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[UL认证] UL工厂检查问题,小弟又来了,请各位多多支持,谢谢

发表于 2010-4-9 10:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
各位大栳:/ ^' a( z0 k! ]3 ~% {0 `+ K
    小弟实在是菜菜鸟,没办法,硬着头皮做这个UL认证,有几个问题询问:3 N  G) R$ x; `- z! J
   1 小弟是做电脑产品的,我们是丝印到机箱上去,可是UL工程师在报告关键件表内上把标签写成印& Q9 B2 v5 d. D1 A* C
刷品,还有材质,我已经找了UL工程师,没有回复我,在做的过程中我都没有提供标签,而且样品也是# q$ k0 g2 H5 u4 S4 X: N
丝印标签,像这种情况我能要求把标签换过来吗?因马上要做初始工厂检查,所以很急。3 b7 y& ^% ^/ q7 A6 x
   2  小弟今天收到一份随报告一起寄来的纸档,名为《Follow-Up Service Procedure 》我看里面也没啥内容,听说在秦初次工厂检查时候,会有个文件,是否就是这个?
  s2 `% n2 h9 e9 {/ r: O8 U   3 UL厂检具体会关注哪些内容?(小细节,哪些容易被开VN)

# X- a: q; `8 D9 q7 z( F: @6 ~, n+ @+ a* P& d' r
发表于 2010-4-9 10:51 | 只看该作者
1、需要标签有相关UL认证的材质做的。; M3 r# t* U% M: s3 @! S6 }( u; g: [
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-9 10:57 | 只看该作者
引用第1楼wwnw_007于2010-04-09 10:51发表的  :3 ]2 g4 k6 l7 k8 I4 B3 X
1、需要标签有相关UL认证的材质做的。9 H- t5 D5 o3 l5 ~' X

- [1 z, x1 n0 p6 t. x这是UL工程师的失误,他们按照常规,就把标签写成材质做的
" |" k1 T5 N( ^* l* f& V4 B/ M: u0 \( v  J% ]( t, ~% \
发表于 2010-4-9 11:46 | 只看该作者
I can tell you step by step:! K; q; |& u- E" b: t7 N, Z/ r* D
For the question 1: you can contact with the UL engineer to reconfirm this question, but I suggest you to see the FUS procedure(which you said Follow up service procedure) first, see the specified description about the marking to clarify if the printed Label can be used, by the way if you use the printed label, the provider of your label must be approved under the UL PGAA and PGDQ2 or PGJI2。3 h! J5 F9 Z$ f, _2 m
For the question 2: Yes,you are right, the FUS procedure is the documents which will be used by the UL FR during the IPI(intial product inspection). But as you said, the procedure has not so much content, I guess the FUS procedure you received is not a complete one, so pls contact the UL engineer to reconfirm this issue. Perhaps, if you can apply for the UL myhome procedure, you can see the latest electronic version of the FUS procedure. that will be better.9 F* V0 |4 L8 _% Z# B2 x
For the Question 3:you must focus on the following:
  p% g+ a  E. `" oa: the marking, VN is very easy to be issued on this section
# A' j5 {' z# bb: the critical components: before the IPI, you can check the components' description step by step, and check if there is any question.
  g' h( ?. H  x* N4 k3 ]7 Rc: do not ship out any products with the UL mark before the IPI, cause it's very serious, if you do in this way, a very serious VN will be issued, and nobody can help you...
/ @: B0 y8 X7 R3 [4 R) wd: check the test section of the FUS procedure, and make sure that your testing procedure is right and the test equipments are calibrated correctly.. ~) D2 [8 c2 g  P0 h% G$ {
e: finally, if VN was really found, don't dispute with the UL FR, just to find out solutions to solve this issue and ..... you know, the left thing is none of the specified work, just how to correctly communicate with the UL FR.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-13 16:04 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-13 19:45 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-14 14:32 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼Andy.Yang于2010-04-09 11:46发表的  :
5 B+ X2 @) W! kI can tell you step by step:
0 ?' k$ X2 s6 Z" k+ g( O! {$ D. ^' vFor the question 1: you can contact with the UL engineer to reconfirm this question, but I suggest you to see the FUS procedure(which you said Follow up service procedure) first, see the specified description about the marking to clarify if the printed Label can be used, by the way if you use the printed label, the provider of your label must be approved under the UL PGAA and PGDQ2 or PGJI2。
$ @4 F& J6 \1 S4 M2 m0 G# }. h( j/ TFor the question 2: Yes,you are right, the FUS procedure is the documents which will be used by the UL FR during the IPI(intial product inspection). But as you said, the procedure has not so much content, I guess the FUS procedure you received is not a complete one, so pls contact the UL engineer to reconfirm this issue. Perhaps, if you can apply for the UL myhome procedure, you can see the latest electronic version of the FUS procedure. that will be better.4 Z; |! o4 ^& m" |" o- i% u
For the Question 3:you must focus on the following:
" ]( G" t$ g+ ^a: the marking, VN is very easy to be issued on this section7 |% K6 v5 u, [, S( p5 b( L
发表于 2010-12-2 10:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-12-2 17:11 | 只看该作者
Dear Andy,- B# A. G5 }3 x. t/ c0 c
% K% U8 f. ^  \" ~& w* y: ]
Could you please give me you contact methods?
8 k' z2 w- q- V  ?' W" u5 r# T+ \1 e7 f  b
I am hoping ...
* `: Q1 g" P, M) U5 r+ K/ U
3 }; J; G. q0 {! d2 I/ R( pBest regards!
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