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发表于 2007-5-29 14:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我觉得有必要将NVLAP和A2LA认可的实验室贴出来,如果有遗漏,请在下面跟贴。。。* |8 j7 A6 w1 {% R, N$ V+ V
/ Z9 X& M: T; Q) x& |
1. AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.               Shenzhen           EMC     NVLAP: [' W3 j6 v- `( B5 ?' D. g3 j
) Q) C& W4 D3 y% i
2. Audix Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                 Shanghai           EMC     NVLAP9 j7 r: I. q8 m( h
5 U$ S- `  H$ f/ F0 l! x7 [

. M" S) O) k  L- D2 V( Z3. Compliance Certification Services Inc.                 Shenzhen           EMC    NVLAP
9 }' e5 N$ {) D0 Q5 Z6 C' J) a7 x7 Z$ K+ n8 V) M+ D7 F
4. Compliance Certification Services Inc.                 Kunshan           EMC     NVLAP
8 M) o. L5 k- Z4 \* M0 v, c; D4 I
8 n! W2 p5 }, c/ T) q' e9 L0 Z; O$ s% Y2 Q) s) G
5. Quitek Corp.                                                               Shanghai           EMC    NVLAP$ w; b; G6 G  p1 F
( q: d8 g& `( m5 R) k" U
* X9 |: d  B4 f) @: }, b( w
6. SGS-CSTC EMC Lab.                                              Guangzhou         EMC    NVLAP
: ~+ l* {% L3 Z7 v; U; Y6 r2 x* w
( }) [7 ^2 t; O+ Y% c8 F% d/ S# _+ I- l: d, W, f
7. CQST/CNEX Efficiency of Electric Motors             Nanyang         Efficiency of Electric Motors   t0 u' P+ B5 M8 [  H1 z
                                                                                                                    NVLAP+ j2 o6 |; g3 b

- [$ V3 r, b+ @3 H8. Shanghai Testing & Inspection Institu                   Shanghai       Efficiency of Electric Motors9 q9 \4 K6 g$ F
7 @6 h8 _3 O  f
; R& X- j4 f% R' _9. GECP Asia Technology Center Laboratory           Shanghai         Lighting   NVLAP
/ @' R4 _4 p6 Z# j" R( C5 O
) a. V9 \0 h2 m5 u6 b' l$ T! _; B/ l# r8 D* p$ Z7 `
10. Intertek Testing Services                                         Hong Kong       Lighting  NVLAP
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-29 16:35 | 只看该作者
将DS1983的FCC观点再看了一次,感觉仍有参考价值。。。& z; Q0 N# p! L. W

3 N, ?- y5 i3 ~, ~2 d- P现将DS1983的观点贴出:(方便以后参考)
8 @4 w0 ^4 N( j: J0 H* N& [$ Y) l" ]5 K
FCC(Federal Communications Commission 美国联邦通讯委员会),是美国管理国家无线电资源的官方机构,类似中国的无线电管理委员会,它除了管理国家无线电资源,同时管制进入美国市场销售的电子产品其电磁干扰是否在限制范围内。FCC是美国强制认证。
. ], \  h9 V9 e" h5 Z7 w& o, VFCC规定,工作频率在9k赫兹以上的电子电器产品,须做FCC认证。 $ ?! C/ Z$ }) H" e* Z
. ]* \- m; _+ t: u) @
FCC认证分为三种,Certification,Doc,Verification,可以理解为FCC对于不同产品管制程度有不同: $ d$ I  p8 Z( g$ }$ H
: P5 I) Q! |) p6 A$ P9 X
1、Certification: 具有无线电发射装置的产品,必须做FCC Certifiction(红外线发射装置不在管制范围)
, z; Q% M! G2 B5 s$ s' MFCC 2.948 list 实验室测试可以进行测试,报告由FCC或者TCB出。
0 i- G8 G# j/ z4 v  A' n/ ^/ ^( O; y# M9 }+ y. P" V
5 P  S! d7 W  n! o) ?& W5 D6 k; G
2、DoC: 常见的产品包括IT产品、微波炉、节能灯、镇流器等。& X/ c( j. F9 Z6 N4 {
DOC是符合性宣告的缩写(Declaration of Conformity)
, Z0 W; M4 |/ t3 T" MFCC Accreditied实验室可以出DOC报告。% Y4 P, ^  r! Y+ p' T8 u

3 O, Q+ b4 h8 Z8 ~7 O! A# C请注意:做DOC的产品也可以申请ID,即也可以做Certification。 / W1 U4 K4 n- o1 ]# o0 d. t
7 y! B8 _4 x4 R" L, k
3、Verification:常见的产品包括音视频产品。0 ?; g' T9 `4 g- J5 h; r
FCC 2.948 list 的实验室可以出VOC报告。
, {  T+ G6 C5 U" E" U" j! _
  u% y& E; `: c3 u6 Z
: y" X/ j$ K: l对于NVLAP和A2LA认可实验室出FCC DOC的资质问题:
! t1 X  c5 t+ n
& O$ c6 y) @! ]# _5 }NOTICE: This search permits the user to find a test laboratory which is authorized by the FCC to perform compliance testing for the public. 2.948 Listed test labs may perform the testing required for Certification under Parts 15 and 18. Accredited test labs may perform both Certification testing under Parts 15 and 18 and Declaration of Conformity testing.
% ^; S& V% d( B, T1 U- J4 d! J1 ]
/ C' ?' y4 c. n4 t) _9 J9 M网址是https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/o ... /TestFirmSearch.cfm
% u8 G- R) T, b/ u- kFCC提到accreditied实验室而不是NVLAP,A2LA实验室。所有accreditied实验室可以在该网页查到。NVLAP,A2LA实验室认可就相当于中国的CNAL,CNAS等等,只是对试验场地的认可,并不代表FCC官方。举个例子,在中国,是所有经过CNAL认可的实验室都可以测试CCC吗? 5 a$ G3 y/ H4 }. O* I; U
8 E5 v/ s" @# g  o至于我的话的真伪,你可以自己去www.fcc.gov/lab上询问FCC官方,看他的回答是不是和我一样(FCC就是这么回答的我)
8 b! ?% ]& i, c5 y6 V% W1 @
5 L( ]" G6 Y, P0 [我们提到的NVLAP实验室当然就是指通过NVLAP认可的实验室,NVLAP全称是national voluntary laboratary accreditied program。同理A2LA也是指的经过A2LA认可的实验室。当然不是说NVLAP和A2LA官方,他们只是民间机构。
$ n7 ~+ q7 s9 t7 h! G对于这些经过NVLAP,A2LA认可的实验室,他们并不具备测试DOC的能力,除非他们被FCC官方认可为accreditied实验室。比如中国大陆有8家EMC的NVLAP实验室,你自己去www.fcc.gov/labhelp问FCC官方去问这8家实验室可不可以发DOC?不要去问那8家实验室,他们当然说可以发。
9 s* E+ _3 \. {% h3 T4 qFCC说70%从中国签发的FCC证书都是违规的,只不过FCC没有追究罢了。不过听说以后FCC要加强管理了。
4 [. `+ V) t& E1 O  b" L记住,只要中美没有MRA,中国大陆就不可能有能发DOC的实验室,不管他是美国来的实验室还是欧洲来的,除非他拿到国外去测。
" i" ]! [! `5 d8 ?: t
/ A" N4 O8 Y, L# p9 F& G有一点是可以确定的了,中国没有有资质可以发FCC DOC的实验室。
  N5 H7 H" A5 `3 q7 K
1 R) L$ @' m3 @: u( ~: u. n. _6 ]: v
9 a- J0 K* u6 j
[s:3]  [s:3]
发表于 2007-5-29 18:51 | 只看该作者
7 ?0 _# @$ }0 b" }7 F+ wEMC:http://ts.nist.gov/Standards/scopes/ect.htm
# v! P' p. S8 ?: J6 Q3 z7 V, Q1 C7 u9 G& ^% [- _0 K1 \2 O$ q! p
CHINA : `, V* a# G0 a+ y! H0 U
6 Y! [7 B+ J: Q! s
AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057, CHINA [200372- 0]
4 w4 \0 L$ [/ z3 P: l: G7 Q/ g
: }: {. ], D$ ^7 K8 UAudix Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200233, CHINA [200371- 0]3 m3 {1 U0 H5 `) Y4 s2 b

% q" h2 }0 n7 g; u2 d! q9 lBay Area Compliance Laboratory Corp. (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, Guangdong, CHINA [200707- 0]& Q7 m4 |* g; s5 ~/ {
9 u) G/ [1 ^* _4 i, k
Compliance Certification Services (Shenzhen) Inc., Baoan District, Shenzhen 518110, CHINA [200577- 0]
8 Q% m. [* ~2 Z* d0 x7 {
6 V8 t" Z* u4 LCompliance Certification Services (KunShan) Inc., Kunshan city, Jiangsu 215300, CHINA [200581- 0]
+ {/ }$ C% B/ e2 n! f6 T
  R4 f6 i1 B, E1 @" A1 ~8 O  ZFoxconn HuaNan EMC Measurement Center, Shenzhen, CHINA [200769- 0]
# F' U9 J8 F' n. Q% q; a* f
. p; Y( C7 u* s, q& l' zQuieTek Suzhou Laboratory, Suzhou, ZIP: 215006, CHINA [200743- 0]
" y8 S; u9 f* t% y, X9 @) ?8 ~8 w9 i& t; Z. p" G  B" ^" [+ p' }
SGS-CSTC EMC Lab (Guangzhou), Guangzhou, Guangdong 510663, CHINA [200611- 0]3 [$ I( W6 [; U& i

7 T! P: }/ r; R& Z, p- v3 MShanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology EMC Lab, Shanghai City, CHINA [200632- 0]
  O# @7 c3 E# K4 z, g9 V) j. Q" }. g) q. C
Efficiency of Electric Motors:http://ts.nist.gov/Standards/scopes/eemot.htm4 s8 L9 H9 k/ N3 Q" E

" P3 c$ C9 y4 v8 m# Y* i
5 h) V- }; V. @% t$ g0 \' `. LCHINA
. w( c- O% e' ?0 y4 m
% z& v/ j/ ^  Y1 I. aCQST/CNEX Efficiency of Electric Motors, 473008 Nanyang, Henan, CHINA [200609- 0]
5 \2 H0 {8 t1 c" a' P, X8 o, d) B# o4 n2 x# ~- L1 I9 K( O
Shanghai Testing & Inspection Institute for Electrical Equipment, Shanghai 200063, CHINA [200407- 0]
4 [) n, w: g, Y, D8 \! M1 m( k1 S# u
Energy Efficient Lighting :http://ts.nist.gov/Standards/scopes/eelit.htm& S9 e: M$ D/ e; E5 s
% _0 N( [0 x6 Y, W0 J
( \7 W3 c4 f0 N
, b# l$ f$ F' Q3 wAurora International Testing Laboratory, Shanghai, Shanghai, CHINA [200763- 0]
+ o- h2 {5 U5 i  E- M. ?1 ]
7 }' ~# i2 c; |' N) P1 d( i) CAUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057, CHINA [200372- 0]5 t' B' s5 k5 b" V. B
# F5 G0 M* L+ A  O1 V
Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corp. (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, Guangdong, CHINA [200707- 0]
  b9 K! W$ o+ t' u/ ?( `+ K  t, e1 \% ~% F$ F- M: S
Best Test Service (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Nanshan District , Shenzhen, 518057, CHINA [200770- 0]8 J; D3 `, _+ D; G
( I: h* l/ F& m* j3 k2 g! k
GECP Asia Technology Center Laboratory, Pudong Area, Shanghai 201203, CHINA [200660- 0]
. s% P0 |( ~$ k% f) i5 y- o  p) V& C3 v' _: x, M2 e
Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd., Hong Kong, CHINA [200631- 0]
" v& U! b9 J3 [2 K! y; |) i5 E& s) c" ]. h5 l( W% p) q
National Lighting Test Center (NLTC), Beijing, CHINA [200720- 0]
# \0 E$ \. [& I, T* R. k1 M% L7 W8 [' Z! H! e! r
发表于 2007-6-5 02:04 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-6-5 22:53 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼cindy于2007-06-05 02:04发表的  :6 b1 o. f( u; ]# p7 T4 Z( n7 n! N
6 o2 b2 i4 k2 d. Y6 gBay Area Compliance Laboratory Corp. (Shenzhen),
发表于 2007-6-6 13:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-11 14:26 | 只看该作者
提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-11 16:45 | 只看该作者
引用第6楼songhang于2007-06-11 14:26发表的  :
; s" C. [% e2 d$ Kbarry, 有空在深入聊一下。或者]
" k; Q+ \" L% D* j& |" F% g$ s
呵呵,上班时可上不了MSN,家里的电脑MSN也登录不了(不知道是什么原因,就是登不上去)6 i+ G9 \6 Z, H( T. d% ~0 Y- p

" ?, ^4 O4 g$ T还是在论坛多讨论吧。。。
$ I: n9 q0 B5 C: n! Y$ z; R' L# K! p
* m$ j' S2 b1 M# E期待你发表多多的见解,或为大家解答EMC方面的问题。。。
发表于 2007-6-22 09:54 | 只看该作者
barry :
  V' c/ Y" D4 I6 N( T: b4 Z4 ~+ V
! }/ H4 w1 A( \# A( w( L我想有些问题没搞清楚。
/ k& E( i, d) F7 X- rFCC认可的test lab,就是基于Nvlap和A2LA认可的test lab,提到的网址打不开;* ?9 q3 @! o. Y
MRA的定义,如果China和USA有MRA,那么CNAS的实验室也可以做FCC DOC测试了,而Nvlap/A2LA本身就是USA的,跟MRA没关系;3 E& O: |/ W! S; O
, Z& K8 X3 U: X2 CDOC证书的地址当然要写美国的地址,因为签DOC的responsible party就是在美国的生产商或代理商,和test lab没关系,DOC测试报告只是DOC的一部分。
! J+ _8 _$ V& Y- w很期望能把询问和FCC的官方回答都贴出来看看。
发表于 2007-6-22 12:14 | 只看该作者
FCC 2.948 list 实验室和 Accreditied 实验室的网址请参考 https://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/TestFirmSearch.cfm   上面说的很清楚5 n0 l; |  t3 j
, z6 z- R" l% L0 Y: u
NOTICE: This search permits the user to find a test laboratory which is authorized by the FCC to perform compliance testing for the public. 2.948 Listed test labs may perform the testing required for Certification under Parts 15 and 18. Accredited test labs may perform both Certification testing under Parts 15 and 18 and Declaration of Conformity testing.
( a6 M6 q  S8 b3 D1 i/ Q  d  i) q( Y
搜一下中国的就知道中国有没有可以测DOC的Accreditied实验室了。) w7 @8 \8 E2 t' [6 g- c

0 _, Q2 |7 v) ^& s" g对FCC关于是否中国大陆可以测DOC的咨询,本来不想公开的,但是既然有人询问,就要拿出证据。如下:2 d( ~# h1 O3 y3 Q! T6 J* A
+ z8 S: D' t  X
Q:I understand FCC list(2.948) lab can execute testing under part15 and part18,and a NVLAP or A2LA lab under FCC''s accreditied can execute testing under part15 and part18 and issue DoC report,right?And whether China have NO ONE accreditied lab in main land?Is it true?I can''t searched anyone in www.fcc.gov about China''s accreditied laboratory." T5 h) z1 z1 _8 h0 V! I  }; V, I

" A, c; ^1 B6 V# mA:Regarding the question about accredited labs in China, please note that a lab may become accredited by meeting a standard but must also be recognized by the the FCC in order to test products for the US market.  In order for a test lab or TCB to be recognized by the FCC, the FCC rules require that a government to government Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) be in place.  Since the US and China don't have an MRA in place there are no FCC recognized labs in China.5 X9 r0 R) ^, P/ L1 I
9 U7 Y" C$ R! s, R7 i
Q:Thanks for your reply,So No One lab can issue DoC in China?In case a TCB or NVLAP lab which headquarters in U.S.A but it have branch office and lab in China,then does it can issue DoC or FCC ID in China depend on its data tested in its china-lab?& \% T9 q  U/ ?% ?6 l/ L

6 `1 i$ {0 O4 {7 X" {0 ~' yA:In response to question TCB does not have it's own lab but has a contract to lease an accredited test site when testing in needed.With regard to issuing a DoC: a DoC test must be performed at an accredited test site that is recognized by the FCC.  Since there is not MRA between China and the US, the FCC can not recognize a test site in China and therefore DoC testing for the US market may not be done at a Chinese lab.
" u; S/ {' n. b0 g8 L+ FIn the case of the issuing of an FCCID the answer is more complex:  For devices operated under Part 15 or 18 the test site must be accredited or 2.948 listed.  A test site in China may be 2.948 listed.  For devices operated under other FCC rule parts an accredited or 2.948 listed site is not required.  In this case the TCB may issue an approval for a product as long as they are confident the test was performed properly.7 w( T: _: z- }$ z* f" o6 J
NVLAP is not a entity that is authorized to issue equipment authorizations.5 b0 I% D, B$ V% d! ]9 F4 l% g

2 {8 J0 w& z( T; S( gQ:And if a laboratory in China is a NVLAP or A2LA lab,but due to no MRA between U.S.A and China,then whether this NVLAP or A2LA lab can test part15&18 and issue DoC?; a/ r0 N. Z+ q4 J3 d
8 S3 e0 q7 a1 C
A:Even though a testing laboratory located in China is accredited by NVLAP or A2LA that cannot be recognized to perform testing in support of a FCC Declaration of Conformity.  There must be a mutual recognition agreement in place between in the United States and China for a testing laboratory in China to be recognized by the FCC.
( w/ t& B9 }" c# E: |3 `& d' ^$ O: \- b4 e( _; O4 p
以上是我和FCC的问答,如果各位不相信,可以自己登陆www.fcc.gov/labhelp 自己去问。
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