 2009-7-30 15:45 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼keyou于2009-07-30 13:55发表的  :
2 i* \9 ]& d* ?1 Z7 g. o# l  Y# F& E- {! Z
% {! n. x2 v  x. l这里的分担是指对外包过程的分担,那么全数检验和批检验?就是分担中最常见的形式!
* V  s0 z8 G" \, d% N! w' N: r/ v这是2000版的,我重新把08版标准看了遍,下面我来说说2008版的指导文章:
2 E" \* F4 I" ~. {& N+ J根据标准(有的翻译不过来,英文水平有限,有的翻译不对的,请凉解)
+ i( s' e) B1 i2 `* A
" ?4 W6 N3 {6 k9 Y- `# R' EIn conjunction with the publication of the International Standard ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TC 176/SC 2 has published a number of guidance modules:
! S- O- [& l% j, u/ h+ \& y' Q9 ^" {7 P5 F2 M% V. }  z+ m
配合ISO 9001:2008国际标准的发布,ISO/TC 176/SC 2 已经颁布了一系列指导文章如下:- ?. ]& ?. s' e. f/ d. w' _# f
ISO 9000 Introduction and Support Package: % P9 |) P! T, h. Z
Guidance on 'Outsourced Processes'
3 e  F1 f0 _& C  MISO 9000系列标准指导和支持文件包“外包过程的指导”" z: o# _8 x/ ?' G! E; V6 Z

0 F) s, \1 a1 e: ^2 B  g" } C Corrie  For the BSI Secretariat of   ISO/TC 176/SC 23 J4 O$ a" f) z7 V2 g# s
# n0 [* L& y9 U5 Y2 g* L
1) Introduction引言9 }8 p$ b" X' M" m8 Q. A6 t
8 `! c; K" h4 ?& b
The aim of this document is to provide guidance on the intent of ISO 9001:2008 clause 4.1, regarding the control of outsourced processes.
  u, Z! T) X% b: c, K9 x/ x# A/ c& l) Y: c1 \2 ~
    本文的目的是针对标准ISO 9001:2008第4.1条中有关外包过程控制的意图提供指导。
) a4 ]9 H0 Y. K2 Q6 A3 ^% x) B* G$ X# s0 R, ]) c7 j
ISO 9001:2008 clause 4.1 states: 标准第4.1条要求:9 m' y. u* o, U, v5 Z

: r: U0 q, U( x$ g& O( Y“Where an organization chooses to outsource any process that affects product conformity to requirements, the organization shall ensure control over such processes. The type and extent of control to be applied to these outsourced processes shall be defined within the quality management system.
% i8 \. k1 P8 h) m' G. z5 a8 I" |: B3 W2 n! D" _
3 X0 U* t9 R7 ]7 F7 \. h# y9 b( _: cNOTE 1 Processes needed for the quality management system referred to above include processes for management activities, provision of resources, product realization and measurement, analysis and improvement.
) y4 b( C5 }: V6 `4 n6 K+ ]% F1 G5 t5 _! i  d: b6 @1 h
: n6 m4 Y9 q* Q0 w( u9 ~* oNOTE 2   An “outsourced process” is a process that the organization needs for its quality management system and which the organization chooses to have performed by an external party.
4 X& d3 B: g7 z  Y5 W- A
# y; F3 T, j" H8 e" I" L      注2: “外包过程”是组织质量管理体系所必需的,而组织选择由外部合伙者来执行的过程。
, H: q- R! B+ ]6 X/ R
$ o; t( @- a' }/ u3 ^' h6 i) |. v: N: |NOTE 3  Ensuring control over outsourced processes does not absolve the organization of the responsibility of conformity to all customer, statutory and regulatory requirements. The type and extent of control to be applied to the outsourced process may be influenced by factors such as: ) r5 z; F: |2 @1 l% Y% }. L

! d% y8 [* q$ Y: _( S% U      注3:确保对外包过程的控制不能免除组织对所有顾客、法令和法规要求符合性的责任。对外包过程所使用的控制类型和程度有可能受到如下因素的影响:1 Y  X2 h0 u4 _" m8 `) W
/ T$ ~- v/ y9 }" E* Z; R
a) the potential impact of the outsourced process on the organization’s capability to provide product that conforms to requirements;
# P4 {1 W. [% \' O# j1 }/ Q1 c
1 ^1 Q% v. c; c2 B3 u2 {      外包过程对组织提供符合各项要求产品能力的潜在的影响;
3 w9 i1 D& f3 k
; u2 h# v' Y$ H/ G: Gb) the degree to which the control for the process is shared;
5 h) K! S6 z) r7 F: V0 n2 p' o  j- U8 S% x- q. K
% G4 `: i% t3 @: }: W' v
# p7 t: ^4 x3 v2 \c) the capability of achieving the necessary control through the application of clause 7.4.”. e+ w& e, I1 Q8 @' b

' B& k: G4 \: N8 F5 t  R   通过7.4条应用来达到必要的控制能力。3 k2 c( G( P  h; V

3 |5 h8 T9 ]6 n4 {1 \) K8 D2) Guidance 指导5 F* `! j( K+ a
$ o( k* D8 O1 ]# m6 K4 X: Z7 ]
2.1) What is an “outsourced process”?% v) |( J2 c  v/ f4 c& x" K
       什么是“外包过程(outsourced process)”?$ f4 c2 }- E  p
3 d/ A4 b" c# ?+ y' v
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the verb “outsource” as “to obtain….. by contract from a source outside the organization or area; to contract (work) out”
) k# M& `* A8 v1 W, G! k# z  o+ h- m, z6 k* j/ ]! L
. ^! Q. A! S. h" X' A
" L& O2 V4 r! u& nAs now defined in ISO 9001:2008 Sub clause 4.1 NOTE 2, an “outsourced process” is a process that the organization needs for its quality management system and which the organization chooses to have performed by an external party.* u% Z. p) |# ]* q

/ c! S: g6 t& Y6 Z! Z4 v+ v      现在正如标准ISO 9001:2008第4.1条注2 中所说,“外包过程”是指对组织的质量管理体系来说必需要有的,但是,组织选择由某一个外部的当事人来执行的过程。
5 [: [' S% F" Z4 d5 F* o) T5 R: E5 }9 C1 g; _
Note: ISO 9000:2005 clause 3.4.1 defines “process” as “set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs”.
5 i, y* [( b/ i7 n
) a7 E0 N0 x4 i8 r; |      注:ISO9000:2005标准第3.4.1条对“过程”的定义是,“一组将输入转化为输出的相互关联或相互作用的活动”。
& }1 n1 U9 O: F  `7 h# b% \2 d7 i& C4 Z5 b( C
An outsourced process can be performed by a supplier that is totally independent from the organization, or which is part of the same parent organization (e.g. a separate department or division that is not subject to the same quality management system). It may be provided within the physical premises or work environment of the organization, at an independent site, or in some other manner.
  b$ J3 y8 p! u  D" U) M: G9 C: O4 D: t6 U/ H
2 C: \% A( A8 T7 F$ ]+ [+ @- B/ _& t# k
2.2) Intent of Clause 4.1
9 ]  z) S9 l/ K        标准第4.1条的意图
' n; ~2 D3 [. F( v
* c) _# d. [4 AThe intent of Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001:2008 is to emphasize that when an organization chooses to outsource (either permanently or temporarily) a process that affects product conformity with requirements (see ISO 9001:2008 clause 7.2.1), it can not simply ignore this process, nor exclude it from the quality management system.
& [# {1 W3 i  x5 W8 O
+ M9 y' r; ^( b5 D8 T! N) K9 l      ISO 9001:2008标准第4.1条的意图是强调,当组织选定把某一个过程,这个过程对产品质量要求的符合性(见ISO 9001:2008标准第7.2.1条)是有影响的,外包出去(不管是长久的还是临时的),那就不能简单忽视这个过程,也不能把这个过程从质量管理体系中加以剪裁掉。: X/ w  a6 h: J  ~* M$ x

  q( Z' Q* Z5 e0 b* p2 ZThe organization has to demonstrate that it exercises sufficient control to ensure that this process is performed according to the relevant requirements of ISO 9001:2008, and any other requirements of the organization’s quality management system. The nature of this control will depend on the importance of the outsourced process, the risk involved, and the competence of the supplier to meet the process requirements. 6 C, W: G5 W( i* q

# N5 U2 e, v5 b& e0 Z% s! Z      组织不得不展示他们实施了充分的控制,确保这个过程是按照ISO 9001:2008标准有关要求,以及质量管理体系提出的其他任何要求在执行的。这个控制的性质要根据外包过程的重要性,所包含的风险,以及供方能否满足过程各项要求的胜任能力来确定。 8 Y: e" [% G- J; q
1 y. B! F. P2 K5 Z/ z
Based on the nature of the control, it should consider the processes referred to quality management system for management activities, provision of resources, product realization and measurement, analysis and improvement. The outsourced organization does not necessarily have to have a certified Quality Management System, but it has to demonstrate the capability of the previously mentioned processes.5 B2 j7 E! x- V0 I
% A9 g' F5 n6 n: i$ a8 S4 Q6 r' g
! J; X; P) @3 y, POutsourced processes will interact with other processes from the organization's quality management system (these other processes may be carried out by the organization itself, or may themselves be outsourced processes). These interactions also need to be managed (see ISO 9001:2008 clause 4.1 (a) and (b)).
6 w7 \" `! |! o8 @. n
5 D; n9 l- G+ E) }6 ]' c  _0 _      各种外包过程会和组织自己质量管理体系中的其他过程发生相互的作用(这些其他过程可能是组织自己执行的,也可能本身也是外包的),这些过程的相互作用也必需加以管理(见ISO 9001:2008标准第4.1条a和b款)。2 X$ l9 M9 \5 M8 F8 w5 U/ g
2.3 Control of outsourced processes
" E8 e, e5 o/ j       对外包过程的控制3 g0 b7 C" ~+ c% T' \: m
  w: I% {7 k/ ^4 z( z3 x. e
2.3.1) The acquisition of outsourced processes will normally be subject to the capability of achieving the necessary control through the application of requirements of both ISO 9001:2008 clause 7.4 (Purchasing) and clause 4.1 (General Requirements) # v" t' L! `0 }# d& [# y4 d
) a$ F% i5 J& N* L4 H2 z/ q
      外包过程的获得,通常要同时通过ISO 9001:2008标准第7.4条《采购》和第4.1条《质量管理体系总的要求》两条要求的应用,主观上具有能力来达到必要的控制。1 Q: B3 D2 ]# `4 K

( t1 V# v. {; Z* f* d3 E4 a( IAs mentioned in the Note, in some situations, the organization might not “purchase” the outsourced process in the traditional sense; it might, for example, receive the service from a corporate head office or from another division within a group of organizations, without any monetary transaction taking place (see 2.1 above). Under these circumstances, however, ISO 9001:2008 Clauses 7.4 and 4.1 are still applicable.9 ~1 G9 r$ S: ]7 m2 \

9 ]6 c; d; Q& B% f, q     正如注中所说的,在某些情况下,组织所“采购”的有可能不是传统意义的外包过程。也许是,譬如说,正如本文第2.1条提到的,可能从集团公司总部的办公室,或者从集团组织中另外一个事业部得到服务,根本没有发生什么财务方面的交易。但是,在这样的情况下, ISO9001:2008标准第7.4条和第4.1条仍然应该适用。; `3 S  B% g3 ^$ n. K

" B! p5 M( H) a7 [& t' f2.3.2) There are two situations that frequently need to be considered when deciding the appropriate level of control of an outsourced process:/ S* O5 L' n- P/ D: d: z+ }
/ A9 d( S8 T8 O; V( r4 L2 S
      当对某一个外包过程确定采取什么恰当的控制水平的时候,有两种情况常常必须加以考虑:5 M; n5 B# C- r$ O" h3 n
4 R& h0 d& ]/ [* w0 L4 X. G8 ?$ _& ]
a) When an organization has the competence and ability to carry out a process, but chooses to outsource that process (for commercial or other reasons).
  `8 g: Q' g$ Q2 \( N( T- P
. @4 ~; ^; g. M$ _0 Q' s3 O       如果组织具有胜任能力,也能执行某一过程,但是,(由于商务或者其他的原因)选择作为外包过程。   + U. r# b7 O( C

1 `* ?3 L7 J" j6 Q  W$ a3 `% FIn this situation the process control criteria should already have been defined, and can be transposed into requirements for the supplier of the outsourced process, if necessary.
0 S0 N+ Z  y7 u8 _# X% O1 V% |
- s) b8 v! c: l7 Y8 a      在这种情况下,对过程控制所用的判别准则按理应该已经定义好了。如果有必要的话,就能把它转化成对承担该外包过程的供方的要求。
+ Y# M, A$ l. A/ i0 M5 g0 D' K: @' u
b) When the organization does not have the competence to carry out the process itself, and chooses to outsource it.
& a( x- F# \6 q( d5 Q. }% _( M0 l5 @; R  Z
* C) n4 G3 K# J/ {$ m     A1 `$ d* _' i) E, u
In this situation the organization has to ensure that the controls proposed by the supplier of the outsourced process are adequate. In some cases it may be necessary to involve external specialists in making this evaluation.& x1 `# {0 {* b* y  q! L1 S

1 q6 q: d' ]" |      在这种情况下,组织不得不确保,由执行外包过程供方所提出的各种控制是充分的。在某些情况下,对供方执行评估的时候,也许有必要请外单位的专家参加。; {3 k( u) I6 F% \5 |6 j( {6 h
' }: f' R' q/ Q
2.3.3) It may be convenient, or even necessary, to define some or all of the methods to be used for control of the outsourced processes in a contract between the organization and the supplier. The potential impact of the outsourced process is based on the outsourcing’s capability to provide product that conforms to requirements. Care should be taken, however, not to inhibit the supplier from proposing innovations to the outsourced process. 1 B$ ?& v2 z% G+ W1 W7 h

- g8 N! ?% M4 _( Y      在组织和供方之间签订的合同中,针对外包过程明确规定某些控制方法,或者规定所有要加以采用的控制方法,这样做法也许是方便的,甚至是必要的。外包过程潜在的影响是根据外包提供符合各项要求产品的能力。但是,这时应当小心,不要妨碍供方对外包过程所提出的创新建议。
5 j7 y$ q5 S4 L4 q' v, U% D) y6 K5 J) ?' w/ h) W
The organization’s control of the outsourced process has to be based on the need for product conformity to requirements. ) ?$ e/ I5 P" Q- Z9 d
; m7 g5 e4 U/ p# t
" `# `, j" P4 r, q$ `* a: z- {
6 I& V- J8 d+ }" PEnsuring control over outsourced processes does not absolve the organization of the responsibility of conformity to all customer, statutory and regulatory requirements.   q, e1 I+ P( \4 ^& O: E+ E

" h8 U# z" X5 F3 b, W      确保对外包过程的控制不能免除组织对顾客、法令和法规所有要求符合性的责任。
, k& W2 m; T! T: x' {  q: B
! \: @! o  z  S' O  V# u% @/ D2.3.4) In some situations it might not be possible to verify the output from the outsourced process by subsequent monitoring or measurement. In these cases, the organization needs to ensure that the control over the outsourced process includes process validation in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 clause 7.5.2., D' Z! Z9 n, l7 @: t: y9 P/ M% h  _
3 P5 y8 P9 J* d
  i' r4 T$ a3 h' m3 m( G
  _: Y" w6 F! m9 g2 I1 A2 v1 y4 ~& e7 B 注:红色字为翻译,英文为原08版标准指导。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-30 16:35 | 只看该作者
引用第5楼sinmk于2009-07-30 15:45发表的  :9 k9 X7 d9 `2 o3 Y
8 ^( q6 N: K; |9 ]) h
楼主你的理解是怎样的呢?3 p4 F* v2 c/ G
这里的分担是指对外包过程的分担,那么全数检验和批检验?就是分担中最常见的形式!6 `: S1 ]. S! Q- Z, q, k, Y0 u
这是2000版的,我重新把08版标准看了遍,下面我来说说2008版的指导文章:  g* m5 A' u" c) w/ R, t# [+ I
根据标准(有的翻译不过来,英文水平有限,有的翻译不对的,请凉解)6 v3 T; o* R! C8 G* f1 y- D1 p6 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-30 17:22 | 只看该作者
sinmk:# ]3 d" g* N, B0 V! W
发表于 2009-7-31 09:51 | 只看该作者
引用第6楼keyou于2009-07-30 16:35发表的  :
: j+ b* r7 T( |  w& L  _, r4 L( ]9 G# D" w# e0 X" b

) U, c2 u4 C" L: H; g( |) |/ p* z 不错,你要说的重点是控制,  S% ]" h$ x+ H7 o5 H
8 n$ e1 D# a& t1 U* g! X; H/ K, m
+ Q8 S1 m7 a2 p' y1 Y) Z 以上为个人观点!
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-31 10:13 | 只看该作者
经仔细研读,理解如下:0 w" i0 N. v; ?; ]* L: |
ISO9001:2008中注3中的a)对应指导中的2.3.3);) p' i4 F7 z6 M
0 [7 }% p7 u0 a- L- `ISO9001:2008中注3中的c)对应指导中的2.3.1)。0 }/ {2 r- k) k" z) O5 D5 @
, H, ~% r: X/ a0 K
另,sinmk你的翻译功力已相当好,但关于ISO9001:2008,建议你直接使用等同采用的GB/T19001—2008;配合ISO 9001:2008国际标准发布一系列指导文章是否有中文版?9 M9 `* B: y1 Z9 e$ ^
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