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[综合话题] 纽澳C-tick与A-tick标章自2012年7月起将由RCM标章取代

发表于 2011-11-10 13:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
澳洲通訊及媒體管理局(ACMC)根據2009年的公開討論做出一項原則性的決議,要將現有的多項符合性標章整合成( _: X2 ?  l6 [3 [0 m/ I+ h1 `
( U" Z  P) S* x標章)。
+ _0 ~+ _5 _( d! J6 E5 s) B7 l) p0 Z3 [# J0 p
根據ACMA最後的決議,自2012年7月1日起,所有ACMA的標章標示公告都會以RCM為符合各項適用法規要求的符合性0 Z3 `2 p, [* A, W1 \( B4 V5 }6 u7 v/ W* k
7 P7 E* V& Y  J
2 R8 @- |* a4 O8 E; C& A單一符合性標章的實施可減少標章的複雜性、節省了解或符合這些標章要求的時間,進而減輕產業界在認證流程上
( r& p/ t& j4 D) o的負擔,同時也可能藉此改善法規的要求。( t, n! J  @& L  u! _
9 c  T. b* y* |
配合RCM的實施,相關的無線電通訊、電信、電磁相容(EMC)與電磁輻射(EME, SAR)之符合性與標籤標示手冊
; `/ D3 Y' g2 i! \/ a6 S也將於稍後更新(請參考:http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD..PC/pc=PC_300427)。
, P* e0 O4 m& r) M, [& r5 ]/ V9 m/ X
關於RCM標章:RCM標章 = C-tick + 安規1 D' q6 ]. p, a$ T* Z' `7 t( r( R2 X
6 [9 R9 ~$ F6 t  _, A$ K, q+ e9 m符合AS/NZS 4417對於電氣安全的相關要求。AS/NZS 4417由下列各章節組成:
: t$ ^- N5 f$ x8 J: E3 ^$ G•    AS/NZS 4417.1 – 標章使用的一般規定
6 t7 U( X# n* J" V•    AS/NZS 4417.2 – 電氣安全之特定要求
& \' P: ^* k" O( T# Z+ T•    AS/NZS 4417.3 – 電磁相容之特定要求 . p% T6 y% U5 `  E1 b. {
•    AS/NZS 4417.4 – 無線電裝置之特定要求
& X' g5 ~8 Y4 e7 W: S& [' t* H; P" {, I8 h% R
$ M9 x( I0 B2 o! z; GRCM符合性標籤由RCM與廠商代碼(SCN)兩部份組成。
% L' W+ G  u3 P) i2 n6 P. L, D* w) F: {9 T$ M7 |+ [; R2 I

6 M# [2 R9 \$ ]+ tRCM 廠商代碼& [" @" C) S3 g
5 D" g" O0 e+ {; e- j$ W
說明:上例字首為N的廠商代碼為澳洲通訊及媒體管理局所核發,若由澳洲標準協會(SA)所核發者,則沒有字首N6 e5 D  W9 E% v9 C+ D" U
,而只有數字部份而已。! v. |3 }9 R, i( J  G
% T& L! E# S& F2 Q' }* _, x2 G

& p- R* c& Y  T2 d! `* t- B- y. w- k8 C1 c4 r+ ]
Australia & New Zealand’s C-tick and A-tick marks will be replaced with RCM mark in July 2012    2011 November 86 F9 j' k7 }$ {# l$ b# c
2 y1 u8 T+ I% u4 S( y. n1 I
Following a public discussion period in 2009, the ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) has made an in-principle- V/ N6 [! k% O$ h+ l
decision to consolidate the existing compliance marks into a single consolidated compliance mark (the RCM, Regulatory Compliance Mark)
, R, K. R5 ]$ c% }4 i7 h+ Ocovering telecommunications, radiocommunications, EMC and EME technical requirements.4 h0 K! p) n+ I7 D: O

% Y1 h! P& `- F5 f3 lSubject to final ACMA approval, from 1 July 2012 all ACMA Labelling Notices will specify the RCM as the compliance mark to indicate) v9 L* a2 o* N. u" O0 u3 L2 x
compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. The A-tick and C-tick will be phased out over a period of three years. Devices already% R. E; n% Z( j! H4 D6 t( I# c
labelled with the A-Tick or C-Tick at the end of the transition period will not be required to be relabelled.
" `7 W9 P# a4 i0 ~
* O5 W2 ]7 g( `1 \3 vThe implementation of a consolidated compliance mark will lessen some industry administrative burdens by reducing the complexity of the, X1 E  M, ]9 \3 m
compliance marking arrangements and the time required to understand and meet those arrangements. Simpler marking arrangements
9 P6 p) u, g4 [+ o8 B& `should also increase the likelihood of compliance and so improve regulatory outcomes.4 t3 R4 x2 @5 I$ q$ d% x

9 Q3 \, c# ?% A7 L) S- xThe compliance & labeling booklets for Radiocommunications, Telecommunications, EMC and EME (SAR) will be revised later on as part  U4 x0 ?4 G* t) X8 G4 h# X
of the implementation of the RCM as the consolidated mark (Please refer to http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD..PC/pc=PC_300427).  y' X" p4 Q1 V8 w6 C' B! N: u0 a
) p' G/ g2 U' q
About RCM mark: RCM mark = C-tick + Safety
6 `* L& s" b, @Currently, RCM mark is an alternative mark to C-tick but is not an alternative mark to A-tick telecommunications compliance mark. If a
4 V# d2 o3 d. U7 R; j2 Fsupplier is labeling a product with the RCM mark, the supplier must comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 4417 (Electricity Safety).. S1 w* X4 K2 y2 ~$ H/ D) W( H
AS/NZS 4417 includes the following sections:
( D- g/ ~$ d& H% Y5 `•    AS/NZS 4417.1 – general rules for use of the mark . _9 F" ^' ~7 }! l  V# l# T) z: j
•    AS/NZS 4417.2 – specific requirements for electrical safety regulatory applications - P) a8 A; j' p4 g( X
•    AS/NZS 4417.3 – specific requirements for electromagnetic compatibility regulatory applications
8 I" n- ]1 w- _9 Q•    AS/NZS 4417.4 – specific requirements for radio apparatus regulatory applications7 D0 Y$ L! r# W: v+ u- P2 V

& F$ ?3 ?* H: w$ \& s, _6 pRCM compliance label
. _" Y3 K- e) q* J6 t( BThe RCM compliance label consists of the RCM and the supplier code number (SCN).+ i4 \* P5 C4 K. p) b7 S

8 f& A2 @. w$ \0 k $ ?* S' E! j4 c4 {
RCM SCN7 @8 S7 l: Q4 n+ t

% N& T+ A$ m. }7 gNote: the SCN with an N prefix, showed in the example above, is issued by the ACMA. Those issued by Standards Australia do not use an0 E  g% d$ `' _" d8 R
N prefix and will therefore be just numbers.
发表于 2011-11-10 13:14 | 只看该作者
非常感谢,那是否意味着以后去澳洲的产品只要有RCM就可以了,RCM代表安全和EMC ?
发表于 2011-11-10 13:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-10 13:57 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-11 15:34 | 只看该作者
LZ, 请问下这样理解可以吗?
7 C8 J4 [) a$ \8 r( _% h/ [1. 在2012-7之后申请澳洲和新西兰认证都必须申请RCM的认证,且加贴RCM认证标签
8 P- Y  x3 s! a; B. _* R2. 在2012-7之前所有的申请维持C-tick,A-tick 不变,只要产品未有变更,可以一直走A&C-Tick的标签, F; ?: K2 n% Y
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