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[美洲产品] UL 60601-1 中对于塑胶材料需要球击试验?

发表于 2008-8-18 11:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
UL 60601-1 z中对于塑胶材料需要球击试验,为什么对于玻璃不需要考虑?
发表于 2008-8-18 11:50 | 只看该作者
你是否指 UL 60601-2003   55DV.4.3?$ n7 ?# d2 ]5 F; r! `/ a4 l$ `
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-18 13:36 | 只看该作者
对,是55 DV 4.3
# G3 {0 y4 I' g$ K( [" j2 @1 L标准是针对塑料材料,问UL工程师是考虑意外冲击,但为什么 玻璃就可以不考虑这种冲击呢?
发表于 2008-8-18 13:56 | 只看该作者
這個問題確實很有趣! 我也很想知道!
! y& S8 r4 c4 D& r; l: E  n  ^  K% I+ r
另有一個問題想請教,就是一個插頭式電源供應器,用於 Medical equipment, 所以要符合 UL 60601, 由於這個插頭是插在牆上,可否不考虑这种冲击呢?
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-18 15:30 | 只看该作者
插頭式電源供應器应该也是要考虑这种冲击的;我做过个手持式产品,当时UL工程师硬是让我在3个面都做了冲击试验  [s:87]9 u9 y5 r/ K. H; _
引用第3楼wongyatwah于2008-08-18 13:56发表的  :8 h: W" p5 Z/ U2 L* q
這個問題確實很有趣! 我也很想知道!
  E) Y: ?! e+ @* V( w1 G& u
8 g: r. @* |' k( @+ a; j1 w另有一個問題想請教,就是一個插頭式電源供應器,用於 Medical equipment, 所以要符合 UL 60601, 由於這個插頭是插在牆上,可否不考虑这种冲击呢?
发表于 2008-8-18 23:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-8-20 09:03 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-20 20:00 | 只看该作者
其实我是想找到标准仅仅针对塑料的由来    [s:87]  [s:87]
发表于 2008-10-5 21:49 | 只看该作者
It comes from UL 746C
/ ]: k6 @0 g4 f, g9 Q
+ `' s+ G& I6 \! Y" j& |& P7 ~$ d6 k6 L

7 z' I6 J( S! L- R& H9 E! K- d8 [55DV.4.1 In addition to the other requirements in this Standard, flammability, mechanical  I( W3 Y1 h' z4 b; K0 t5 F8 j
abuse and mold stress tests shall be conducted. Polymeric ENCLOSURES and covers shall
0 E5 u0 V6 E1 M6 ^2 P  Hcomply with the requirements for resistance to impact and drop as indicated below, and
) Q" A- q5 U% L) p3 d- U0 C( z$ nthe requirements for mold stress release distortion, in the Standard for Polymeric Materials+ R4 g7 q1 T" ]) S# E) ~
- Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C.
5 v1 u6 t, H0 a5 D# q# _! G% B6 j
( ]+ M' ^$ I2 i# E2 O1 _In UL 746C, the standards says3 \  r2 D$ i) T
* @0 |+ K1 ]' D6 y6 u6 N+ u  O
58.3 Each of three samples of the appliance shall be subjected to a single impact of the value shown in8 u& l5 A8 @& V& Z" g( v
Table 58.1 for the applicable equipment type, on any surface that can be exposed to a blow during! c* e7 p' p$ l; r5 T3 p
intended use. This impact is to be produced by dropping a steel sphere, 50.8 mm (2 inches) in diameter,2 R+ V: S  a( }  L
and weighing 0.535 kg (1 .I8 Ib) mass from the height necessary to produce the specified impact as shown
0 e% \& v! n2 L2 Win Figure 58.2. The steel sphere shall strike the surface in a location different from those in the other two
9 P7 @3 H% U/ uimpacts. For surfaces other than the top on an enclosure, either the sample could be supported on the8 {9 t4 e2 I+ l; S; K
side and subjected to the ball impact mentioned above, or the steel sphere is to be suspended by a cord
6 @' R3 |+ q; S. [and swung as a pendulum, dropping through the vertical distance necessary to cause it to strike the
/ @! |7 G: y/ ?$ M, psurface with the specified impact as shown in Figure 58.2. Three samples shall be employed for the tests
, `' h4 [8 ~# [! Sin the equipment restrained mode. However, if the manufacturer so elects, fewer samples may be used
$ F" Q  a( X" t1 F4 K+ k$ jin accordance with Figure 58.1. The overall performance is acceptable upon completion of any one of the
& A0 X: \( n1 v' W& D7 k: Xsequences represented in Figure 58.1.
发表于 2008-12-8 11:29 | 只看该作者
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